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i have recently been put onto HRT and it's helping as I was feeling really strange and getting so forgetful and no concentration, couldn't get words out at time, terrible fidgety legs etc.etc. But my periods are really regular the doctor says I am fully in the menopause but I'm wondering if the HRT will prevent the process of stopping my periods? Does anyone have any advice on this? Thanks
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diane87594 terrie2904
Hello menapause is when you have had no periods for 12 months if you are having periods can't understand they gave you hrt
terrie2904 diane87594
Hi Diane the doctor did a blood test and said I was in menapause I'd only missed one period over the last 6 months and the rest have been more regular than ever, I wish they would stop! The HRT has stopped all the other symptoms and I feel much better in that respect but was a bit concerned as they put me straight onto 2mg instead of 1mg which I was a bit concerned about as well... I just assume they know what they are doing!
Tunsc1963 terrie2904
terrie2904 Tunsc1963
That's what I suspected, It's so difficult to know what to do for the best, it's good you feel better and have lost weight, I seem to be gaining which isn't helping either might look into taking a different HRT thanks Tunsc
Tunsc1963 terrie2904
I'm taking prempack a low dose. yes your right it's very difficult to know what to do for the best. I've decided to do what's right for me now, why suffer? I was feeling really down and wasn't ready for it. I'm 53 but don't feel I'm 53 it was like being slapped in the face, I feel I'd be more inclined to accept it if I were 63. I feel I'm in control by delaying it, I feel the pluses outweigh the minuses. take care
Tunsc1963 terrie2904
Meant to tell you that taking HRT only delays the menopause it doesn't stop it.
Sochima822 terrie2904
Terrie, you are not in menopause if you are having periods. Menopause starts when you haven't had a period for 12 or more consecutive months. Perhaps you misunderstood your doctor or maybe quack because all doctors know that menopause, means no periods regardless of what your fsh may say.
Tunsc1963 Sochima822
I'd like to correct you, and think you need to take into consideration that Terrie is on HRT which makes you have periods. This is what she was trying to discuss. This lady was probably in the early stages of menopause and suffering by the sounds of things hence the reason her doctor has seen fit to prescribe HRT. I think you have misunderstood her question which I have already answered.
Sochima822 Tunsc1963
I wasn't referring to her being on hrt, that's a given. I was referring to her quack doctor telling her she's in menopause when she's clearly not. Btw, Im a retired nurse who worked in ob/gyn in a clinical setting.
2chr2015 terrie2904
Tunsc1963 2chr2015
Hi yes taking HRT delays the menopause it doesn't stop it, hence the reason you still have periods. You can take for up to 5 years then should come off it so assuming that's the case your symptoms would start again, who knows if your symptoms will be better or worse. If anyone on the forum has got insight into this please let us know. For those of us who suffer badly it's a better way forward, why suffer, for me the pluses outweigh the minuses, let's keep fingers crossed that new medication will be available by then? Some people responding are misunderstanding the question. Take care
Lotti1966 terrie2904
Once you haven't had a period for 12 straight months you are in menopause. Not before that. You might want to have your Dr explain some things to you again.
Tunsc1963 Lotti1966
Lotti1966 terrie2904
Terrie, we're you still having regular 28 day cycles when you were put on HRT's? I'm not being nosey just trying to get it straight
terrie2904 Lotti1966
Hi lotti yes my periods are really regular I told my doctor this and he took blood tests. I was originally put on Estelle Duet 2mg but don't think they agreed with me so doc changed them to climage which were much better...I've been away for Christmas so haven't been on here for a while so apologies to anyone I haven't responded to and thank you