Hrt and antidepressants

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Hi I've been in peri menopause for acouple of years tried hrt twice and gave up.Im now off work with anxiety and been put on citalapram for anxiety but doc thinks hrt would help too as my hormones could be making it worse .I was on sertraline for 2 weeks and felt horrendous so was chagrd  my question is as anyone else starts both at same time and wht were the side effects like

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6 Replies

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    I was on HRTs trazodone, nurontin ativan, it is not a good combo at all. I would stick to one or the other because psych meds can make you retain water and so can HRTs 

    The combo is not a good idea this is how i feel 

  • Posted

    Depends on what hrt you have been given.  Ask for oestradiol matrix patches or gel.  Progestogen is usually the problem, so keep that light on.  I use Ralovera/Provera 10mg per day only (cut in half - half in morning, half in evening).  I use the Estraderm MX 100 patch (2 per week).

    I have been using these for 25 years with no problems - huge benefits instead.  No anxiety, no depression, etc.  Oestradiol better than those drugs.

    As you are still in peri, your strengths may be different.  But keep in mind all hrts are not equal.


    • Posted

      That is true. My adivice is she should either take the citalapram or the HRTs but not together. 

      I do not think HRTs should be mixed with Psych meds at all its either on or the other 

    • Posted

      When using a good hrt, sarah should not need an anxiety med.  I would not touch those meds and antidepressants with a barge pole.  Hrt is more natural - as long as it is a bio-identical one like the one I mentioned.


  • Posted

    Hi Sarah, I'm really sorry you are suffering so badly. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I take Citalopram 40mgs, have a Mirena coil fitted and have been on HRT since February. I take Zumenon (oral HRT) as I am allegic to elasterplast so can't have patches. At Christmas last year I was having terrible panic attacks, my anxiety was through the roof, I was bleeding heavily and to be honest was suicidal. I have always suffered from anxiety, and was used to taking ADs so I wasn't opposed to going back on the citalopram. I haven't had any adverse reactions taking all at once. Eight months on and I have my life back. Don't get me wrong I still have bad days and feel out of kilter and anxious at times, but nothing like I was at Christmas.

    Keep your chin up, and don't be afraid to try things. It's not worth suffering unduly.

    Take care my friend,

    Anita x


    • Posted

      Hi Anita I've also taken them both together a couple of years ago with no probs.My anxiety was horrendous and sertraline intensified it and as doc thinks some of my anxiety is hormone related it was a good idea to start it as only real side effects I might have is sore boobs and a bit of water retention so I started HRT yesterday and I'm on day 5 back on citalapram and compared to the last 5 weeks I've been a lot less anxious today but that's prob because by tomorrow there shudnt be any sertraline left in my body thank goodness that ad was a nightmare for me although they reckon it's a good drug hopefully I don't take two steps back tomorrow x

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