How much flipping longer !
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Hello lovely girls, so so tired of all these miserable symptoms. Does anyone know if our immune symptoms suffer whilst suffering all this ? Ive had a flu like thing the week before last, and last week a horrid stomach bug so naturally I'm thinking dreadful things. Had loads of bloods the other week, liver, kidneys etc all ok - so is it ta nasty viral thing and ive had the lot or worse. Tum a bit better so maybe im getting better don't know. Plus had a disagreement with my daughter and im really upset - just had a huge Baileys to take the edge off, sorry everyone just fed up ?? x
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bobbysgirl Fairy28
Stress doesn't help - I should know!
Look after yourself and eat well. That will keep your immune system up to scratch.
I fell out with my mum today - over the washing up! I wanted to do some baking after lunch but the dishes were still hanging around - mum said she'd do them 'later' but they were in the way so I did them - simple, yes? No BIG sulks and tantrums. I'm 57, she's 89 but still treats me like a wayward teenager. You'd think we would know better.
I dug out an old yoga vid on youtube and spent a relaxing hour doing some stretching and meditating. Ah, that's better. Failing that, the Bailey's sounds a good idea!
Fairy28 bobbysgirl
Hi lovely , oh sounds so familiar to me, I can't say or do anything right to anyone ! I didn't mean to upset my daughter but I obviously said something she didn't like and bang that's it now I won't be spoken to for weeks ! Also hubby keeps staring at me , frowning and slowly shaking his head - Whats his problem ! He will cop it in a minute ! Maybe im best off out of the way upstairs in bed where I can't upset anyone, lie in my pit of misery ! .........think I'll take the whole bottle up with me and glug the whole lot ! sorry about your upset with your mum, I know what it's like a little thing turns into a catastrophe - over nothing ! Have a peaceful evening x
bobbysgirl Fairy28
Thanks Lou, it's just how things are. Mum lives with us and for 89 she's brilliant. But she has always been a 'glass half empty' sort of person and it can be very wearing. It happens a lot these days. But perhaps my sister's visit this week will put a smile on her face.
God bless Lou and remember what an old friend used to say Nil Carborundum Illegitimae (don't let the bxxxxxxs grind you down)
paula20385 Fairy28
Hope you feel better soon xx
Fairy28 paula20385
Hi Paula, poor you but in a way PHEW ! im not the only one, sorry ! ..... I learn more and more every day from all you girls here - we have to be like medics ourselves as we all seem to be full of everything in a medical encyclopaedia! I think I could start at ' A ' and go right through to ' Z ' and ive had anything and everything beginning with those letters ! It's hard not to worry though when things keep on happening. Hoping you feel better x
queen_70128 Fairy28
2chr2015 Fairy28
Love this board. Feel free to vent! Then I won't feel so bad when I do. lol. Vit c might help. I take 1000mg a day.
Fairy28 2chr2015
Hi there , thanks for that - I used to take Vit c aswell, don't bother anymore I just drink baileys instead ! Ha ha x
natacha66 Fairy28
I brought up 2 girls by myself, the girls don't see the ex, been 7 yrs, he was abusive with my eldest and the youngest witnessed it and the loss of a son at 9 months of pregnancy. We had years and years of issues due to this, an ex that wasn't very nice. I used to have massive arguments with my eldest one, due to all issues above. Lots of years with psychiatrists and therapy nonetheless, even though menopausal for several years, menopause seemed to make it hard. Teenagers, even though they love u to bits, cannot see what goes on with others. It is hard, very very hard. Working full time and having to travel
For work. Menopause does not help, u don't sleep well, u feel drained, moody, immune system drops. Then comes all gynaecological issues. But believe me there is light at the end of the tunnel. I stopped HRT due to a thickening of the cervix's endomitrium and until all sorted will see but I think I don't intend to go back on it.
It is hard for us women. We carry a lot upon our shoulders, but we are strong, we can conquer.
My girls now 16 and 18, are fine one working, doing an apprenticeship for the mental health service, has a boyfriend and has calendar down a lot. The other one going to do her A levels and an ice skater. They now get on and the bond we have is so strong. My youngest and I we are so synced that we say the same things at the same time. Although hard your daughter will always be by your side. You need to find something that helps you control your symptoms. I suffered and still do with anxiety so I was put on an anti depressant. It has been helping a lot. Natural remedies, yoga, meditation.
It is so easy for us to get irritated but it does is no good. Stress is one of the most common triggers for ill health. Easier said than done to control it, nonetheless it is important to find a point of equilibrium for your own sanity.
It will get better. Believe me it will. Speak to your doctor and see what are your options, a tablet, counselling...
All the best