How many people here have strange BM everyday day

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How many people have loosish or small worm like motions or small pieces sometimes firm never one solid big piece.

Colonoscopy and endoscopy ruled out anything sinister. Gastro doctor said I most likely have Post infectious SBBO because of the semonella 7 months ago.

I do not have pain hardly ever lm on the fodmap diet and I'm still having weird movements. So at a loss and start thinking of us ir something else causing this

Frustrated sad

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    IBS causes change of bowel habit like what you have described.  Some people with IBS have different stools every day. Constant worry can change your bowel habits.  Try to forget about your bowel and accept your PI IBS.  IBS patients tend to worry a lot about their stools; this is very common. 

    Change of diet can alter your bowel habits too.  Your body may still be getting used to The Low Fodmap diet.  However, concentrate on the positives.  Your tests showed nothing sinister and Fodmap has helped to uncover food triggers.

  • Posted

    Hi Rhonda

    Exactly the same here!

    A typical bowel movement for me starts off as they should, solid and formed, but then end up being loose, very soft bitty pieces, that end up making the toilet bowel water murky. Mine also seem to be quite a bright (not light) brown colour. I do get the odd normal bowel movement, but even then I get what can only be described as a reddy, brown dye leaking from them when in the toilet bowl water. The gastroenterologist told me this was just bile leaking out.

    I've had colonoscopy and endoscopy 2 years ago, among a lot of other tests, and like you nothing sinister going on. I have been diagnosed with IBS due to my inconsistant bowel movements, bloating, burping, flatulence, abdominal gurgling, nausea and cramps. I'm probably going to have another colonoscopy after a bad bout of rectal bleeding in the last few weeks that also made me feel really ill at the time. Probably precautionary as I was given suppositories for heamorrhoids and the bleeding stopped just short of finishing the meds, and I haven't bled since. I did have quite bad constipation at the time as well.

    It would be nice to know why are stools are loose and bitty, does make me wonder as well!

    • Posted

      Have you had any bacterial infection? I certainly can relate to what you're saying.

      Are you on a low fodmap diet?

      Goodluck when you go back to the doctor.

      I'm just so over it but really just have to accept this is how I am.

    • Posted

      Constipation can cause haemorrhoids and fissures which can cause bleeding.  Have you tried a stool softener? Also try not to strain too much when going to the loo.  My stools are usually hard and come out in pieces and rarely come out in one bit.
    • Posted

      No I didn't have any bacterial infections. My problems started when I was prescribed Naproxen for back pain. At the same time, I was under a lot of physical and mental stress at work, and my stools had been dark, loose, tarry and very smelly, which from what I know is a sign of upper gastro bleeding. After 3 days of taking Naproxen I had the most intense pains in the top of my abdomen, just below my chest, that I've felt in my whole life, they really did hurt. The doctor told me to stop taking Naproxen, and prescribed me Omeprazole, and the pains went away. After a few days on Omeprazole my stools went back to normal, but my digestive system has never been the same since. I believe the Naproxen has done some irreversable damage to my digestive system.

      I am on the fodmap diet, it has helped, but I still experience varying degrees of digestive problems no matter what I eat.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the advice Pippa and I am more inclined that I had a fissure or bad haemorrhoid(s), although I dont normally need to worry about softening my stools, I'm usually between normal and loose, this bout of constipation was pretty much a one off, but if it happens again I will take your advice.

    • Posted

      I had a period of loose, urgent stools probably due to the stress of waiting for diagnosis for three and a half months in 2015.  When I was in this phase of bowel habit change, I had to avoid fruit to firm myself up.  Then I went back to constipation again and I had to go back on fibre.  IBS can be so unpredictable.

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