How to cope with Intense Cravings? Please help.

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I am on my 5th Day of not taking any Norco and I took my Butrans Patch off 6 weeks ago. I can handle the physical side affects. What I am having trouble with is Depression and Major Cravings. Any advice and or ideas?

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5 Replies

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    Hi Nicky 

    What Type Of cravings do you mean?!

    Are you craving butrans or something else??

    Depression unfortunately is part of the detoxing process I am suffering with depression and anxiety while I am detoxing fentanyl and i have found that if I keep fighting for thd reason I am doing it and keep sight of thisscreasons I am getting through. The depression is hard fo deal with but it is doable, just remember why you are doing what you are doing and that should make you feel a little better. It’s all part of the process when it comes to withdrawal. You brains chemicals are being thrown info chaos as your body trys go replace what the drug was providing prior to detox. It’s basically trying to catch up with your body and this is hard to do. It now is craving what it was you were on and at the same time having to replace what the drug provided. Allot of people call it brain fog as it’s basically a mess in there while it tries to sort itself out.

    I have it everyday. I can be fine ind minute and thd next can’t answer a simple question it will get better as your body starts to adjust and replace the chemicals from the drugs.

    You have already done the hardest part and that’s is to start thd detox in thd first place. It shows you have the strength to succeed. I have read in few places that opioid detox is the hardest thing uou will ever do and if you can get through it you can do anything in life and deal with anything’s life throws at you.

    You will get there it just takes time for your body to adjust, Don’t give up keep fighting thd urges and the cravings you will be much better off once you get through it. The craving will pass but you have to be strong and keep sight of why you are doing the detox.

    My reasons did detoxing is my young family my son my partner and for my baby due in March 2018. What’s yours??

    As long as you keep sight of why your doing it you WILL make it through to the other side.

    I hope some of what I have put Can help you in some way no matter how small. We are all here to help each other so don’t struggle alone.

    There are things that can help you with the detox and the cravings that I have found out and started using. They have been a lifesaver for me. If you want to chat or anything PM me and I can tell you what they are!

    Good luck with what you are going through and remember we are here to help if you need it.

    Keep fighting it’s hard but you will make it through!!!

    Kind regards


    • Posted

      Thank you Andy! I am doing this for my two Beautiful Kids and Husband. My Doctor started giving Norco for my Migraines while I was pregnant, then afterwards as I had a Fractured Pelvis during Delivery and it continued. One day I woke up straight to the Med Cabinet and realized I was not in pain. Just felt the need for it. Its going on 8 years. I am tired, so tired of this, and I am fighting it alone because nobody knows. My husband thinks Its easy and it can be done. I dont think he understands how hard and addicted I am or was. I portray to be this heppy person and I feel empty inside. Yet I look at my kids, I have every reason to be happy. I just dont see the light at the end of the tunnel.
    • Posted


      The light is always there some days it will feel smaller or less bright but it’s always there and the reason for that is yah that light is made up of your reasons to fight as you said your beautiful kids and husband.

      My partner is the same she thinks it easy to go through what we are and it isn’t no way!! It is extremely hard and exhausting both on your body and your mind but it is doable if you fight for it.

      I know about the feeling hollow inside I get that too when I have bad days/weeks I feel that I am useless and worthless and my family would be better off without me, but this is not true and it’s your mind playing tricks on you as you chemicals are out of balance. It still doesn’t stop you feeling awful though but unfortunately this is all part of detox.

      As I said the hardest part is admitting to yourself that you need to change and taking that first step towards a better life. If you can detox high dose opioids you can do anything. 

      This is my 4th opioid detox and by far the worst but I was a zombie and a nasty ill tempered one at that and so I made the decision to stop and try to get a little part of my life back for big just me but all my family. 

      When it comes to painkillers or any other drugs people who are not on them do not understand what they do and how hard it is to give them up. They do not get it at all.

      Again I have this problem and no matter how much I try to explain it it makes no differenrce at all.

      The depression will subside but you have to fight it for your kids and your better life which you will get once you get through it.

      If I can help with anything pls let me know I’ll always try.



    • Posted


      Haven’t heard back from you and just wanted to see how you were doing. 

      I hope you are doing ok with all of it and are getting better.


  • Posted

    Hi nicky

              depression and cravings are normal when the body has no opiates.... essentially the opiates used to stimulate the receptors and create warm and comfortable feelings ( similar to the way anti-depressants work but on a different receptor ) 

           however when the opiates are not there you lose what i call the "opiate cushion" ... i experienced exactly the same after a 8 year methadone addiction ... after tapering down to just 1ml i avoided most of the physical symptoms however the depression was bad .... and i didnt want to take a anti-depressant as i knew i wasnt depressed but simply suffering from PAWS or post-acute withdrawl symptoms ....

            these do subside but this does depend on how long you were taking opiates .... mine lasted 12 months however the shorter you took opiates the quicker they will subside 

            physical symptoms can be controlled by many over the counter meds such as buscopan( anti spasm ) ,however psychological symptoms are much harder ..... a local opiate support group is good as you can talk about how your feeling ... and discover your not alone 

            meds wise well i would avoid any mind altering meds like anti-depressants or benzo,s ....allthough i was prescribed gabapentin for nerve damage and found this helped with sleep problems and lifted my mood slightly 

            also valerian root ( also in a over the counter med called "kalms"wink is supposed to help with stress and anxiety ...valerian is known as the natural valium .... this takes a few weeks to work but its not a fix but just a stopgap .

             in summary you need to ride the storm ...i know how you feeling from personal experience and the way i got through it was knowing every day is a step closer to feeling ok ...doctors are pretty useless when it comes to opiate addiction .. remember these were the guys who originally prescribed the narcotics but when it comes to stopping them there not interested ( as its not making the pharma companys any money any more )

            i wish you all the best nicky and hope you are feeling better soon 

                 good luck  

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