How old do you really feel??
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I think most of us feel younger than our real age. I feel thirty, i get so angry that i'm fifty!!! Does anyone feel this way?? Nature is stupid and unfair. It makes a twelve year old girl capable of bearing a child but not a fight year old woman. And guys are fertile forevvvvver ! I just hate having to "act my age" but i have to. i have grown up kids and i run a business. have to be all grownuppy . Sometimes
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sunaina1983 mee16031
Hellooo dear
i am 39 and feel like 70 in Peri.
Shaking legs always searching support to stand for longer time .
Because of dizziness , headaches and head pressure not feel like going outside..Friends of my age r doing parties going for outings ..Enjoying Life ...and me home bound mostly.
Because of off balance issues want to be in my room only .
Because of terrible fatigue ..want to sleep most of day.
Peri change my life complety
waiting for good days.
Guest sunaina1983
Sunaina, have you been tested for reactivated EBV?
sunaina1983 Guest
No dear
Guest mee16031
This post made me laugh. I'm sure you mean mentally, and yes, I think people always feel younger than they are. But physically, since i hit my 50s I'm a wreck. Feel like 90. Yesterday while I was doing PT for my shoulder i looked around the room at all the people 20 years older getting worked on and realized its just going to go downhill from here. So depressing. Need to have fun now, if I only felt better..
Betty97 mee16031
Hi mee
I can totally relate! I'm 63 but feel 23 inside, I still think young, but now that my four children are grown up and I was a stay at home mum, I now feel redundant and have a feeling if slowly becoming invisible when out and about. I become very anxious when out and about because if you do something daft like not hearing what the assistant has said, you just carry on when younger but now I think that folk think it's because I'm getting old. I also become anxious when trying out any new technology because of the fear of being left behind and I always become fingers and thumbs at self service checkouts etc...
I kind of have felt this way since the start of the menopause, it's like life as we know it has stopped!!
kelly55079 mee16031
Had to think about this.. I'm 50 and yes at times I do feel younger and do believe I still look young which is great!! However, there are many times that I feel old with aches and pains and just being overwhelmed and tired.I do see my parents and others keep moving and continuing life so I need to practice that!!!
jamie37119 mee16031
Why do you have to act your age? Be true to yourself!!! .... I for one act and feel like 60 but in fact am only 45 lol
sakura26 mee16031
Yass sister!!! EVOLUTION clearly hasn't helped us evolve in a long while. Doctors need to take menopause as seriously as if men had it and find a cure to keep us well and vibrant, at least equal to men. Instead they ignore it while 70 year old men have babies with 20 year olds and 40 something women are thrown away. It makes me think if we were created by a god, he is male.
mee16031 sakura26
you've got a point!! yes God must be male!!!
pinkcatfairy mee16031
Im 55 but dont feel any older than 35!
vicky77852 mee16031
Hi! I Don't think that men are fertile forever... they age too and have erection problems, muscle lose, testosterone decline as well...they feel the same too!
sakura26 vicky77852
Are you kidding? Women become infertile and fall apart in their 40s while I've heard of several well-known men fathering children in their 70s!! That's not even comparable. Why do you think older men go after younger women.
vicky77852 sakura26
They make babies with fertility treatments and that doesn't make them young! Young ladies go with them because of their money and then they leave them for younger and richer victims! My opinion of course!
vicky77852 sakura26
And older ladies go for young men as well. A woman can give birth at 50, it doesn't mean that she looks younger than her age because she simply have her periods or is fertile at 50!
Age ages us I think!
sakura26 vicky77852
Men still don't age as quickly as we do or go through the extremes of menopause that the ladies on this site are dealing with. I'm not saying they don't age at all. And that they can even consider having a kid at 70 which woman cannot. It's not equal.