How to read an ecg

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Does any one know what atrial flutter means on an ecg? Or what markedly abnormal on ecg means or it would say this? Also what is possible MI?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    You should contact your GP or cardiologist for a correct interpretation.
  • Posted

    Who did the ecg? Did they tell you it was ok? Ecgs can say a lot of things that aren't necessarily true. Doctors read the actual image not the print, but ask a gp or cardiologist to explain it to you. I've had ecgs that say possible MI which I believe is a heart attack?? I've never had a heart attack I'm 23, don't read into it, get a second opinion x

    • Posted

      My doctors office did it. All they said was it was concerning and made me an appointment for this Tuesday. I know I need to wait to have my doctor interpretation of the test. I guess I was just worried. Thank you.
    • Posted

      Doctors seem never to considers a patients worries for things like this.
    • Posted

      They may have said it's concerning because they don't understand the ecg and it says possible MI, how come you had an ecg? Have you any symptoms of anything? X

    • Posted

      I been having heart palpitations, but they have changed, sometimes it feels like my heart quiver. I sometimes feel dizzy when this happens, I sometimes feel like it is hard to caught my breath, and I been having chest pain. I don't drink, I don't smoke or do drugs, I don't drink Caffeine. I am under stress or anything unsusal. I just know I haven't been feeling myself, I feel tried or weak all the time, not like me. The only medication I am on is estradiol 2mg, due to me having a complete hysterectomy two years ago. Oh gosh, do you think it is caused by that maybe?

  • Posted

    Atrial flutter is when the upper chambers of the heart beat too quickly.. another name for atrial flutter is atrial tachycardia. On an ecg.. the QRS complex is still there.. but T and p waves are absent.. and are replaced with a pattern that looks like this


    Atrial flutter can lead to atrial fibrillation. A possible MI will show an ST elevation on the ecg. However, its important that you ask a trained medical professional to explain this to you. ask your doctor about the results and see what your treatment options are.

    • Posted

      Oh that helps me so much, thank you. it will help me know what type of questions i could ask when i see this doctor, i will be trying to take someone with me too.

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