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how many ladies in this group has spells of face boiling hot and ears on fire?? i cant find a trigger comes out of nowhere last hours causes BP to raise and in turn causes anxiety to come upon me. its a horrible scary thing this cant be normal my friend is through all this already and she takes these spells. is this a drop in estrogen or something i cant deal with this makes me think stroke or something. and if they are any women thats dealing with this what have you found that helps? its getting to be a daily thing now use to come and go every so often now its everyday. im having a spell of it right now so here i am laying here praying to God and took a hydroxyzine that doesn't really do anything.
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staci88515 pamela2016
I don't get a hot face and ears, but I get it in the center of my chest and the back of my arms. It is a scary feels and causes me to have anxiety. It seems to go through cycles too. I was good for a while, but it just came back this week. My eyes have also gotten blurry this week more so than normal. It is all so scary. xo
Gypsy014 staci88515
Hi Staci for me me and I know a bunch of our symptoms are very similar, but for me whenever my vision becomes more blurry than usual a migraine is usually on its way or has just passed.. Thats an aura for sure,
staci88515 Gypsy014
You think? But, it's all day (or several days). It isn't short like the flashing lights. I also just had my typical menstrual migraine (without aura) just a few days ago. Also, I haven't had hot flashes for a while, but they are back past few days. I thought it had to do with my hormone levels. I read that pregnant women often have blurry vision. It is all so confusing.
Rainbow976 staci88515
Where are you in your cycle? I get the blurry vision after ovulation and soon before menstruation. I think it's estrogen lowering or progesterone high in relation to eestrogen.
Earlier this year I tried low dose natural progesterone days 14-28, I had to stop because my vision was too blurry to function.
staci88515 Rainbow976
I just had my period three days ago. I also forgot to mention when replying to Gypsy that when I first started Googling hormones and blurry vision, I found an unexpected source of information. I found several posts by transgender people. Males who were taking female hormones to transition were complaining of blurry vision. That is another reason why I thought it was a hormone imbalance causing the blurriness.
pamela2016 staci88515
i deal with the blurry eyes too all this scares me i just want to feel normal again and these horrible spells and symptoms to stop
Gypsy014 staci88515
well with me my auras tend to last a few good days right before my migraine I will get really blurry vision very dizzy and numb head then I will get the full headache right before it strikes whichever side its going to be on, either directly above my right eye, or else in my left temple, then it just feels like I have the flu with the real bad nausea , then the migraine.. Once the intense pain passes ( several hours) then I'm left with what they call the migraine hangover still very blurry vision feels like I can't think straight very forgetful like I will forget what I'm doing in the middle of doing it.. And the off balance feels like my body is leaning to one side .. And still headachy for a few days after, 3 days to be exact.. Then all that lifts and I feel like I can think again and function, this happens every month 1st week of month and middle if the month like clock work.. Its like have a really bad case of the flu for a week straight 2xs a month because when it hits I really can't do much for that week, you should see me have to dash out to the store to get something I'm out of that I really need , my hat sunglasses and the shopping cart to hold me up all my saving grace, then back to bed ..any other day that using migraine related I push on thru my day its hard but it doesn't knock me down and out like migraine week with aura does!!
staci88515 Gypsy014
I can relate to all of that, Gypsy. The only difference is I only get a migraine during my period. When I have a menstrual migraine, I don't get the other symptoms. When I have the other symptoms, I don't get a migraine. Could it be any more confusing??!! Seriously, someone in the medical community needs to study women's health and provide us with some answers!
staci88515 pamela2016
Me too, Pamela! xo
Gypsy014 staci88515
yes super confusing indeed! Um guessing mine would be menstrual and ovulation migraines as well, but since I only have my ovaries and nothing else there really is no way for me to tell except that this all happens at the same exact times every month 2 x a month almost to the day... My aunt says these times were the absolute worst times of a womans life and nobody ever warned her and when she asked any females family wise in her life nobody would discuss it with her they all avoided the subject .. But she says I will get through this I have to be strong.
staci88515 Gypsy014
I don't want to be strong. I want to crawl up in a ball and cry.
pamela2016 staci88515
so do i my mind and body is tired and drained fighting and dealing with all this
Gypsy014 pamela2016
Hi Pamela sounds like that is your body having a hot flash.. I do believe everyone has their own form of hot flashes, for you must be hot face and ears and no sweating.,
pamela2016 Gypsy014
thats what i always thought but its getting more frequent and raises my BP and im on BP meds i cant take this no more
Gypsy014 pamela2016
I use to get really red in the face too after eating something I always thought that was me having a flash triggered by something I ate.. Also it felt like a hand choking me like my head was going to pop off, I think that too was some kind of blood pressure feeling.. But I haven't had the red face anymore because I've changed what I eat , and with the feeling of pressure around my neck I still do get that but really can't relate that with blood pressure as I have very low blood pressure with a very slow heart rate almost to where I keep checking to make sure I'm still beating, but for sure I feel all this sinus pressure stuff badly..
But also even though my pressure is low I will get that very intense hard thump heart rate beat in my ear every month its a hard thump very slow beat very intense all very awful