HRT GOOD OR BAD for us ??
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Hi friends
how r u all ?
I am very much confused !!!!!!!
Is HRT MUST in Peri for woman or not ?
I have seen BBC news ..lots of discussion going on these days on HRT ....they r saying HRT has soo many side effects but without HRT u will have more chances of heart and bone problems in older age...
Soo i am very much confused what to DO?????
If u take HRT Cancer rate increases IF u DONOT then ur heart and bones may got trouble..
Is any other solution to Handle Peri ??
WHAT IS SOLUTION FOR THIS ... What we poor woman should Do to Handle this Peri and Meno ????
This phase of life is very tought ..We r suffering alot .
Plzz Share ur views on this .
Is anyone here in group who donot opt for HRT ?? what to do to keep ur heart and bones heathy ??
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jamie37119 sunaina1983
My view on this is that we do what we feel is best for our bodies... not one size fits all. Personally, I won't have HRT because my mother had it, she passed from endometrial cancer and there is a high rate of cancer in our family. Along with that, some have Lynch Syndrome, so I won't touch it with a barge pole... As for the heart / bones, you can take natural remedies for these things, and a healthy lifestyle will still reduce the chances of issues. Do a bit of research ... I do believe there is a certain herb (can't think of the name) that is good for repairing bone, and building it up. So there are always alternatives.
susan39015 sunaina1983
Hi Sunaina its funny that you posted this because i was going to post the same thing. I am part of a group on fb and there are a lot of women who say they feel so much better on it but i have sooooooo many questions bcuz i have so many symptoms so idk. I guess like Jaimie said its not a one size fits all and you have to research I am going to post questions on there today. I think the risk for cancer is small but if you have a family history of cancer and carry that gene the risk obviously is higher but im not going to begin to say i know what im talking about haha I have so many questions and am so desperate to feel better. Hang in there prayers to you, there are so many wonderful women in this group that im sure know more about it. If i find out anything i will let you know. ❤
wendy94366 susan39015
hi susan what is your group on fb called plz
susan39015 wendy94366
Hi it is The Menopause Support Network
lisa17089 sunaina1983
I'm very much the same, im suffering with horrendous bone pain, hands, elbows, back, hip the list goes on, I'm 51 and feel if I carry on like this I will be in a wheelchair by the time I'm 60, I honestly suffer that much with pain and stiffness. I too am confused about HRT I have heard good and bad reports, the fact it Carriies a higher cancer diagnosis has really put me off taking it as I suffer with health anxiety . I've tried multi vitamins but not noticed any difference. a lot of people I speak to have said some really positive things about it, but I dont want to spend all my time worrying about cancer and I know I will. but I really could do with something to help me, so like you I really dont know what to do xx
Ella23ps sunaina1983
It depends on the women there are so many factors that go into making a decision like this. The body type, how loosing your hormones is effecting your quality of life, etc. Without hormones you die! It's the circle of life. Cancer is not something anyone wants to hear. You body usually falls into two categories. 1 - fungus infections or 2- bacterias infections. Then you have two more categories 1- cancer or 2 - autoimmune diseases. Cancer is the opposite of autoimmune diseases just like fungus is the opposite of bacteria. people who get fungus infections though out their life usually develop autoimmune diseases and people who are prone to bacterial infections though out their life usually develop cancer. The environment also plays a lot into this as well. Most of all chemicals produce estrogens that are bad "xenoestrogens" these are the ones that usually cause cancer. Try to stay away from synthetic hormones I suggest bio identical hormones unless your quality of life is so horrible and synthetic is all you can get. It is funny to me that people are so worried about hormones causing cancer when SUGAR, STRESS GMO FOODS and CHEMICALS (pesticides, perfume, and petroleum etc.) causes more cancer than hormones. Also study after study has proven without a doubt that CELL PHONES cause cancer and yet NOBODY will give up their cell phones "just saying : )". Anyway cancer thrives in an acidic environment so if you keep your body more on the alkaline side your chances of developing cancer lowers greatly. Clean air, Clean food, Clean water, and No stress!!! God Bless.
jude84900 Ella23ps
Good points! I was one that didn't want to take any medications. Thought I was going to go through the peri and menopause like a breeze because I had taken so good of care of myself my whole life. Wrong! I handled the symptoms of peri because quite frankly I was too busy raising children and working. But after the periods ended and full menopause started I certainly noticed things happening to my mind and body I was not liking. If people would read some books, good books by the doctors that founded bio identical hormones they would have a much better understanding of them and feel more at ease about using them. Believe me, I was a person that didn't want to put anything in my body. Its the synthetic hormones that are causing the problems for women not bio identical. My hairdressers mother died of breast cancer and my hairdresser just started bio identical hormones. Has anyone pondered the point that just maybe her mother got breast cancer in the first place by not protecting herself ( with the right hormones, not synthetic ) from things like breast cancer, stroke, heart attack, dementia, etc.? I would bet most women that had breast cancer or other issues were either on the wrong hormone replacement ( synthetic ) or not taking any hormone replacement, leaving themselves unprotected. It all seems confusing at first but I'm telling you, if women would read some of these books or check out some videos on bio identical hormones they would understand better what is happening to move forward with their decision. For me, I read and now my only regret at 59, four years on hormones, is that I didn't start bio identical treatment back at 42 when my symptoms of peri first started. Keep in mind, we weren't meant to live much past 50 years ago. Now we live to 100. That a lot of years to go without hormones in our body. I think women need to look at how they want their quality of life to be those last 30-40 years! General doctors really need to get on board and educate themselves on bio identical hormones. Sadly they are stuck in the "back in the day "synthetic scare of hormone replacement. They are right, synthetics are bad but bio identical is what our body knows and uses.
