Hrt and weight gain! Is it true that l will gain weight taken HRT
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Been taking elleste 1mg for 4 weeks now, l struggle with my weight at best of times I'm starting to feel constantly bloated and feel I'm putting weight on round my middle. My hot fuses have calmed down my mood swings and sex drive not improved yet am l being to impatient will l gain weight? I go to gym 3/4times a week and constantly watch what I eat. Can anyone recommend hrt that doesn't give you weight gain please
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terri52896 bevlar10
give it a try for 2 weeks and you`ll see a major change , let me know good luck
annieschaefer terri52896
bevlar10 terri52896
I took on board what you said and just to let you know l almost immediately started following gluten and dairy free diet
1.found it very easy to follow
2 haven't had any dairy or gluten for nearly 3 weeks
3 have lost 6 lbs in Weight
4 absolutely no bloating
5.feel so much better in fact after approx 7 days felt better
so a massive thank you for your reply it's helped no end and am very grateful.
terri52896 bevlar10
susan21149 terri52896
terri52896 susan21149
Best of luck
susan21149 terri52896
terri52896 susan21149
annieschaefer bevlar10
Annie xx
susan21149 bevlar10
HRTs are not a magic pill there is no magic pill that wiil take away our moods and anxieties why waste time trying to find a pill that works bcause its okay to have anxieties but we are wasting time on ourselves thinking we are dying or something is wrong with us why make ourselves more anxious and sick we need to stop worring and just let it pass naturally
annieschaefer susan21149
While I agree there is no magic pill that fixes everything, I respectfully disagree with your comment regarding all HRTs have the side effect of gaining weight. I am proof of that as I am on an HRT currently and am losing weight. It's the same for ADs, some people may gain while taking them and others will drop weight.
It's fair to say that what works for one, may not another. It's ok that you have chosen to go through this time period and let it pass naturally. Others that visit here may chose a different course and it's not wasting time for them to go down this path using whatever medicine works for them.
This can be a difficult time for many and it's best to be gentle with ourselves and others.
Annie x