Posted , 3 users are following.
Any one been taking HRT for post menopause symptoms? i would love ti hear from you.
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Posted , 3 users are following.
Any one been taking HRT for post menopause symptoms? i would love ti hear from you.
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karen77710 Mars777
Hi I'm on hrt patches been on them about 9 monthes. I think they are really good, helped me a lot with hot flushes and dizziness. My sleeps abit better to xx
Mars777 karen77710
karen77710 Mars777
Yer they say your symptoms come back after you come off hrt. I'm only staying on them another 3 months, said I would go on them for a year. Hope you start to feel better soon xx
Mars777 karen77710
That's great, hope you manage without them thanks xx
karen77710 Mars777
jude84900 Mars777
Hi Mars,
I've been on bio identical hormones for a year and a half now and feel great! I plan to stay on them from here on out to keep my mind and body healthy. I am with a holistic dr that is very good. I am also on many supplements that compliment my hormone treatment. Blood work is done regularly to adjust where needed. I am confident staying on my hormones. They have eliminated my symptoms and I no longer feel the doom and gloom of this time of life being here. Lots of good reading and videos out there. Bio Identicals are the way to go. I think that is why so many women have issues being on HRT. They get prescribed the synthetics which contain things that are not NATURAL to our bodies and make us feel worse. Good Luck