jamie37119 Ella23ps
In my mothers case she rarely ate sugars etc.... our family have a history of Lynch and because of this HRT is not recommended. She happened to use it before this knowledge and died from endometrial cancer linked to HRT.
Ella23ps jamie37119
I am sorry if I offended you. I was trying to be neutral. I am neither for or against hormone therapy. I am also so very sorry your mother die of cancer and Lynch is just HORRIBLE so I understand why you would stay far away from HRT. Like I said in the first part of my first reply it depends on the person and their body type and make up. I realize that many things can cause cancer and everyone is different.
jamie37119 Ella23ps
sooo sorry didn't mean to come across as offended.... thanks Ella
susane84679 sunaina1983
I think it is a personal choice. I chose not to take HRT but what is right for one person is not right for another..
sunaina1983 susane84679
ur right next q what to do for bone and heart people say if u donot take HRT..they both affected alot
sakura26 sunaina1983
This is such a great but difficult question. It's ridiculous doctors don't have better answers. Men age but they do not age like this. Maybe they were meant to outlive us and God is really a man. I've read more recent articles that say HRT risk for cancer is lower if you're in perimenopause vs full menopause. And as many said, without hormones you have a host of other health risks. Low progesterone can also lead to cancer. I myself tried natural progesterone and had huge weight gain, which I was later told by my doctor, is common. I don't understand why doctors after ALL these years still cannot safely balance a woman's hormones. I have had multiple doctors and naturopaths tell me well it's "really tricky", "there's no easy way" etc. essentially that they have no clue. There really are no great options I've found I think because we are not men and because most women hide their suffering due to shame. There are better options for men with erectile dysfunction than women who I hear have such bad peri and menopause symptoms they quit their jobs and can't function. I would research HRT more as far as cancer risks. Again recently studies have said it's much lower. But on the other hand I can tell you from experience it may make other things worse, side effects. But we do need hormones to be healthy. It's just no doctor has figured out the right way to restore them to balance and apparently just taking more doesn't work, natural or synthetic. There is ovarian rejuvination but it's too early to know if it's safe. And very expensive. Doctors really aren't working on a solution. They don't care enough. They think ... it's not a disease. But it IS dehibilating and can lead to serious illness and disease.
shylee sunaina1983
hi Sunaina
This subject obviously comes up a lot here. Every woman is different with what they experience in peri and meno, though we all have things in common with it. it's always best to have a healthy life. The right food and exercise etc. is always a good thing but for many of us its just not enough.
it's true that they say HRT has a lot of side effects but most medications do. we each have to make a choice what's right for us.
I chose to go with HRT because I felt i had no other options. I was suffering so badly i couldn't live the way i was going and even seriously thought of suicide. I am an extremely strong person and i have survived a lifetime of hell, so this was a guage to how bad it was/is... HRT was my last resort and for me it took many symptoms away and others considerably better that i could cope. it didn't take away the facial burning or any of the burning skin (not hot flashes) i have hadto take carbamazepine for that. the joint and bone pain i still have HRT hasn't helped me with that.
so for me the side effect risks of HRT are worth it.
I hope you find some relief soon.
patient_mod2 shylee
Hi shylee,
We note from a recent post which you have made to our forum that you may be experiencing thoughts around self-harm. If we have misinterpreted your comments then we apologise for contacting you directly. But if you are having such thoughts then please note that you are not alone in this, and there are people out there that can help.
If you are having these suicidal thoughts then we strongly recommend you speak to someone who may be able to help. The organisations below can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen. If you are having such thoughts then please do reach out to one of these organisations who will understand what you're going through and will be able to help.
There are several helplines in the US which can help you.
They include the Crisis Call Center on Phone: (800) 273-8255;
Hopeline Network on Phone: (800) 422-HOPE (1-800-422-4673)
and the National Suicide Prevention Hotline on Phone: (800) 273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).
Please do reach out - there are many good people who can help.
For users outside of the USA please have a look at this page
Kindest regards,
shylee patient_mod2
Hi Patient,
Thank you for your concern and information. You have misinterpreted my message. I have in the past felt unable to go on with these terrible symptoms but i have since found help and some relief.
Thank you again