How many have ocular migraine
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how many have ocular migraines? and how often do you have them? i had one last week when my cycle was ending now here i am ending ovulation week and my eyes doing that zig zag colorful crap in my vision for 30 min now my eyes and top if my head is starting to hurt. this scares me so bad i need an eye exam but money has been tight cant afford it right now. im scared of these ive never had this in my life til going through this change can hormones cause these? please someone answer me kinda fast im freaking out
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staci88515 pamela2016
I have them. I had three within days of each other a year and a half ago. I had another 3 months ago. They terrify me. I am sorry you have them too. xo
rebecca94858 pamela2016
I have them too. I have had two different sets of them but they were several months apart. The last round, I had them every day for 6 days during ovulation time. Sometimes I would have 2 a day. They scare me every time. I have not had any for several months. I am hoping they are gone for good.
pamela2016 rebecca94858
i had two this evening thats new i usually just one. even after its over my eyes seems distorted mit focused and just feels funny its so scary
mirna58979 pamela2016
Hi Pamela,
I have headaches but not migraines but I've heard so many women saying migraines are so common.
If you are in any income support or anything related your eye test should be free and if you aren't it costs £35 with everything. They check out your eyesight as well as proper check being your eyes for anything malicious or not right....
pls don't worry,I'm sure all is well but hormones can do 'funny' things to our bodies...
I've had a horrible eye pain a year ago and headaches and I was convinced I've got a brain tumour lol . Made an appointment to see an optician and they did thorough tests . It turned out i just needed reading glasses as my eyes were very strained.
I was so relieved....
I hope you get it sorted and all the best xxx😘😘
jenni70 pamela2016
I experience these. I have a long history of headaches and migraines, but my first ocular/headache with aura was around age 30. I had just finished playing racquetball and got the aura while driving home. I was scared that I was having a stroke, laid down when I got home & the headache came. I've since learned to take pain medication at the first onset of the aura (which usually lasts around 20-30 mins) & I can catch the headache from turning into a bad one/migraine. I can get them while looking at computer screen, reading a book in sunshine, or just about anytime, but often there's a light issue that will prompt it (likely the white walls of the racquet court). I'm now 49, so this style of migraine has been a part of my life now for nearly 20 years. Since I've experienced hormone changes, I have noticed similar mini episodes of the aura without the full on headache - more the visual aura issues in little spurts. I believe these are hormone related issues, even though it feels neurological. As always, best to get professional advice about your personal symptoms, but I suspect you can count this as a peri-menopausal issue. My auras make it difficult to see when they're happening, and then it's like a wiggly watery mirage that grows larger until it moves to the outer edge of my eyesight. I have also had vitreous detachments in bot of my eyes which gives me the white or orange bolts of light, lots of floaters, and some weird eyelid drooping of one eye that comes and goes (resolved for now). So far I'm still kicking so I suspect these are all the amazing changes that I can add to my list of "weird and not so wonderful" peri-menopause symptoms (that not many people I know have!). I hope you feel calmed a bit by this - I know others who have these types of auras with headaches or ocular migraines (they are similar). I think this time can produce the weirdest systemic symptoms 😦
pamela2016 jenni70
yes exactly like you just said in my vision colorful zig zag and it grows outward in my while vision 20-30 min then the headache comes, the past few times i start chewing Tylenol while the visual is going on and it don't hurt as bad but still get a headache. my head still hurts slightly this morning i hope i dont have another. i read visual migraine effects both eyes, ocular migraine effects one eye something about the retina. mine effects both eyes hard to see when its happening. i started doing this back in September when my symptoms and periods started changing more. i went from dec to now and had nit one now two within a week. i pray these go away they
jenni70 pamela2016
Ugh, 1-2 a week is rough...I suspect this will subside in time, perhaps to come back at a later date, but hopefully it will ease off for good. I've heard that migraines can subside after youre fully in menopause...time will tell but let's keep our fingers crossed.
I've been finding that certain nasty or weird symptoms have a way of popping up again after going away for a few months or even a year or more. I've been at this for the past 9, almost 10 years so I feel like symptoms rotate and next go around I'm not as scared of them (though I'm going through a bad spell again right now & do get spooked still).
I feel like I recognize your name and think you've been on here a long time, like myself, or else we've had some similar symptoms in the past & I've read your posts & thought, "oh thank goodness someone else knows what I'm experiencing!" I'm trying to think of what triggers you can maybe avoid, other than the obvious bright lights, screens, bright sunshine reflecting off stuff...perhaps staying well hydrated, trying to get decent hours of sleep, avoiding salt/sugar etc., and making sure you're eating fairly regularly. obviously watch your migraine/headache triggers, stress, muscle aches, eye strain & so on. It's always a bit of a merry go round of symptoms, so hopefully this symptom will get off at the next stop for you! It's also always hard to abide by the "shoulds & shouldn'ts" with headaches & migraines because there are so many variables that bring them on that they're pretty challenging to manage. I hope this too shall pass, for you. Always been a favourite saying of mine and one I hang onto during this challenging time. Take care.
pamela2016 jenni70
thank you for replying these headaches are horrible, ive been on here for the past 5 years im 9 years and counting for the end of this nightmare. ive noticed symptoms cycle but each time they hit again is so much worse then the last time and that sends me in panic mode. early on i would get a migraine when cycle started never visual migraine, then none for years now back but visual migraine now
Gypsy014 pamela2016
Hi Pamela, ive been on here a million times with my bad migraines, so I'm not going to bore everyone, just wanted to say they are no fun they are hormone related and they really do scare you and make you feel like you could honestly be having a stroke or seizure, mine do cycle themselves all the time and can be a bit different every time.. you are not alone and just wanted to say when they return and start getting worse ( the calm before the storm) I heard you should be nearing the end of your long journey.. so crossing my fingers and praying for you that you indeed are closer to this all being over ❤
pamela2016 Gypsy014
thank you i sure hope so and yes they scare me thinking stroke or seizure, i pray they go away and not return. my head hurt lightly all day yesterday after one hit me the night before. my whole body seems haywire just horrible all this hormone stuff.
Gypsy014 pamela2016
your welcome! yeah they call that the migraine hangover .. those are bad to everything from confusion to numbness and time after a real bad migraine I remember pulling into the gas station parking lot ready to go inside and just sitting there so confused trying to remember why I was there and was very scary.. that happened after an episode where my migraine the night before I felt paralyzed during the actual 4 hour long attack I was having I couldn't move speak I wanted to but just couldn't so scary they call those hemiplegic migraines and im positive I was experiencing one.. these are awful times and literally have to take each symptom as they come, and when we come out of this and we will, boy are we going to be living our best lives..