HRT for over 60s
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Well, after about 5 years of putting up with feeling like a 90 year old I have finally given in and gone back on to HRT. I am 61 and at age 50 started to feel joint pain and stiffness which has progressivly worstened since then. I have tried everything. Natural remedies, supplements, chiropractors, physios, oesteos, you name it. Nothing worked and I just kept getting worse. Yesterday I went to a new doctor and told her I was just tired. Tired of feeling like this and tired of not being able to do things my 75 year old partner can easily do. To make things worse, for the past few years I have gradually been getting vaginal atrophy which is now at the point where I can't be with my partner. I really wanted to be able to manage all this without HRT but my quality of life is just rubbish. The doctor gave me a medication called Kliogest. I am feeling better already just knowing I have done something about all this that might make me feel like I used to. I can't wait for it to kick in and really hope I will feel better. My question is, has anyone else started HRT at over 60? Did it work? How are you feeling? I am a bit nervous about all you hear about cancer etc, but I feel I need to weigh up quality of life. I don't want to spend every minute of every day in pain if there is a way around it.
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