How to tell the difference between PMS and Perimenopause?
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I'm 31 and based on all my symptoms I thought I was perimenopausal since its not unheard of to go the through it in your 30's. Well PMS has pretty much is all the same symptoms as peri so since there is no test to determine either one. How do I know which one I'm experiencing?
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Guest valarie24431
In my opinion PMS & MENOPAUSE (Peri/Post) do hav a lot similar symptoms-
Yet the biggest difference is PMS is xpernc'd usually BEFORE a woman's cycle-
PERI/POST symptoms can be present or felt in some form EVERY day of the month (finding it difficult to return to your norm evn aftr your cycle ends)
If your hormones & PH are constantly fluctuating every other day.. it's probably more than jus' PMS...
Learning our bodies may be our best tool-?
Hope ths input helps... stay well💕
dee53012 valarie24431
I think you can have a blood work to see where you are in perimen. My doc took my blood a few years back and said based on my numbers, I would not be going through menopause for 2 1/2 to 3 years. That was the only time he was right.
For me personally, peri symptoms were exponentially worse then monthly cycles. No joking, there were times when I thought death would be easier. OMG the migraines were the worst! I went about 9 months with no cycle, then BAM I got hit with the cycle from he-double-toothpick (The last time I wrote that word my responce was deleted by the moderator) with every symptom in the book and more miserable then ever. It's been 4ish months now since the last. The thought of having another episode like the last has me shaking in my boots.
donna16874 dee53012
Much worse and never ending.pmt (and some)times 10 with no least with pmt in a regular cycle ,you know where you are because there is a Peri its all over the place pmt symptoms fluctuate as much as hour by hour let alone day by day or week by body perminantly feels desperate for a period yet it doesn't come for months.3 months and counting.I have fibromyalgia also so everything is exhasibated.not gonna lie...its misery lol
Guest dee53012
Was there anything tht you found to hlp manage your migraines?.. Yes, they are the WORST!😨😢😣😤
Ive just learned to survive/manage the nausea.. but these migraines are truly kicking my booty- 😲😱
Any suggestions? Thnks in advnc💕
colleen90305 valarie24431