How old where you when flushes stopped

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HI all, I am 56 and still having severe flushes, I started around 48 and have not stopped. I have tried all the over the counter stuff nothing works for me, I am not able to have HRT as I had a thrombosis and to be honest my sister was on it for 12 years came off and the flushes were back so is back on it. HRT only holds it off does not cure it according to her GP. The only thing that worked for 1 month and then stopped was citalopram but I ended spaced out. Do just doing what nature intended grinning and bearing it (only just). Yesterday was hell, shopping for outfit for posh function and I spent the whole day dripping, I felt so disgusting, my hair was stuck to my head, I know I stunk and people close by could see the sweat running down my face. Not very feminine. So fellow sufferers put me out of my misery, will this ever go away, why does it get worse and then subside to being more managable. Not even sure if this is menopause as I have been feeling very woozy and wobble when I get up sometimes.. I am having palpitations as well, Wondered if I was lacking in vitamins as I am a long term user of PPI's.

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi forgot to add that I know when a flush is coming as I go a bit dizzy get a slight headache and the palpitations start, does anyone have this?
    • Posted

      Yes hun

      i get a severe warmth and can feel abit dizzy, sometimes the heart pounds and then i can feel chilly after 

      but the Escitalopram has stopped all this severity ..

      i was against antidepressants and always said no..

      but i am on a very low dose simply for flushes and not the 20mg dose for depression suffers..

      changed my life. Been on them a few weeks and noticed a difference in Flush severity after just a few days ..

      jay x

    • Posted

      Thanks Jay for replying, I too was on 10mg citalopram. Given it for 1 month trial, after 1 week amazing results, had a check up and asked for more but had a few days without any and when I restarted nothing changed, I should have gone back sooner and not stopped. GP not sure why but would not give me 20mg, my sister who is 1 year younger was the same although she at least got a few months. Trouble was I felt really weird once stopped, as if I was being electrocuted, so I googled citalopram and this is a symptom and it takes a while to stop, I felt better after 2 months. I had only them for 1. I would stlll be on them if they worked for me, will look into the other version you take. Take care
  • Posted

    Hi young 

    i had flushes in very early peri and they went . BUT

    i am now 21 months post meno and wow i been having 20 plus severe flushes a day .

    i am aged 51 next week.

    i live in spain so the heat makes the flushes worse.

    but.. I have found a remedy after much research and the doctor also agrees they help ..

    it is a very low dose anti depressant called escitalopram ( the HRT alternative i am told and read for hot flush problems ) 

    i was given 10 mg to take a day, but i only take half ( my choice) of 5mg and my flushes have more or less gone. 5mg works for me ..

    if only i had done this last year when they returned, 

    look up low dose antidepressants for hot flushes and menopause 

    i too was amazed also takes the nip off the anxieties too 

    jay x


    • Posted


      you say you took Citalopram but what strength ..? 

      mine is Escitalopram similar name but slightly different .

      low dose for meno flushes was 10mg, but as i didnt want to feel strange i started on 5mg i split them, and stayed with 5 mg a day as it works for me,  as little as that..

      didnt space me out .. 

      food for thought..

      jay x


  • Posted

    One of the side affects of Citalipram is Flushing could be you need to try a different one x
  • Posted

    Dear Young@Art

    It seem to me you need an alternative approach to deal with your issues. Have you tried going to a Naturopath/Homepath ? X  Teresa.

    • Posted

      I have tried, menopace, black cohosh, evening primrose oil, and ASDA's own. If there is anything else you could recommend I would be very grateful as I am so fed up, especially as summer is coming, unfortunately, I have short thin hair so not a good look when stuck to head x
  • Posted

    Try 1000 mg of Evening Primrose before bedtime. Helps with hot flushes and also helps if you have trouble sleeping. Gyno recommended years ago. Has worked for me! Good Luck!
  • Posted

    Hi I'm totally the same sweats so bad I carried spare set clothes n constantly in toilets dry my hair with hand dryers, also unable to have hrt and go wasn't keen to eventually got locus go who prescribed me  Venlafaxine 37.5mg twice a day also recommended taking Sage capsules twice a day,  so off to Holland & Barrett who were very helpful recommended rose hip capsules and drink decaf T & coffee,no spicy foods

    hope this helps x.

    wow what a change in me, happier, appetite  able to go out with no spare clothes lol. Very occasionally I do get a flush but nothing like before


    • Posted

      Hi Elsie, thanks, I think I will go to H&B and see what they recommend, although as I mention further up I have tried so many bits and bobs. I was sent to a menopause clinic when citalopram did not work and was told by this young foreign doctor, you English take too many antidepressant tablets, your ovaries are dying, it's life. As you can imagine not a great way to spend an hour of my time and yes I did mention her attitude to GP who was not impressed.
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    My aunt has had hot flashes since she hit menopause.  She is now late into her seventies.  For some women they do not stop.  

    You might consider a low dose estradiol patch, as it does not carry the same risk for blood clots as oral medication.   


    • Posted

      Yep, I had heard that, it would be just my luck, I have not been dealt the best hand what being short, fat, extremely pale wth thin hair and big boobs. Oh well, at least I am happy. Role on winter. Will ask about the patches when I next see GP. Thanks x
  • Posted

    Hi I am 63 and have been on patches for 13 years.Just having another go at trying without as all my friends have come off now and think now I'm retired should cope.I am having a couple of hot flushes but no sweats and feel ok.Felt better on HRT but thought I would try without atleast for 6 months.Its been 2 months without the half patch I had been using.

    I am taking FX capsules which are mung bean and green tea extract and seems to help.Also trying soya milk and oil of primrose.I am going to see my doctor to check these supplements are Ok?The only problem is my Evoril patches were on prescription and free since I'm over 60 but the supplements I have to pay for!Why come off I ask myself ?Just fear of health risks .It is such a difficult choice  it is hard to know if the risks outweigh the benefits ?Still I had 13 great healthy years on HRT and no problems .

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      Obviously the decision is yours.  However, estradiol does do many wonderful things for the body.  If you feel better on it than off, you might rethink your decision.  

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      Hi Jane, thanks for your reply. I am going to look into the patches, but where did you get the FX capsules and what are they as not heard of them and willing to try anything.
    • Posted

      I found on Internet FX Menopause .A TV doctor interviewed a lady on the benefits .I think they are using phytoestrogens which are in the diet of Chinese and Japanese women who don't suffer with menopausal symptons or so I've read?If it is true or not I don't know but I've tried and think they have helped ?But like anything how does one know for sure ?

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