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Started taking this HRT tablet on the 1st day of period as per instructions and 14 days on I am still having a period. I am nearly 51 and had my smear, mammogram and all my bloods done last year, all ok. This is unusual to have had a period for so long as normally they may last no more than 6 days or less.
I have read the side effects which say that whilst your body is getting used the extra hormones you can have a bleed. Has anyone experienced this when first starting out and also having very low moods and have constant worry that something isn't right (I know another system of going through peri is the constant doom and gloom.
Spoke to the chemist who has said that this can happen and my doctor says it's Early days. Doesanyone have any advice or share their own experiences? It could be that this particular period was going and happen to be long and heavy when I started the HRT! Any help will be much appreciated and thank you in advance for support. Joy xxx
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Good luck, hope things settle for you both soon.
Guess I am feeling a little afraid it may be something else and of course have not been sleeping well either as I wake up with anxious thoughts that there must be something wrong with me. Until Nov 2012 I had neverreally worried about my health but now it feels everything that doesn't seem normal to me I am worrying my self sick.
I have read others saying that your periods can change to either lighter or heavier so I need to stay
positive as I know everyone is different but sometimes my worrying just takes over. Thank you once again for your kindness. Joy xxx
It is good to share your feelings with your husband as I have done so with mine and he is always reassuring me that nothing is wrong even though your mind is telling you otherwise. I am very lucky as mine is just there to give me a cuddle to make the tea or see to the dogs when I don't have any energy as I use to.
My Recent worry has been that I have still been with a period even though I started the HRT 15 days ago and even though the pharmacy have told me this can happen as your body is getting use to it but my mind istelling me that there must be something wrong. Does that make sence, my sinus have started playing up most mornings recently and this gets me coughing and keeps me awake a long side the constant worry.
All want is to get the old me back so I can start to enjoy once again! Thanks for reading this and for sharing your own experience. Xxxx
Have you thought you might have developed hayfever. My list of allergies has increased dramatically with the menopause. Worth trying anti histamines to find out. Along with skin allergies I can't go anywhere near a rapeseed field in flower. I think nature coloured them bright yellow as a warning. I even had a allergic reaction to rapeseed oil a few weeks ago. worth a thought.
On the period lasting so long a friend of mine has had one for the past 5 weeks after a few months without a sign. She has been checked and is fine. Not nice but worth having a check or chat to your GP or surgery nurse. Try not to worry so much and get all your worries checked out. That should help you calm down.
Good luck
Fussypeg Snatchpiece
Snatchpiece Fussypeg
Its frightening when we all read these forums and can relate to one another but at the same time comforting to know that you are not the only one feeling out of source and we are all on here for the same reasons to hopefully find some much needed relief to what we may be feeling or suffering with.
I am now ending my 3 months of HRT and to be honest this month has not been so good for me (even though not as bad as I was before I started the HRT). My 2nd month was trouble free and i truly thought I had done the best thing by going on them. I started to suffer with Acid Reflux last year and I have noticed that I seem to really suffer if I eat late or have a heavy meal and in turn my sinus flare up. My periods seem to come on day 3 of my new packets (white tablets) which will be this coming Monday but I have started waking up feeling sick again. The only reason I was advised to try the HRT was to help regulate my periods and thus hopefully balance my hormones and cycles as my anxiety only came when my periods were either late or missed completely, when they came on 27,28 day cycle I didnt suffer these blips.
I know I have read that you can develop digestive problems whilst in peri and at the moment a long with my sinus these are the only two main things I seem to suffer from well a long with some restless nights.
I was hoping that by starting with HRT that my digestive system would settle down as well and had hoped that this would do the trick. (I am not so sure now)
I take a "Busy B" vits which have 100mg and have started to add B6 only 100mg making my daily dosage 200mg which I believe should help balance out the hormones. I am not feeling the doom and gloom at the moment but to be honest my tummy is playing up even though I take tablets prescribed from the GP to settle it which is getting me down. I am hoping that this may all be down to the fact I have a period looming and my fingers are crossed that once I start it will settle down again.
Like all of us I just want that happy go lucky lady back that never sat and worried about her health. (had all the normal checks but never let it control my life like it seems to now).
Take care and thank you once again for your reply. xxx