How to come of 15mg mirtazapine

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Please may anyone suggest how to come of 15mg of mirtazapine, ive been on them for 6 months , have read so many conversations, confused as to how to taper down? do I alternate days, 15,7.5 etc, doctor no use, she said just drop a dose every day, tried that and had terrible tummy, so went back to them every day.

Advise please smile

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Mandy looks like you do 15 on mon 7.5 tues for 1st week then 2 days 2 nd week on 7.5 ie mon and thurs and so on. I hav just started this on 15 mg. x
  • Posted

    What are your tablets like? I asked the pharmacist about breaking bits off the 15mg mirtazapine tablets to reduce gradually but he said it wasn't wise because the tablets are film coated to protect them through the stomach. He said they irritate the stomach if not protected. Have you got 7.5 mg tablets? I didn't know they were available. I'm trying to reduce from 30 mg to 15 mg for a start, by reducing one day a week. Then I'll go to twice a week and so on. I find I wake up early, on the mornings after the reduced dose.
    • Posted

      Hiya, just read your post re. film coated, I take the orodispersible tabs which melt in your mouth. I've been breaking these in half for ages now. I assume yours aren't orodispersible. Please let me know and I'll pass on to Mandy 54873,it may help her. Keni
  • Posted

    Thank you for replies, firstly pixie, my gp said I can cut the 15mg tablet in half, 

    and cathy, I will try the way your doing, just to clear 1st week alternate days 15mg then 7.5, then 2nd week do you mean Mon 15mg, then tues and weds 7.5mg then back to 15mg anf then 3rd week taper down 3 days etc until only on the 7.5mg, then how long to you stay on 7.5? a week 


    • Posted

      Mandy sorry .. I meant to say I had started 15 mg of Mirtazapine on Friday. I hav been reading up on these forums and your 1st week do 1 day example: mon 15 tues 7.5 rest of week 15..2nd week 2days mon7.5 thurs 7.5 rest of week 15..3rd week 3days of 7.5 rest of week on 15. Until you build up the days on to 7.5 Check some of the previous mirt forums. They may xplainin betr as me. X
    • Posted

      hi cathy i am also coming of mirtazapine i was on 30mg for two months now i have droped to 15mg have been for about 2 weeks and in another 2 weeks i will drop to 7.5 mg for a month then stop all together , that is what has been recomended to me by my phyciatrist , i have had no problems dropping from 30 to 15 cant tell any difference , is it just a bad tummy that your experiencing, why are you coming of them if you dont mind me asking , i am coming of them because they make me feel so tired .
  • Posted

    yes stay with it the taper is differnt for everyone, you have to just find your own pace.

    I was on this for a year heres how i did it.

    3 weeks 1½ per day - 22.5 mg

    4 weeks 1 per day

    3 weeks ½ per day

    first 3 weeks       2 1½ 2 1½ 2 1½ 2,  1½ 2 1½ 2 1½ 2 1½,  2 1½ 1½ 2 1½ 1½ 1½

    next four weeks  1½ 1 1½ 1 1½ 1 1½,  1 1½ 1 1½ 1 1½ 1,  1 1½ 1 1½ 1 1½ 1,  1½ 1 1 1½ 1 1 1

    next 3 weeks  1 ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 1,  ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 ½,  1 ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ ½

     last 2 weeks  ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½,  0 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ 0

    you say your on other medications, i hope its not any benzodiazapenes, these make anxiety worse. i had an awful time coming off lorazepam for two weeks and was only on 1 mg a day.

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