HRT and the coil
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I'm 53 started with the menopause 18 months ago hit me like a ton of bricks. Hot flushes all the time, feeling depressed, crying, generally just felt like sh*t all the time. Anyway went to my doctors and they put me on a low dose of HRT which has helped but I still don't feel like my old self, so just started on a higher dose. My periods over the last 10 years have been very heavy and painful they were never like this when I was younger. I've discussed having the coil fitted and taking a different type of hormone replacement has anyone else done this?
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Happy2016 Tunsc1963
I am 53 and like you my cycles tripled. I now haven't had a cycle in 5 months. I can't take prescribed HRT because I'm a smoker and can cause blood clots.So I turned to an OTC one. Seems to be helping.
Tunsc1963 Happy2016
wendy12420 Tunsc1963
Hi after going through surgical menopause I went on a low dose hrt which worked great for a few months but doesn't seem to be now so my consultant has put me on a higher dose but I just don't feel good.He has now suggested the coil and seperate estrogen as he said this is a safer option but I can't seem to fifind anyone else who has had this type of hrt
Tunsc1963 wendy12420
Hi Wendy I am in exactly the same position and feel the same, I saw one chat on here but it was posted a year ago about the merino coil and menopause the lady said her friend had one and all her symptoms had gone I'm going to try and get more information on this because I think it may be a better solution I'll keep you posted
wendy12420 Tunsc1963
Thank you, I'm due to see my consultant in 2 weeks to discuss it so will let you know how I get on
take care
Tunsc1963 wendy12420
Yes please do that would be great take care
wendy12420 Tunsc1963
Hi been to see my consultant today to discuss having the coil fitted plus seperate estrogen, I've decided I'm going to going ahead with this after a long chat with him.He has said that's it's a much safer option and the chance of breast cancer is much lower if the coil is fitted as the progesterone is a much lower dose and statistic show women who only have estrogen have a much lower chance of getting breast cancer.He said it was also easier to adjust the estrogen on its own.
good luck hope this helps I feel more reassured after my app today.
ljp64 wendy12420
Hi Wendy, that's great you've seen your consultant. I have had my Mirena fir a year now and use estrogel 2 pumps a day. Apart from initial spotting which lasted about 6/8 weeks, it's all been very positive, and I feel better than I've felt in a long time x when are you having it fitted?
wendy12420 ljp64
Hi that's good to know it works for you my consultant said it will be easier to increase estrogen if I need to, do you find that 2 pumps is enough to get rid of all your symptoms ? I'm having it done when I'm back of my hol early March was a bit worried about doing it before in case I had problems.
ljp64 wendy12420
Hi, I started on just one pump, as I was really nervous about the whole HRT idea, and even one lump stopped my hot flushes, but it wasn't enough to get my anxiety and mood swings under control. Two pumps is much better, I do occasionally use an extra half pump, as some months I think what's left of my own hormones, make themselves known and I get a bit down and feel very flat ( that's the good thing about the gel, it's easy to adjust) but normally three or four days with the extra half pump, makes a difference and gets me back on track.
when in March are you away? I had mine fitted three weeks before Christmas in 2015, apart from a couple of weeks of slightly discomfort (nothing bad, just occasional dull ache) I felt so much better fir cgristmas as hot flushes had gone and I felt optimistic for the first time in ages, plus I was sleeping better, I had slight spotting, sorry for detail, not enough to need a pad, but there when I wiped. That lasted the first couple of months, but all copeable compared to how I had been feeling.
i would say it depends on where you are in meno, if you're having heavy periods, the Mirena might clear you out initially, but it's only January, so you'd have time xx just a thought 😊
wendy12420 ljp64
Hi I had my ovaries removed which put me into surgical menopause, it's been awful months of no sleep constant hot sweat and depression and anxiety so my feelings of not wanting hrt changed completely after my op I don't feel I have a choice but to take it or I have no quality of life
It's reassuring that you say that you sometimes use more gel during the month & it helps, my hrt has 2mg of estrogen and I still feel low and have hot sweats.
i go away in 5 weeks so decided to leave it til after hol as consultant said I may bleed for a bit which I don't want on hol
take care & thanks for your experience on this x
ljp64 wendy12420
wendy12420 ljp64
ljp64 Tunsc1963
Hi Tunsc1963
I have a Mirena coil and use estrogel 2 pumps daily. I'm 2 years post meno. Had a bleed 14 mi this after no periods so was referred for a hysteroscopy to check all ok, my uterus lining was thin, but the gynaecologist suggested Mirena coil as it meant I could use whatever oestrogen I needed without any worry on womb lining build up.
had it a year now, and apart from discomfort during fitting, and slight spotting for first couple of months, it's been good. Also from my understanding, it's better as the progestogen is contained within the uterus, so less is absorbed into the body.
hope this helps
Tunsc1963 ljp64
ljp64 Tunsc1963
Tunsc1963 ljp64
ljp64 Tunsc1963
You are most welcome, it's a very confusing time isn't it?
i must say I personally like the transdermal gel (estrogel) as it's easy to adjust the dose as necessary, I find I still get almost cyclical slumps like when I was having periods, and through trial and error, an extra half pump if oestrogen for about three days a month when I feel like that, just helps level me out again.