HRT patches!
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Has anyone else had an issue with patches not sticking?? ive had one patch migrate from my but cheek to being crumpled right in my crotch area go them disapearing completely
(my daughter was in labour that day ended up having the worst hot flush as she was giving birth not fun!) If i stick them anywhere but the cheeks of my butt they just dont stick properly at all. However they really working so i dont want to mess with them. I Was peri for about 8-9 years so now ive finally got some treatment that makes me feel human again i dont want to change it
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AJacynM Mrsmull
OK... I'm an expert with this!! (joking!)
Seriously I tried Evorel patches and Femseven patches...
Evorel stick like a dream, but i was allergic to the progesterone in them.
Femseven just did not stick well at all and kept dropping off but i seemed ok on them allergy wise at first... so in the end I looked into this and found that many women have this issue. I researched it and the only reliable solution i found was to use a Tegaderm film dressing over the top of the hrt patch... Tegaderm film dressings are very thin and so not uncomfortable at all and work like a dream! I got the 6x7 size and this fit nicely over my femseven sequi 50 patches... you can bathe & shower no problem.
Just to say the manufacturers of femseven are aware of the issue and have pulled femseven patches from production until they sort the issue... they told me late last year that it could be Autumn 2019 until they re-release them?? There may still be some in the warehouses though...
I'm back on Evorel oestrogen only patch now with utogestran pessaries at the mo...
Hope this helps! Defo try the Tegaderm though as it's worth it to feel well!!
Best wishes,
AJ. xx
Mrsmull AJacynM
im on everol conti and they are fab ive been using fabric plasters as they seem to move well thank god i work in pharmacy and can get some tegaderm fairly cheaply
AJacynM Mrsmull
Yes, defo try them as it worked for me - amazing though how the evorel stay put for one but not for another!
Good luck! I got my tegaderm from Amazon in the end and if you look at the comments/ratings, it seems other women use them for this issue too.
Stacy4412 Mrsmull
Yes, I've had patches that would peel off. My patches are extremely small and hard to stick to my skin. My solution to that was to buy extra large bandaids to cover up the patch. Not the most attractive site to see with the big bandaid but it works like a charm!! Plus, they don't come off in the shower. Hope that helps!
shylee Mrsmull
hi Mrsmull
i am on HRT patches and i do find some that dont stick and some that migrate. i was having terrible hot flushes and skin and mouth burning and wondered why patches weren't working. found no patch.... found it stuck to my undies that went through the wash 😳🤯🤯 mind blown. ... cant stick to my big butt yet it can stay on undies through a wash cycle....
ruby17255 Mrsmull
hi mrsmull,
I had the same problem until i moved my application spot. i now place them on the upper side of my thigh close to the knicker line. i found this really stopped them slipping and also minimised the water hitting it in the shower which helped. maybe this mght help? GOOD LUCK! Ruby