How many suffer with Hair loss
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I've always been told the hair loss in my eyebrows was alepecia as a result of stress
Since I've been diagnosed & had a lot of descussions with some suffers I've since found out a lot of my symptoms are in fact due to having HH
I've always suffered hair loss in my eyebrows from time to time over the last few years
But due to my past personal circumstances my GP put it down to stress
It's only now after reading about HH I've realised it's one of the symptoms
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haircrazydaisy Brummiegirl70
Yes, I have that symptom too. They don't grow back - do yours?
Brummiegirl70 haircrazydaisy
No 😓 so it would seem
It's so frustrating & embarrassing
It takes me ages in the mornings to do my make up because of my eyebrows
I have hair down to my bum
But thankfully it hasn't affected my hair so far
Though it is very coarse which my hair dresser pointed out the other day when had my ends trimmed
jan93765 Brummiegirl70
Brummiegirl70 jan93765
I had no idea either until today when I googled the illness
Sadly there's a lot of symptoms which each individual suffer
Just seems I've got all the known symptoms that's been listed
Though I do have a few incurable illnesses but all symptoms seem to be related to the HH
jan93765 Brummiegirl70
I was shocked when I first started reading into HH symptoms - everything from depression/anxiety to heart problems to I don't know what else... It's frustrating... you spend years getting treated for the individual symptoms only to finally find it's all related!
hemopatient123 Brummiegirl70
Brummiegirl70 hemopatient123
I'm so hoping mine does too as it's really stressing me out majorally to the extent I've looked into hair replacement on NHS as severally depressing me to the point it's making me paranoid now
js21073 Brummiegirl70
I lost significant hair - all over. Head, eyebrows, legs, arms, under arms and pubic area. My iron is now at a normal level and I have not noticed a significant re-growth. Some, but I am also taking both Biotin and Vitamin E. I have about a third less hair on my head than I used to and less than half what I did on my arms and legs. I have seen both my regular doctor and a dermatologist and neither could explain it other than "stress" It's been very frustrating.
Brummiegirl70 js21073
It really is frustrating but mainly embarrassing
I so far only suffer with my eyebrows with hair loss which I find very difficult to cope with
As being a main feature on your face & struggle getting them straight & even
All my symptoms have also been put down to stress though TBH I think now I've been with HH , I think a lot of it is due to the illness itself
I'm exactly the opposite everywhere else as have to keep up with hygiene so to speak
Who knows I find I have to do every day which I find strange in itself
I really hope they find some remedy or cure for all our symptoms soon as the illness itself is a lot to handle in itself :-(
I wish you all the very best & take my hat off to you all to have had to cope with it all x