How long till I stop HRT?
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Hi ladies,
Just need some advice as I get conflicting information off the doctors at my surgery!
Ive been weaning myself off my low dose HRT. Im now on my third month of having a pill every other day. I was considering stopping altogether when I get to the end of this packet. Would this be too abrupt to stop and if so how long do I give it before I finish the HRT?
My doctor said I should stay on a pill every other day for a good few months. I have to stop sometime just dont know when?
Help please.
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loretta63638 elle127
How long have you been on them? Are you on the lowest dose? I was on the highest dose and I cut my pill in half 2 weeks ago, generally it takes about a month to see if you have any returning symptoms, so I will wait until then see how I feel, if ok, I will cut my pill in half again, every other day wait a month, if ok, split the other day in half, wait a month, if ok, start taking a day away every month there after until I am down to one quarter pill a month, then stop. If I have any symptoms I cannot handle I will go back to the previous dose and wait awhile and and give it a try. I got this advice from a fellow poster and I think it is best to go slow and steady for the least chance of any problems. I have been taking it for 6 years. Let me know how you are. Best to all of us HRT weaners! I will find a way to stay on it as long as prescribed if I am unsuccessful, quality of life for me!!
Good Luck!
elle127 loretta63638
Ive been on the low dose HRT for 3 yrs now. I have to stop due to my fibroids. Only symptom ive noticed is low mood usually 2 wks before a peroid. My recent period was very light and only lasted 2 days. They seem to be getting shorter and lighter now. Hope they stop soon!
loretta63638 elle127
elle127 loretta63638
jayneejay elle127
You say every other day ?
This term can be confusing when weaning.
If it was me, i would instead, if taking every day, in beginning, then take every two days, for two weeks to a month, then every 3 days for 2 to 3 weeks, then every 4 days for one to 2 weeks
Until your down to one a week then stop.
( rough guide and depends on what type you take)
Taking every other day never really reduces steadily, ( if every other day is every two days)
I did this way as i describe with another med and worked well for me ..
Hormones though will take time for body to adust again and find its natural rythem
Jay x
loretta63638 jayneejay
Did you wean yourself off of HRT?
jayneejay loretta63638
no it was a different Medication as explained, but weaning must be done gradually with anything..
No i did not take HRT Loretta, I am post meno now, job done 😊
Good luck
elle127 jayneejay
Thanks for your advice. Yes I am currently taking every other day i.e. take one day then miss the next day and so on. I will now miss out 2 days then take a tablet and do that for a few weeks and see how I go then if all ok I will reduce further.
I've had so much conflicting advice and one doctor just told me to stop when my next period starts!
My only peri symptoms so far is low mood and I have put on weight. I'm currently taking multi vitamins (including the B vits) and Starflower. I'm going to try St John's Wort for my mood as I really don't want to go back on antidepressants again. I've been free of them for 3 years while on the HRT.
Really must shift this excess weight and Xmas hasn't helped any :-( any suggestions?
Elaine x
elle127 jayneejay
jayneejay elle127
hope it goes well for you for hun..
just curious .. How did you find Prempak C ?
( not that I want it or anything ) just curious because of what type of Hormone it is ( equine)
jay x
elle127 jayneejay
Just need to find something for my weight and mood but hoping St John's Wort will help.
Happy New Year everyone :-)
loretta63638 jayneejay
jayneejay elle127
you may find when you wean off that the weight you mention will go too.
B6 helps peri weight gain and mood and anxiety.. Been brill for me ..
Happy New Year to you too
big hugs
jay x
loretta63638 jayneejay
How much of the B6 vitamins do you suggest? Is that the only B Vitamin you take? I was thinking of vitamin supplements to help me wean from HRT also! Happy New Year to you as well Elaine and wish you success in your weaning process too!
elle127 jayneejay
Jay....I assume my multivits including the iron will suffice? Must admit since taking them I've not felt as tired before a period :-)
jayneejay loretta63638
i take 150mg B6 daily along with other vits and supplements, after a ten year natural peri lots of research i found what works for me personally.
i am post meno now age 50
good luck
jay x
elle127 jayneejay
I just posted on Angela's thread. I'm on a multivit 1.4mg B6 and 2.5mg B12 but feel fine on them so far. Don't feel the need to increase as yet. I'm 50 and hoping to stop my periods soon!! Although if I go by what Mum went though I will be in my mid 50's!!