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I'm undecided about starting HRT because I'm worry about the risks can cause. I've been having hot flushes, bad mood swings but worse of all I can't
sleep properly. Are patches better than tablets? Can anyone on HRT please help me to make my mind up? I will be 50 in may and my last period was 8 months ago. Thank you.
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julie7525 elena50400
Hi elena, ive recently started on 50mg evorel conti patches (est/progest). You cgange them twice a week and stick well thru bathing and showering. I found 5g gave me headaches so i cut them in half now like a lot do. Wasnt sure if theyre afding to my palpitations as well as im on AD's, BB's and diazepam to counter the effects of the antidepressants. I read that the combined patch is safer than progest only and if started soon after menopause pretty safe. Ask your doc for all the options though. My main problem is palpitations and terrible anxiety. Hope you find something that helps x
kim99708 elena50400
my advise give it a go and see how you feel, personally I had very severe symptoms and begged for hrt, Premique was the magic pill and I did not look back, If you weigh it up I would want a "normal" life with the risks, not one I had before which I did not reconize myself
hope you make the right choice for you.
elena50400 kim99708
bobbysgirl elena50400
I am now taking sage leaf tablets and magnesium malate (among other things) and am doing OK - not brilliant but OK.
elena50400 bobbysgirl
kazzaxs elena50400
Hi elena I have recently started the 50mg patches like you I was scared about the side effects with HRT and it took me nearly two years to make the leap and start taking them, I was sick and tired of not feeling like me and suffering I haven't had any side effects yet from taking them my flushes have gone and I can actually sleep again it's a very personal decision and you have to weigh up the pros and cons. I also have a thyriod problem so I am not allowed to take soya products which most alternative medicines for the menopause contain.
elena50400 kazzaxs
Hi Kazzaxs, I think I'll make an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow to discuss the possibility to start the HRT therapy. I have to..Thank you for answering me. X
cynthia00141 elena50400
Elena, I'm not sure where my response went, but I use the over the counter natural progesterone cream. I'm now post menopausal, and I still use a little every night. It helps with my sleep. We're all very different so I hope you can find some kind of relief.
elena50400 cynthia00141
shallah24 elena50400
This will be a personal decision for you. My symptoms like others were paralysing - severe nausea , anxiety, poor sleep, palpitations depression and so on .
I did not want to take hrt and I did try herbal remedies like menopace . I must state that I am in peri.
Symptoms calmed to some extent , but ever week / 10 days in the month suffered from horrible symptoms.
I decided I can't continue like this, so spoke to gp & saw a gynaecologist privately .
Started hrt- I use the gel every night . I take progesterone pill & things have improved 95%. Some days still queasy but definitely worth talking to your gp.
Thank God for it . Just want to get through this phase of life .
Good luck