HRT after the menopause, and after 60!

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****I've read and listened to many discussions recently, surrounding the benefits of HRT for post menopausal women. The benefits are now claimed to outweigh the risks.

I recognised myself with the list of symptoms associated with the menopause.

Any thoughts or experience would be welcomed.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I personally feel that we as women must listen to the advice from our doctors or gyne experts , each of us are different and we may react in different ways to HRT. We need to weigh up our own personal risks and the benefits , for me being 57 and had a total hysterectomy due to a low grade borderline very large 20cm ovarian tumor my consultant told me that HRT for me was far too risky so therefore i had to go cold turkey so to speak and trust me its not fun , surgical menopause is crippling and at times i have begged my doctor for help , after she wrote to my consultant the answer was still a very firm no . So really i think for those of us going through this dreadful menopause weather being surgical or natural i think the answer is to talk to the experts and then do whats right for ourselves , its not an easy decision but at the end of the day its about quality of life and if i could i would . Almost 6 years of living with every single 66 symptoms is no joy , its no fun being a woman at times .

    • Posted

      Why did they say HRT was too risky for you?

    • Posted

      I was told at the time that i was at a higher risk of breast cancer and recurrance as thr type of tumor i had was hormone fuelled , but ive done alot of research myself and according to recent studies i would be at no higher risk than anyone else who took HRT, i feel personally the benefits would have outweighed the risks even if i was only taking it for a short time .

  • Posted

    WHY did they say HRT was risky for you ? I had a total hysterctomy almost 3 years ago and have been on the patch low dose for almost 3 years and have had no problems. I KNOW the doctors dont want you on it more than 5 years so eventually I WILL wean off the patch. TRUST me I have read everything out there regarding HRT and there is pros and cons on taking it but I DID not want to suffer with symptoms of menopause. I would get a 2nd opinion if it was me. HOPE all works out for you!

  • Posted

    I will never have HRT pre or post... my mother died at the hands of is NOT for everyone.

    • Posted

      Jamie that's terrible! I'm so sorry. And they found that it was estrogen or progesterone or both that harmed her? I have sometimes heard progesterone is less dangerous but you can't trust anything. I took BC for 8 years and then learned it causes gallbladder issues (I developed gallstones) and even tho my doctor told me it would prevent fibroids I think it made mine huge.

    • Posted

      jamie, do you know if your mother was on synthetic HRT or bio identical hormones?

    • Posted

      oh no 😦 I know so many things that help with one thing can cause issues in another. I am winging it taking one day at a time as our family have a history of cancer and anything that contributes to it I won't be doing.

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