HRT Patches,

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After two years of putting up with every symptom under the sun I dragged myself to see my Doctor, after pouring my heart out to her she sugested HRT and after a lengthy discussion I left with my prescription of FemSeven Conti. After reading everything i could about these patches, they're still in the box , now almost a week since my appointment. Has anyone out there used these patches and if so how did you get on? I am so nervous of using them but on the other hand just can't carry on like I am. 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Ruth

    Please dont be scarred to take the HRT's,  they do help promise, I have been on HRT's (different ones) since 2002, as I had Overian Cancer and had both overies removed, sometimes its best not to read to much into the info pages, as they can make us even more nervous to take them, I promise that they do aleviate some of the symptoms, so go on and give it a try for at least 3 months, if by then you are still feeling the same, go back to your Doc and try something else,  All our bodies are different, so you have to find the right one for you!!  Just hang in there ok....

  • Posted

    I was exactly the same as you but finally decided to bite the bullet. I had knee surgery in March this year, with a slow recovery. But during that recovery my menopause symptoms exacerbated that much that I thought I was going insane....horrendous night sweats, very very weepy and distressed, anxiety attacks......I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I rsadckn a menopause website that there was 34 symptoms.......and ticking them off I had 32!. My GP was very hesitant to give me HRT as I suffer with migraines (but perhaps only 2 - 3 a year) so I was referred to a gynecologist consultant. He confirmed that the knee surgery and menopause had overwhelmed me and gave me evorel conti patches. I started them on the 18 September, and apart from a couple of days of severe anxiety attacks due to the death of my cat, I've been so much better. I still wake in the early hours and feel very slightly anxious, and when I get up around 7am I always have a "nervous tummy" (if you get my meaning!) I also feel a bit nauseous, a bit like morning sickness. I've also noticed that my appetite isn't what it used to be and I have lost a bit of weight. But, all in all, I'm glad I started the HRT. NEVER in my life did I think I would feel like this at 56.....I was very naive about menopause, thinking it would be just hot sweats and periods stopping.....what a fool I was. It's horrendous for some being one of them! 
  • Posted

    Hi there I agree with above post.I had total hysterectomy at 31 and back then they weren't as well informed on HRT so it was instant surgical menopause for me.long story short I hardly left my bedroom for almost a year.I then borrowed some hrt patches from family member and within days I was like a different person.I have now been on it for 27yrs and not coming off it.had 3 months last year I had to stop taking it as had lower limb surgery and it was horrendous again.I know it's not suitable for everyone but has been a life saver for me.A lot of damage was done in the time following hysterectomy I have bad osteoarthritis (genetic) and have had numerous operations on my joints in the last 7 yrs and more to come.It may not suit people with breast issues etc but worth trying to see if it helps.I am 58 and never coming off it (willingly!).HRT has given me my life back.Good luck on whatever you choose to do just be well informed on what's going to be best for you.At least now they know a lot more than they did 30 yrs ago.!
  • Posted

    Thank you SO much ladies, it's true that reading up about thing can scare you. What worried me is that I feel such a wreck right now I just can't bbare the though of even worse mood swings and being bloated etc. I'm fully aware its not the same for everyone and I only wish the Dr had stuck one on me right there and then when I felt so positive in her consulting room. When I came home and started looking it up on line did the fear yet again raise it's ugly head. To be honest I over think every thing to the point where it's ruining my life. 
    • Posted

      Ruth......go outside, take a few good deep breaths, calm yourself..........then go back inside and stick one on!  I was exactly the same as you, I began to fear everything and the feelings are SO overwhelming.  You begin to wonder if you're ever going to feel like "you" again. I'm six weeks into wearing my patches and I'm still having the occasional "strange feelings" day, but I'm so much better than I was before (and I forget about them so much I have to put an alarm on my phone to remind me when to replace them!). Like you, I read  and over think everything, something I've never done before in my life and it does worry me.............but it's a habit I'm going to knock on the head.......HARD!. I've posted on this forum and the Knee Problems forum since late March this year - between the two forums the folk posting have kept me sane.......and on many occasions made me laugh out loud!  Good just nip outside!!!!!!
  • Posted

    Hi Ruth, I have been thinking of going onto vaginal estrogen and like you have read all the leaflets and been scared.  However, while there are undoubtedly risks a few things I would say.  Firstly, the studies that reported a few years ago were flawed because they were looking at women in their 60's and 70's who had either been on HRT 10-15 years or started on HRT long after they went thru the menopause, they were not a true representative lot.  Also the study bigged up the negative side effects and never mentioned the positive ones, like the protection HRT gives against osteoporosis and bowel cancer.  In any case, incidence of a thing is not the same as death from a thing.  If your quality of life is so low at the moment maybe it is worth a shot.
  • Posted

    I was wondering wether ot not to accept them from my GP, I keep thinking of all the old reports that they cause side effects and increase the risk of breast cancer. Its interesting to see what you ladies think as I'm a really worry wart and cnt seem to get back the niggle at the back of my mind. thanks for the info xx
    • Posted

      Hi Tina,thanks for your reply, I know exactly how you feel about that little niggle in the back of your mind. Well I've put my patch on tonight . I want my life back and from what I can see this is the only way forward.its not been an easy decision but you know every thing has risks even that occasional glass of wine I kid my self will help me to get to sleep!! Watch this space ladies as I will most definitely share my feelings about this new chapter attacking the big M.
  • Posted

    Good luck Ruth, a good point you make, a glass of wine probably increases breast cancer risk as much HRT, and we never worry about that!

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