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Hi ladies
I am going through peri and am wondering about hrt. I have every symptom imaginable and more and its ruining my life as I also suffer with health anxiety and constantly think I have something seriously wrong with me. After doing more blood tests the nurse told me once again that everything was fine apart from my hormones. She told me to go home and Google the pros and cons of hrt and then come back and let her know what I want to do. I have done this but still can't make my mind up. If I knew it was going to make me feel better I would be there today. But am really unsure. I don't want it to make me feel worse. Any input or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance xx
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Sassyr12a lisa17089
Hello Lisa
I'm sorry you feel so awful. I've always had hormone problems and put off taking hrt for fear of side effects, but last year I hit meno and was in a right state couldn't sleep, anxiety, panic attacks, dizzyness etc and I had to stop work. I started taking bhrt in March and can safely say that if I wasn't I don't think I could function. It's still a challenge with anxiety etc but it's much more manageable and the side effects are low. People always look at hrt and worry about the impact of taking them, but I'd argue that we never look at the impact of not taking them especially when you are younger. Hormones are needed for brain function, endocrine system, heart health, bone health etc let alone keeping you sane. Do some research but I'd say why suffer? What would you tell your best friend to do? If the way you are feeling right now is so bad, then I would give it a go. I wouldn't be upright now without them. I'm 43. Good luck hunxxx
louise25018 lisa17089
i so feel for you hunni and that was me 3 or 4 months ago.
In desperation I decided to go for it and went for hrt.
I use 2 pumps of estriol gel a day and a progesterone tablet before bed.
Seriously within days I felt emotionally lighter, I slept better, my moods levelled out and after a week hot flushes disappeared! I am so glad I took the plunge as I feel alot like my old self again. Ok not 100% but soooo much better.
Speak to your doctor and pick the right treatment for you. Im sure itll help and it doesnt hurt to try as if it doesnt suit you all you do is stop taking it.
Its been a great help to me and im really wishing you all the best to feel great again.
take care Lou xx
Claire4474 lisa17089
Hi Lisa
I was worried like you and put off taking HRT for over 18 months. I had every symptom going, hot flushes several times a day, night sweats, anxiety, insomnia, aches and pains, trembling feeling inside my legs and core, major fatigue, erratic periods....I could go on and on.
I've been back and forth to the doctors for test after test and all came back normal. He finally asked me if I wanted to try HRT, said it may help so I agreed to give it a go for three months. There is no history of breast cancer in my immediate family and after watching a program "The truth about menopause" I decided to try it.
I'm just finishing my third pack of Elleste Duet tablets and I can honestly say I feel so much better. Within the first week of taking the tablets my hot flushes and night sweats had disappeared. I am sleeping a lot better and feel generally better in myself, even my state of mind has improved, possibly because I feel physically a lot better. I have a withdrawal bleed every month after finishing the green tablets but I don't care, I feel loads better. I'm not going to lie, I still don't feel 100% like I did before all this started but I am hopeful that things will improve even more the longer I am on the tablets. I'd take how I feel now over how I felt six months ago!
It's not for everyone but if you have weighed up the pro's and con's then it might be worth doing a three month trial. I'm only on 1mg dose but already seen great improvements.
Good luck x
mee16031 lisa17089
three months into menopause and i started HRT. Estrogen and Progesterone. it's been two years now. HRT got rid of my hot flashes, insomnia and mood swings. also i have more energy now. Based on my experience i would certainly recommend it. However you know your health history best, so you can decide based on that.
sarah39816 lisa17089
Hi, Lisa
I'm 48 and have been in peri for over 6 years. I have had every symptom imaginable and I was so miserable I could barely function. I visited my natural wellness doctor a couple of years ago and she prescribed bio identical hormone therapy. I was afraid to take it, so I suffered for another 2 years. I went back to my doctor and told her of all my symptoms, had several tests and she encouraged me to give the BHRT a try. I take 100mg of oral progesterone at night and use 2mg of biest/testosterone cream in the morning. I have been on it for about 5 months now and it has absolutely changed my life. My symptoms are better and I am beginning to feel like myself again. BHRT is not for everyone, but I would suggest you explore this option with your doctor.
I am sorry you are going through this. This therapy option is working for me and perhaps it will work for you, too. Good luck and wishing you better health!--Sarah xxoo
Thankyou so much for your replies ladies, I really appreciate it. I have decided I am going to give it a try xx
louise25018 lisa17089
Good for you lovely! Let us know how you get on. Lou x
trude_18321 lisa17089
I started HRT predominently because I had really terrible anxiety, poor memory and I was sleeping very badly as hot flushes waking me every 30 mins at night so exhausted at work. i now feel so much better - much less anxiety and no flushes. Memory remains scarily poor though. i would say dont judge it on just a single month of HRT. Give it a couple at least to see how it goes.