HRT at 44 years okd
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Hi everyone I'm new to the group and need some advice please. I have been suffering with night sweats, mood swings, tearfulness and aching hip bone for a while now and saw my doc last Monday. I asked if she would do a hormone blood test which is due next Tuesday.
After talking to her for 40 mins and her doing some background digging she told me that when I had an ectopic pregnancy 12 years ago and lost my right tube and ovary that my estrogen levels would have diminished greatly and that with all the symptoms I'm having now she would highly recommend that I start HRT!
At first I was shocked as I considered myself too young but after listening to everything she said I now feel that this could be a fantastic option for me.
In the last few months I have flown into constant rages with my hubby and kids and just cant seem to control them when I get into that state then out of knowhere I can just start sobbing uncontrollably.
I've done a little bit of research on internet about pros and cons but I would really like to hear from women who have actually gone down this route of HRT before the menopause. I would like to know the "real" pros and cons and whether (as stated on some sites) it does actually increase your mood, energy, sleeping patterns, flushes and libido.
I appreciate anyone taking the time to reply as I just need to hear personal experiences.
Thanks so much
Bairb xx
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beverley007 bairb25990
Was soo worth it to be able to feel human again..xx
bairb25990 beverley007
Ah thanks so much Beverley. So glad to hear it's been a good choice for you. I'm going to go ahead with it and fingers crossed I too will start to feel human again soon lol xx
beverley007 bairb25990
Suki_girl bairb25990
I don't think 44 is too young. I entered peri menopause at 47 (vaginal dryness was my main problem) and my doctor recommended back then to start on HRT before things deteriorate too much. I did not because I found I could manage with oil based lubes for a bit, but finally a relented this year (51) because the dryness and lack of elasticity in my vagina had begun to make sex painful. Also getting hot flushes and night sweats every few hours. I started using oestrogen cream and am so pleased I did. It very rapidly returned my vagina to a much younger version of itself. It also seems to have helped with the hot flushes. All good thus far. If things deteriorate further I will try HRT patches. I have no qualms about using those - the risks are much less than for oral HRT. I have friends on patches and they say they feel much better emotionally, their skin is in much better condition, they have more energy and generally feel back to how they did before entering peri menopause. Like I said, 44 is not early - I consider early to be in the 30's. My Auntie had menopause when she was 34, poor thing, and had a really rough time with it. She went on HRT and felt great - my uncle, her husband, called the HRT her happy pills!
Azzumi bairb25990
Good morning Baird, I'm 48 and started bio identical hormones 8 months ago due to terrible mood swings during peri menopause. The worst part was definitely the crying and anger. I could cry all day and the anger became very hard to control. It wasn't an instant fix and my BHRT had to be adjusted a few times but I'm now feeling balanced again. I have a few little ups and downs but I can deal with it and it passes quickly. I had all the other peri symptoms too but I could deal with them, it was the moods that nearly destroyed me.
marcia_27799 bairb25990
Hi girls I am 54 and I started HRT 2 month ago it was miracle change not instant but very helpful, how some of you said help you feel human again. It is very important to take in consideration that each of us is different and bring to the table different perspectives. I am being afected pretty much on my emotional side because beside menopause so many changes in my life at the same time and anxiety was my mayor problem I said was until today that after two months of no pills to help I had to use it again because I couldn't control my anxiety. I am taking progesterone plus estrogen and work great for my menopause symptoms when I am not in the border like now. Right in this moment I feel so anxious and fragile
caz1967 bairb25990
good luck I hope everything works out for you.