How long should I give sertraline?
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Sertraline for extreme anxiety. One week at 25mg, five weeks at 50mg, 4 days at 75mg. Very small positive impact so far. I have the option of continuing with Sertraline and upping the dose to 100mg in two weeks time or tapering off and swapping to pregabalin. Anyone got any views on what I shou;d do?
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UK-Rose john54486
Hello John, I think if your starting to see some positive changes with Sertraline, and can see it's becoming a growing benefit more than a negative at least with side effects, then maybe continue onto the 100mg for 2weeks if you feel ready and review after that?? Why stop and change meds just yet, if your already noticing a small positive benefit on your current dosage?? Iv also read good reviews about the pregbabalin aswell... maybe someone whos taken both of these can offer you more advice than I can... but Im sure you'll make the right decision, just a pain we have to give these things time to work, an not have the immediate effects we hope for.
Good Luck!!
kerry56645 john54486
For me Sertraline has been fantastic, I've been taking it nearly 1 year I've felt my best in the past 3 months but noticed improvements from 4 weeks and started on 50mg increased to 100 after 4 weeks then upped to 125 8 weeks after, the correct dose for me is 125mg. Your dose doesn't seem to be very settled so you could still be suffering side effects and also not quite reached your correct dose . I would personally get to a dose where you stop having the anxiety and normal side effects associated with increased dose, sickness increased anxiety then give it a good few months to settle and start working for you. Unfortunately it's not a quick process feeling better kind of creeps up on you then all of a sudden notice how good you feel. Good luck x
dawn0904 john54486
maria19434 dawn0904
Thanks for sharing your experience Dawn. I'm on week 2.5 at 50mg and still feeling pretty low and totally unmotivated even to get out of bed. If I know it's another couple of weeks for some improvement then I can carry on but God it's tough going x
dawn0904 maria19434
maria19434 dawn0904
I've been on it for just over 2 weeks ~ 2 weeks and 3 days. The total desolation that I was feeling before is lifting slightly but I'm definitely not where I want to be with it. ... I don't want to see anyone, go anywhere or do anything and it's a horrible feeling. Any advise gratefully received x
dawn0904 maria19434
UK-Rose maria19434
Hello Maria...
Iv not eally got much advice to offer at the moment, but just wanted to let you know your not on your own. Im currently at 2wks 5days on 50mg and have found it tough going the last couple of days... but hang in there, hopefully well see some benefits soon 🌹
maria19434 dawn0904
maria19434 UK-Rose
Thank you Rose ~ Yes hanging in there is what I'm doing at the moment. Hugs ~it's good to know we're in the same boat x