HRT advice
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Hi, i'm about to start taking HRT mainly for tiredness and a few other niggles, i'm worried about weight gain and unsure how effective it is and how long it will take to work, any advice would be great.
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jayneejay deborah09592
theres no set time, and every woman different, HRT's all differ
'everyones hormones decline' is at different levels, depends what the HRT is thats given, whether its the right balance etc
no one fits all answer really
good luck with it all
jay x
deborah09592 jayneejay
linda37283 deborah09592
But everyone IS different and you must remember this - whats good for one will be bad for someone else - untill you try you wont know...........
Good luck with what you decide to do.....
susan21149 deborah09592
It is really up to you and your body on how HRT works with you.
If I were you I would look up stuff on HRT and decide for yourself what you think thats my advise on HRT.
shaznay96184 deborah09592
I'm not yet taking HRT......but will not rule it out, more for my bone health than anything else.
I'm going to follow your thread to see the replies and check how things work out for you.
I hope it gives you some relief, and all I'm sure of is that as the other's have said: its not a case of 'one size fits all', so you may have to change things to get it right for you.
Good Luck!
jayneejay deborah09592
risks and benefits..
some like the patch as transdermal and doesnt go via the liver
read about Premarin, Premique and Prempak C before offered it as doctors forget to tell you its equine, ( made from pregant mares urine) and cruelly done ..
' We aint horses'
theres better choices in my personal opinion..
so do your homework and see what suits you personally - all personal choice at the end if day, some swear by it, some dont, some cant even have it due to family breast cancer history, or their own health history.
some take it and then have peri all over again as when stopped the hormones decline again and the symptoms kick back in.. ( postpones menopause)
lots to think about, good luck hun
jay x
elle127 deborah09592
Always good to do your own research and get lots of opinions.
Good luck
deborah09592 elle127
sheryl37154 deborah09592
Those that don't use HRT that I know have tended to put on weight. Whether it is lack of oestrogen or comfort eating I don't know - probably both.
I generally feel a 'surge' in my breasts when new implant kicks on. It really does not take too long - never longer than a week. But then I use high dose (100 ug/day) On patches I was up and down all the time as the patches did not last as long as they should for me. I supplemented with the gel form when I felt waves of anxiety or depression, sweats, etc because my patch had run out or I had forgotten to put on a new one.
I don't plan on ever going off it so I am not delaying menopause. We don't have to go off it. Those that still have their uterus should take progesterone (progestogen?) as well to stop having problems with their uterus. Those who had endometriosis should use progesterone (?) too.
I have read some people justify not using HRT because women did not thousands of years ago. Thousands of years ago, people were lucky to live past 38, so there wasn't much menopause going around back then. Similarly up through the ages. One would have read novels including women taking to their bed for the rest of their lives (the wealthy of course) in previous centuries because of 'women's troubles' or vapours or whatever. Menopause suffering was around if they lived long enough, they just could not do anything about it so they suffered, became debilitated and died.
We are lucky we live in an age where can do something about it.
deborah09592 sheryl37154
The only thing that really worried me was the weight gain as I can gain weight without any help,haha.
It seems to me that if I have more energy it will surely be in my favour and at the moment i'm craving sugar all the time so hoprfully this will stop too.xx