How long does this terrible fatigue last ? Menopause .

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Need some light at the end of this very dark tunnel!

Been fatigued exhausted for 2 months now no matter how much sleep or how well I sleep just NEVER feel awake ! 

Dizzy faint and just an overall feeling of being sick when I know I’m not .

So please only positive answers ! Please tell me this doesn’t go on forever ! I can’t stand it ! No life !!!!!!

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Are you Peri or post menopausal? And may I ask your age? 

    I am 51 and been post menopausal for almost 3 years and honestly until the last 8-9 months I felt fine but the last 6 months I have had the overwhelming fatigue and I never feel awake either. I feel nauseous all the time and just never feel well. 

    I really believe if the drs and I can ever get my HRT dosage adjusted correctly for me that these symptoms would go away. I just don’t know why it’s sonahtd to get them right. 

    Also, hot flashes and night sweats are horrendous. 

    So please if you find something that actually helps please share with us all. 

    I have to believe there has to be a light at the end of this horrible tunnel. There has to be; I just haven’t found it yet. 

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      Sorry. That should have said almost “2” years. Not 3 but it feels like 5
    • Posted

      HI could I ask what HRT you are on, I am still having tiredness and hot flushes, joint aches, now 58, never been on HRT , tired patches but felt no difference, how long have you been on it for, now trying Red clover ,day 2, and prozac week 7, it hasn't help yet, also have fibromyalgia, which is a pain ,

    • Posted

      That's the best way I've heard it described vivian79482 "you just never feel well". I'm nearly eight years postmenopausal(last period November 2010)but had NO symptoms until 2014. Been struggling off and on since then. I'll have a week where I'll feel normal then weeks where I think I'm dying or going insane.


    • Posted

      Since starting with anything that might help my menopause symptoms in October 2017, I have been on Brisdelle, Effexor (horrible), Prempro, Premaring, OTC Estroven, all kinds of other OTC menopause pills and supplements including Black Cohosh, FemmeBalance, and others. 

      I have been on Extradiol patches (would not stay on).

      Currently I am on Minivelle patches 0.1 mg which is the highest dose and I take Prometrium 200mg daily. I cannot get any relieve. I feel horrid all the time. 

      I actually went back to gyn this morning and she said there wasn't anything else they could do to help me. She did agree to call me in a combipatch to try but said she didn't think my insurance will cover it. She also suggested Wellbutrin so I guess I'll give that a try. I am just so frustrated.  

      Also, I take multiple other supplements that I've read might help but I don't get any help from any of them. 

      I take Vit. E, Magnesium, Vit B6, Vit C. I have taken in the past Vit D and potassiuim but I honestly don't think any of them work but a lot of them tear my stomach up even if I eat first. I do take Inositol which is a B vitamin that is supposed to help with restless legs and help with insomnia but I can't see any help with it either.

    • Posted

      Hi Juanita - I was encouraged when I read your post - I had my final period in 2012 & really didn’t experience horrific symptoms until really these past 2 years.  When I told the hormone Dr that she said “well it must be something else causing this because you have been post menopausal 6 years”.  I just really wish there was a guidebook to this craziness we have to endure -  I am so at the end of my rope that I went hoping I could be put on HRT, but she said @ 61, I am too old 😏

    • Posted

      Yeah, that doctor is full of c*ap. Some women have such a high level of estrogen it takes a while for it to drop low enough to experience menopause symptoms.  And never tell a menopausal woman "it must be something else" we are full of health anxiety as it is!!!!  But I'm glad I could offer you some encouragement. (((((hugs)))))

  • Posted

    Hi Lori, perimeno causes your immune system to drop and what you’re experiencing might be CFS from EBV. Although it just might be crashing fatigue. It’s different for everyone. Whatever, it’s awful feeling sick everyday, I know. My absolute worse was about 6 months, then it started easing up, no fatigue but the flu feeling persisted. I’m two years into it and now I’m a 7 where I used to be a 0. I’m hoping that when my period finally stops my hormones will settle down and I’ll feel better again. 

    So do everything you can to support and boost your immune system. So important. Google foods and supplements that will do this. And I think I was worse than I should’ve been because I let anxiety consume me for so long. Keep that in check and maybe you’ll soon be over it. 


  • Posted

    Hi Lori

    I'm sure it depends on the individual but in my case I can say it doesn't last forever. I've been without hormones really for 30 years but the last 6 months I think my body/brain couldn't keep going. I've been on HRT for 3 months and my fatigue is much better so there is hope. The only thing I'd say is to check other things too.... I was exhausted due to hormones but my thyroid went underactive and I was anaemic without knowing. Not sure if all of that has been checked for you but if not it's worth doing because they can all be part of the endocrine system. I know this whole thing sucks, but you will get through it, and there will be improvement... Just in the meantime be kind to yourself and just try to go with it. I know it's hard but it's gonna take all your positivity to come out the other side. Feel better x

    • Posted

      I just had all my blood done ... a bit low on b12 and need more salt in my diet but apart from that I’m super healthy . Got one more test to take for cortisol and Lyme disease just to be sure  but definitely think it’s all hormones ! 

      Im on bhrt just 2 weeks now which I was told isn’t that great as it confuses the hormones and they need to adjust naturally but I don’t care .... watching the weeks months pass by me and at almost 52 want to make the most of every day ! 

    • Posted

      That's good Lori, just a few more tests now and it will rule out anything else. At least you'll know what you're dealing with then. If it's any comfort, I had my results today and after 3 months on bioidenticals, I am now the same as a pre menopausal woman and so it will come.... Just very sloooowly. Still got a way to go to balance the testosterone but there's hope. I know it feels like you'll never be well, but you will. They say that by 3 months, the levels will be at their optimum so you'll need to check again and then you can discuss any changes to the dose. It really is tough at the start, but a few weeks and you should start to get some relief xxx

  • Posted

    I hear you.  My fatigue and anxiety come and goes.  There are times that I feel like doing things and then there are times where I'm tired often.  The only thing I can do is take it day by day and do what 'they' say that helps.. healthy eating, water, exercise, supplements and pray that it doesn't last long.  I hate feeling like I've partied all night or am on drugs.  Every now and then I do PUSH myself to do something-- like going to the mall with the kids for a few hours!!  I was OK doing this (I think my mind was distracted) BUT the next day I was exhausted!!

    • Posted

      Another thing I can't stand is having feet like a 90 yr old.  They ache all the time which could be hormone related.

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      When I get up in the morning all the bones in my feet crack and I’m hobbling in to the bathroom. So stiff and painful. If I make it to 90 I can’t imagine what they’ll feel like !

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