How to get of tramadol!

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My name Marc I had a fractured c2 and c7 vertebra and bleed on the brain.I was in a very bad state I was in a motorbike accident and went head first through a concrete pole.after all that I was proscribed tramadol 50mg and I've been on them for 5 years I'm trying to get off them but the withdrawal takes over and I can't function. I've been looking on here and have noticed that someone took kratom and it helped them with the withdrawals of using tramadol and I was wondering if kratom would be a good substitute to takin tramadol.

I would b very greatful for eny advice.

Thanks marc😄

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    First of all, I am so sorry to hear that you have had such a horrific accident! I know we are all wired differently and what works for one, might not work for another! I'm just starting my six day and still feel like crap. If I was working, I would of lost my job as I really haven't been able to leave my bed for very long. I have come to a decision to just take one day at a time with lots of hot baths/showers, and a lot of patience. I'm having sweats, chills, headaches, weakness, so dizzy, and the worst of all is the restless legs, that has got better from day 4 with me! I don't think there is an easy answer, also I've cried a lot and have felt feel depressed....but also I am so excited too as I know all these feelings will pass and I am looking into holistic, good food, (no junk) relaxation, soft music, and lots of prayer! Look into Kratom as it may help. While you are on Trams you don't really know what the real pain is in the body until these nasty pills are out of the system and the brain can start to repair. How long that will be for me, only time will tell, but I will be back on here is let anyone know if they are interested.

    peace and love Grace x

  • Posted

    Hello Marc.

    my goodness you're a lucky boy to be alive. We lost several friends from biking crashes. I've never heard of Kratom so can't help. Are you coming off Tramadol because your pain is better now? I do hope so and I wish you much luck for the future.

  • Posted

    I am so sorry to hear you had such a bad accident.  Are you taking the extended release or one of the tablet forms?
    • Posted

      Hi Lin 

      Thanks for getting in touch.

      I'm taking 50mg tramadol 4 times Dailey 

      And kratom but I don't have that yet.i won't to get down to 2 tramadol a day with kratom.

      Thanks 😊

  • Posted

    It's worth a try, but don't expect much from it. There is no magic bullet for addiction, but don't let that discourage you. It is you're own determination that will make the difference. You can do it.
    • Posted

      I was really worried about the "addiction" chance with both this and the hydrocodone I was originally using. He stressed the importance/difference of "dependence" vs "addiction".  If you are taking them for the right reason, and your body relies on it it's dependence.  Of course, many people start pain pills for the right reasons and it becomes something else.  It really is a slippery slope.
  • Posted

    Hi Mark I have heard and read about kratom although it's a herb I've also

    read it can be quit addictive so while it could help you could also have

    a problem stooping that.

    i think if you taper down slowly and maybe get some help from yor doctor it

    will be easier withdrawals not nice but won't last forever take one day at a time

    good luck be well Ann 

  • Posted

    Just been researching Kratom. I should give it a miss if I were you. Even if you were able to obtain it legally it sounds like bad stuff. Up there with heroine. Leave well alone or your present problems will seem like nothing because you'll be a proper drug addict. Not good. 
  • Posted

    Marc, I see your reply to me is waiting to be moderated but I also just realized you said 50 mg so that is the regular tablets.  I have been on them nearly as long, and I'm not having the problems you are.  I know when I tried the extended release they made me *REALLY* sick when I cut back to wean off them.  It was awful.  I also stopped cold turkey once--which was stupid--and I was super sick for 5 days and evern after that it was bad off and on.  I was having suicidal thoughts and I couldn't hold my legs still.  It was so weird, along with fever and sweats.  I don't wish that on anyone.

    Could you share how many you take a day?  I've seen a bunch of taper schedules online.  Maybe one of us can help you some, along with personal experience.  I was taking 4 50mg tabs a day and am down to 2 now.  I am gong to probably cut by a half a tab now.  They aren't working anymore so I am going to go off completely.  I do know from what I've seen that people don't recommend cutting back sooner than a few weeks at a lower dose.  If you go too quick it can cause all of the withdrawl symptoms.

    • Posted

      I'm not sure where Marc is but, apparently, only capsules are available in the UK. Those of us with access to tablets are fortunate.
    • Posted

      Oh, no...then that must be it.  That was miserable to go off of and I only took the capsules for 1 or 2 months.  I feel for him.   I suspect a lot of the horror stories have to do with those capsules.  I remember reading somewhere that overseas some countries allow Tramadol to be sold over the counter.  I do find that really scary.

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