How to improve my symptoms
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I am suffering with the menopause. My symptoms are feeling tired, low moods, memory loss/concentration at times, feeling frustrated and angry, cramp pains, headaches.
There are times that people are picking on me, that they are being extra critical of your work, or you feel that they're pulling you down in front of your workmates, my confidence tends to go as well, so maybe in times gone by, if somebody had spoken to me in a way which you thought was inappropriate, you would be able to stand up for yourself.
I can feel very tearful and just not able to cope and feel useless even though I have good skills and have worked for 35 years.
I can feel that everybody and the world is out to get and that it can almost feel like you're in a state of paranoia.
If anybody has any techniques or medication that has helped them especially to feel in a better mood and not stressed, tearful and useless please let me know
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tina00239 Garooba
Hey Garooba, I've suffered all the symptoms you have and more and to such a degree that I could not function at all. HRT was given to me straightaway even though in an at risk group because my symptoms were so bad. I also take a menopause vitamin supplement and vit b complex to help and valium for the panic attacks. Hope this helps you. Dont worry hun it wont last forever and you've got all of us here whenever you need us. XXX
Garooba tina00239
tina00239 Garooba
Garooba tina00239
tina00239 Garooba
maisie05 Garooba
Yes I can identify with the feelings of low self worth, lack of confidence. Passionflower helped me for a while until I started hrt. Read up on the benefits of passionflower.
Choose a positive phrase in the morning and repeat to yourself during the day, like a mantra. (I like 'I have energy, I am full of energy'
. Or 'I am good at my work'. List your daily achievements. Something positive. Negative thoughts often enter our heads but push them away with your mantra.
Hope you feel better soon.
Garooba maisie05
Sourpuss Garooba
I'm in peri and it totally sucks! I do feel all of your symptoms and occasionally tearful/inept etc but because I'm so sleep-deprived and cranky, no one dares pick on me, or I'd be ripping them a new one.
It's hard to get yourself out of the depressed and paranoid mindset, you feel as if everyone is taking a chunk out of your self esteem and you're useless at everything. You're not useless, far from it in fact. You're dealing with a proper $hitstorm all on your own and it's a b***h, but you're still breathing - which is always a bonus.
Depression is an evil mistress. You feel like you're in a deep hole and no matter how hard you try to climb out, the earth is piling on top of you and burying you alive. Use that earth to stand on and clamber out of the hole. Find things that make you happy and glad to be alive. Get outside and sniff the flowers, stand in the rain, listen to birds going about their business and if all else fails, do what I do and pour yourself a large G&T - don't forget the lemon, it's one of your 5 a day.