How long to lose bhrt weight after coming off hormones ??

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just had the biggest shock of my life after coming from drs ! weighed me and im 174lbs !!! that is from 110lbs !!! i thought maybe 140 150 but thats way too much . ive been off them now 2 months and have not ever been over 130 in my life . how long does it take ? i barely eat as i have mono so makes no sense ... stupid hormones !!!

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    WOW!!! That's how much I weigh.. It's tough I know-- My clothes are extremely tight. I've read that many people have success on certain diets-- even women in their 50's.Do some research, pick an eating plan and try it out for a few weeks.

  • Posted

    i was putting alot of weight on specially round my belly i am now on the cambridge one to one diet have lost 21lbs in 5 weeks this has eased my meno although anxiety still there but trying to cope in my own way when i socialise

    • Posted

      That is awesome!!! 21lbs in 5 weeks?With me, it's difficult to stay on target. But will keep trying!!

  • Posted

    its not calorie weight as i have mono and barely eat ... no appetite but when i do its minimal fruit veg and thats it !

    i figure it took me 4 months to put the weight on so maybe 4 months to get it off . its just not healthy and my blood pressure always good .. last few times high . never going on hormones again !

  • Posted

    Hi Lori

    I didnt put on any weight with hrt or bhrt but it may have been that I was starting to get more active at the time, so was just lucky. Think it's quite common with meno in general to gain weight around the middle. Could be you're not eating enough, doesn't sound like you are eating much with the mono. Maybe do a bit of research on diets that help mono, maybe something that helps inflammation but the biggest thing I think it to be as active as you can be. Dont worry, it'll come off xx

    • Posted

      yes im eating VERY healthy always have .. and its hard as i have to rest alot so only short walks for me and other than that its lying on the bed all day .

      normally when i dont work out for a while i actually lose weight . its soooo uncomfortable for me . hopefully it goes down soon as hormones get out of my system. ill take ANY meno symptom over this fat body !

    • Posted

      Aww bless you Lori, don't worry about it. You've been so poorly, so at least you feel a bit better.... And anyway, more to love I say! 😊

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      aww thanks sassy ! yes its getting me down on top of everything else ..64lbs! when you go from a totally ripped body to a big fat cellulite blob its depressing . im sick of wearing the same leggings and i just feel so ashamed .

    • Posted

      Hey, at least you can say you had a ripped body Lori, I was born fluffy with the only thing close to ripping being the seams of my trousers 😂 these days I'm fitter than I was and look better for it.... If my clothes are on! Xx

    • Posted

      .... And never be ashamed Lori, you've been through a war! Xx

    • Posted

      ha! well your personality is a 10 id rather have a good laugh with somebody that isnt quite perfect than be bored with a supermodel!

      its also the mind... my workouts set my head straight ... kept me happy and yes boy have i had it rough . only for this forum and i think it was you that mentioned ebv with cfs id probably still think it was all hormones !

  • Posted

    Mono can cause thyroid problems. It mostly causes it to go low and if yours is low that is more than likely whats causing all your weight gain and if it is thyroid weight gain it can seem almost impossible to lose no matter what you do.

    • Posted

      no just had full blood panel its fine... all the hormones !

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