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Please help . I’m on HRT patches for 3 months and I have a Mirena coil . I’ve just started having terrible vaganal smell and slight discharge. Is this normal as I can’t have any kind of sexual contact with my partner because of the smell is so awful. Please advise if this is normal . And will it stop or shall I have the coil removed ? Thank you .
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Rg4673 lorraine_16453
beth12460 lorraine_16453
louise25018 lorraine_16453
Hi Lorraine discharge can be a sign of many things during this roller coaster ride to menopause and the associated anxiety is truly awful. However with a foul smelling discharge I agree with the other ladies in that you need to see your doctor just to check things out for you and put your mind at rest.
I don’t know if it helps but I’ve had lots of issues with all sorts of discharge this last year and I also have a mirena coil.
For the last 2 months I’ve had browny / pinky discharge continually (no smell though) and after worrying myself rigid I went back to doctor for the round of testing needed to check things out. I.e swab tests to rule out infections (vaginosis etc), cervical smear and pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound (checks for womb lining thickness cysts etc etc)
I had my final test yesterday and all was well thank goodness but the (brilliant!) radiographer lady did tell me is that if Peri ladies experience foul smelling discharge they should always seek at least a swab test.
Easier said than done I know, try not to worry though and get yourself along for a doctors appointment. I agree with the lady above that it sounds like an infection but obviously you need proper medical checks just to make sure all is well and get any treatment if necessary.
Thinking of you and let us know how you get on. Hope this helps you to know you are not alone as Peri to menopause is quite a difficult time for us ladies xxxx😘
rose00110 lorraine_16453
tracey49012 lorraine_16453
tracey49012 lorraine_16453