How to relax when a person is restless at night

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With me having a lot of anxieties and my hormones up and down how can I teach my body to relax so I'm not up and down in the bathroom durring the night. 

Also it was tough on me today my heart rate was 102 at the doctors and I was in and out of the bathroom all day, i don't know if it was due to my sugar being up because it was a 170 and i don't know if it was my heart rate being up at a 102 today. 

Has anybody ever been through this. I felt like bursting out and crying. 

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Best thing I've ever learnt o do is meditation ,only thing that will get my BP to drop ,plus I use Bach's rescue mouth spray for anxiety .Yours is up way to high ,but you know that's down to stress .

    Mine goes up automatic when I got Drs visit ,call it white coat syndrome ,soon as away from Drs it goes back down .

    Hope you settle back ,it's hard I know ,I battle daily with anxiety ,so your not alone with having this .Lifes far from bed of Roses .try getting beetroot juice that's good for high BP also Celery .

  • Posted

    You poor dear! I know all about getting anxious at the doctors office. Happens to me all the time. I panic and it sends my bp sky high. But when I'm home, it's back to normal. It really is a mental thing. If we relax and do some deep breathing while waiting in the waiting area that may help calm things down.

    What they should do is wait a few moments once you're in the examining room before they check your bp. As soon as you walk in, they strap the cuff to you not realizing you were just up walking to get to their room. Ambulation gets the heart rate up anyway. They should let you sit five minutes or so you'd think.

    • Posted

      I was unaware that when cuff is put on cease talking ,as when you talk the BP goes up ,why nobody tells you this ? This is another good thing not to chat with patients prior to seeing dr or a nurse .Amazing things you learn .
    • Posted

      hi marlene 

      when i take my BP which isnt that often i must say .. ( mines always on the low side ) i always take it on waking .. have it at side of your bed, take it at restful stage..

      then take it again when you have had your usual day, sit quiet for a little while and retake .. 

      thats what i do ( when i do it ) 

      jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Jay ,I take mine at night ,last feb the dr upped mine to 100 ml Losartan ,didn't feel good so contacted daughter in law who's heart nurse ,she said it was to big a jump to 100 ml ,now I'm on 50 ml,still get washed out but cope better on that . I do take beetroot juice as a med ,that helps BP ,if high side .

         I often wonder if the BP med affects my tinnitus ,my cousin has low BP she gets light headed ,and her balance is at times off ,says worse if she turns quick ,gets off balance if she stands on a chair .plus she's got bad neck ache ? So think were all up the creek when I read ones symptoms on here and on the dizzy site/ tinnitus  they're all saying more or less the same ,like I've said can't all be meno as men on that site having same problems .

         Lots walking around with high/ low BP and don't even know it ,maybe that's why they have there symptoms .Wonder if that's why lots have fuzzy eyes ,and eye test fine ,and it again is BP ,but the eye pressure test you'd think would have picked up any underlying prob ,which an eye test will do even before a dr .Totally strange what's going on with everyone .Comes out of nowhere to .Got to wonder why .

          Your back any easier ? Something else to get on with .Get in to see that dr Jay or get osteopath to look at it .

         Blowing a gale here still ,but it's sunny ,and cold ,see Travis has it bad where she lives to .so all UK like it ,best stay indoors .xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Marlene

      no my back is agony, got a support on it .. Its a muscle pull so needs rest, but gets none being on my todd here .. 

      i get other back pain anyway as have a monkey spine like i mentioned before, extra fused disk and vertebrae ( 6 instead of 5) so an extra long tail bone, thats why i had to stop nursing Marlene years ago..

      i am walking around at 10.30am position and have been since saturday, bed rest is good, but fat chance here .. 😃 dogs wont allow it 😃

      off to docs later about bloods and stuff, not that he can do anything for a muscle pull... Rest rest rest, my sons popping me round as i cant drive at the moment either ..

      i did my BP earlier, 112/75 so good good.. 

      sunny here, warm, about 19 degrees at the moment, some much needed rain tonight on its way.. 

      Jay x


    • Posted

      Think nursing is a poor paid job ,lots end up with back and shoulder trouble ,think they should get early pensioned ,not have to wait till 67 as they do now ,as it's down to nature of there job ,heavy lifting of patients .

        Fat chance of that happening ,who if any want to work until 67 from any job in UK .

      yea. They say bed rest ,thought of you with dogs out there,and your back as it is ,still need to bend down to put fresh water down etc .This is when it hits home if you've had and got back probs ,get your lad to do what he can while at your place anything you have to reach up for that's high up .i know trying to do things and going ooh to trying to move and lift stuff .still do it with my arms now .See what dr says ,but as you say it will be Rest and more Rest .

          Lots take there own BP ,it would send mine up doing that just by my nature ,me and medical stuff a definate No Go .General how I feel is enough as a good indicator .Think my tinnitus don't help mine ,but that's said about Tinnitus ,it's what it's goods at doing ,stressful condition to suffer from alone .

         So you've got rain on the way ahh ,it's freezing here in Blighty .

         Let's know how you got on xxx

  • Posted

    I hear you Susan,I cant sleep i have a really hard time to get to sleep then i am up every hour going to bathroom,then tired all the next day.My Anxirty has been bad to and having chills and hot flashes at same time,i feel like my bones are chilled on the inside and sweating on the outside...I am 50 and my last period was in may..I wake up in the night with my heart racing is scary sh*t,Some days i widh i had been born a man


  • Posted

    Hello are not alone!! These feelings just stink but remember they are just feelings and sensations..yes is your heart beating fast sure it is but it is just a normal response to the "fight or flight" mechanism we have in our systems the para and sympathic nervous systems. During peri menopause and menopause there are stages and one of them is where our nervous system is effected - I feel I get nervous at the drop of a hat is so strange. Anyway, these "sensations" cannot harm you at all ok ...yes they feel horrible , feel sick etc. Give yourself a phrase you can say to yourself when these feelings happen. I tell myself.."move your mind" and I try to redirect myself maybe by doing a house chore or something will take time but it can help a great deal.
  • Posted

    Vitamin b is good for anxiety i think, you can get multivitamins which include it, and also good for ypur heart. Not sure which b vit is good for which so i just take them all.

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