HRT medication advice.
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hi ladies.
its me again I wasn't a bit of advice really, before I go see my gp on Monday, about changing my HRT because Premarin was giving me migraines, and it was effecting my contact lenses too.
i would like to know which HRT some of you lovely ladies are on and with the least side effects please.
estrogen one only.
my gp want me to come off tiberlone which iv been on for 15 years its a combined one, ....i shouldn't be on with no womb or ovaries
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brendababy julie89512
Hi Julie, I've been on tibolone for approx 2 years, I still have my womb and ovaries. My GP prescribed this one for me as I couldn't tolerate other hrts, they caused worsening of migraines and bleeding, tibolone I'm led to believe has fewer side effects
Did you ask your doctor why you can't continue with the tibelone, what harm can it do if you keep taking it
Good luck, hope you find something that agrees with you Julie xx
julie89512 brendababy
Hi Brenda.
she said that I didn't need a combined one and if I went on estrogen only I would lower my chances of getting breast cancer.
i don't smoke I have a glass of wine every now and then.
I carnt drink much because I'm on A/D for health Anxiety.
iv for the last 6 years only take 1 tiberlone every other day which seems to work for me.
fingers crossed she will let me have it back
thank you for replying xx
brendababy julie89512
I think your doing the right thing Julie by questioning why your gyn has decided to take you off meds that hasn't caused you any probs in the past
I'm sure everything will be ok, keep thinking positive and let us all know how you get on
Have a great weekend x
julie89512 brendababy
will let you know on Monday how I got on
Have a great weekend too.x
brendababy julie89512
Thanks Julie 🌻X
julie89512 brendababy
Hi Brenda.
just got back from seeing my GP.
she did try and persuade me to try patches, and she did explain that they go straight into the blood stream and not the liver.
but with suffering health anxiety I really don't want to change if tiberlone is working for me.
She checked my BP and it was 125/77 so she was happy with that, so agreed for me to stay on tiberlone for 6 months and go back for another review. I took a urine sample to and that was fine.
I took a list with me so I wouldn't forget anything.
hope you are ok.
have a good day xx
janver12 julie89512
Hi Julie. I have been on Tibilone for 8m and have no womb&ovaries.My surgeon/gynae consultant is happy for me to stay on it as long as it suits me.Iam 50. I also have oestrogel to top up with as found just needed a bit more. Oestrogel seems to be the more favourable for less side effects as doesn't go through your whole system. Good luck it's a mine field!! X
julie89512 janver12
thank you for replying.
it is a mine field, every doctor has different opinions to HRT.
I think 15 years down the line why change me.
I have health anxiety has it is and I'm settled at the moment with things after a rough year.
have to see what she says on Monday. X
janver12 julie89512
Just ask your Dr to refer you to a gynae in which you have a right to .Drs tend to be less knowledgable on hrt and menopause .My gynae told me that.It is true as I experienced it. All NHS ! Tibilone works differently than standard hrt and carries its risk like other hrt does.Its suitable for women who have had hysterectomy and those who haven't..If it ain't broke don't fix it! One tablet every other day isn't a high dose . I wouldn't be able to function mentally without hrt !! We are all different and we need different doses and different types. But like you said why take you off it just to swap for another.Hope you get sorted.x
janver12 julie89512
Hi Julie.Glad you went ok with the Dr. 👍X
julie89512 janver12
Thank you.
a lot off my mind. I didn't really want to try another.
have a good day my day off so chilling xx