HPV 16 Tongue Cancer - ok to vape cannabis?
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Hi everyone
Came across this forum, wanted to ask / see if anyone knows
Questions are around cannabis. Long story short, i had tongue cancer taken out, along with all 4 tonsils, been a mare. From all the research I have done I could not find clear answers really. Before all this I used to smoke quite a bit of weed, not cigarettes
Is it OK to
1 - ever smoke cannabis again? no tobacco
2 - is it OK to use vaporizer? not e-liquid but actual vaporizor?
3 - THC edibles, OK to consume?
Thank you, any answers would be greatly appreciated
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kim12266 Guest
u should use the thc oil as a preventative to stop anything from reoccuring its not proven to be beneficial to smoke as it just gets inhaled into the lungs it kinda looses its cancer fighting properties it would help in terms of relaxation etc...cbd is also good to consume
Guest kim12266
Thank you for your reply Kim
CBD is weak, I'm after THC, currently too sick after chemo and it's only getting worse 😦 Wish I could have old fashioned J but it's out of the question
kim12266 Guest
its nor recommended if ur going to smoke it vape it and eat edibles ingesting the thc oil is the best method as i know alot of people using it with very good results with regards to cancer good luck with your treatment and hope u get well soon
Guest kim12266
Thank you for replying Kim 😃
leeniepie Guest
You should not be taking any form of cannabis at all 🙄
kim12266 leeniepie
lots of cancer patients use it for medicinal purposes its working very well in curing peoples cancer so why should it not be used ?? i know id be using it if i was in that situation
Guest leeniepie
Thank you for replying Leeniepie
Cannabis is the best medicine in the world, and it comes from the ground, pharmaceuticals are the worst, all those chemicals just destroy the body 😦 Was on morpheine, ibuprofen, cocodamol, codeine, some other painkillers, awful! Had a cup of cannabis tea and all the pain gone away, got good appetite and good mood! I'm against any pills, gutted can't smoke weed anymore 😦
kim12266 Guest
i totally agree id do the same i wouldnt even do chemo id use thc oil and go that route chemo has far worse long term side effects plus the risk of secondary cancers my son had stage 3 cancer of the adr
adrenal gland unfortunately its illegal here to give children the oil but if was somewere it was legal.i would have tried anything that could have possible have saved his life i know its worked for others
Guest kim12266
Hi Kim
So sorry to hear about your son 😦 😦 😦
Chemo is beyond horrible, before all this I'd run daily, go gym 5 days a week, go sauna 5 times a week, play football once a week, had a lot of energy! Now I am worse than a vegetable, been 10 days since chemo and it's only getting worse and worse every day, struggling to move my head, walk, talk, constantly sick, taking so many pills they just make me worse! Why!?!?!?! Take one thing for pain, one thing for constipation, one thing to not feel sick, some more, excuse my french, ST on top of that, body can't handle all of this!! And I have months ahead of me of this, no idea how I'll get through this 😦 THC takes care of all the symptoms single handedly, why why why is it illegal here? I've done a lot of research on THC and can confirm it does fight cancer cells and a lot of people use it! We are forced by NHS to use st that makes us worse! Why why why!!!! Makes me angry in a way that I can't go to pharmacy and get something that would definitely help me and be a lot healthier for me than pharmaceutical drugs
kim12266 Guest
my sons nurse wanted to trial thc oil for the treatment of childhood cancers but because its illegal they would not even consider it here she did tell me that there was children in other countries that were using it to treat brain cancers with very good results and she also said some parents were using on there children here without doctors being aware and they was having really good results i asked about all this when my son was diagnosed as wanted to explore all possible avenues as he was stage 3 when diagnosed they told me prognosis was good and that low dose chemo surgery and radiotherapy would get rid of it and it didnt he relapsed 3 months after treatment and because he had low dose they started him on high dose so 2 more years of chemo radiotherapy and immunotherapy for him to relapse again 2 months later they said they they was going to remove part of his bowel as thats were the can had reocurred but when they did a scan it had spr
spread to far an was terminal
the fear was the nurse told me to use it but she said if doctors found out was using it then they would have no choice but to inform authorities such as social workers
we actually refused the high dose chemo when we confronted staff and told them chemo was poison and it was makin him worse not better they actually turned around an admitted to me that it was controlled poisoning and that they have administered chemo to patients and its killed them they said if i refused to let him have chemo they would contact the police so had no choice even when he didnt want the chemo seems if ur a child u cant make a decision to have it or not
he died anyway chemo just prolonged the agony anyway iv ranted on for far to long if u ever want to chat further about anything feel free to inbox me