Hrt and severe anxiety
Posted , 4 users are following.
hi I've had severe anxiety for past five weeks from nowhere tried one ad that made me worse doc has given me hrt just wondering if this will make my anxiety worse
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Posted , 4 users are following.
hi I've had severe anxiety for past five weeks from nowhere tried one ad that made me worse doc has given me hrt just wondering if this will make my anxiety worse
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MrsMerm sarah09381
HRT (it has to be the right one FOR YOU)
The anxiety is dreadful, I have it too
I really hope the HRT works, give it atleast 3 weeks
However, I recommend an antidepressant, SERTRALINe excellent
sarah09381 MrsMerm
sue976 sarah09381
i too started with Anxiety out of nowhere apparently it's normal, the ladies on here have told me to try flax seed capsules, just been to Holland and Barrett to get some, and the lady in there said it is great for menopause, so from now I am giving it a go, I personally don't really want to go on tablets if I don't after to, I am going to try the herbal route first, best of luck, if the hrt doesn't work give the flax capsules a go xx
MrsMerm sarah09381
the health route
sue976 MrsMerm
have you tried Flax.....
and thank you once again for your response yesterday, I feel alot better today 😃😃😃
MrsMerm sarah09381
Yes I will try the flax
susan21149 sarah09381
Give the HRT a try and if you are still having anxieties in a few weeks to a month then ask your doctor for and antidepressant and an antianxiety medication
I have had my share of anxieties and even on meds i still get anxious i have to do my coping skills and my relaxation and learn some yoga to help stay calm
Even if you are on HRT you will still have anxieties at times because medication will lessen it it won't take it away completely you have to learn coping skills for your anxieties