How to rupture the bowel?

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How can I rupter my colon or any other organ in my abdominal? I really need to know!

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi hanna83848

    Do you do any kind of sport or exercise...have you had any falls??...have a think about anything you have done unusual to yourself to have caused you suffer from severe constipation your colon may have ruptured when trying to evacuate hard stool..hope this helps best wishes...

    • Posted

      Hi! Thanks for your answer. I do horseback riding but I can remeber hurting myself while doing it. And sure, I'm a bit constipated but not much

    • Posted

      Hi hanna83848

      How do you know you have a ruptured colon ?..have you had a scan?

    • Posted

      Yeah I'm in the hospital right now but I don't know what caused the rupture

    • Posted

      Hi hanna83848

      Wow!!....perhaps the consultants may have an idea of what may have caused it...are you having an op?

    • Posted

      Yeah, they aren't sure either by could a hard hit in the belly caused it?

    • Posted

      Hi hanba83848

      Yes most definitely a hard hit in the belly could cause a rupture.. .if somene has done this to should report wishes with your op....

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