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Hi ladies

Ive only been on my evoriel patches a week so im not expecting miracles but does anyone know how long it takes for them to have an effect on reducing hot flushes and nite sweats?? Ive also had very bad bloating and painful tummy, im assuming a side effect of the patch?

Be great to hear from anyone with any advice

Thanks Angela

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Angela,

    I take a different type but was noticing a difference within 2 weeks and was still improving at 12 weeks.

    Symptoms became more transient like early peri.

    • Posted

      Hi Zigangie, thanks for the reply. H'fully i might see some improvement within the next week or so? Would just love the hot flushes and nite sweats to ease off a little! From reading other threads i think its urself thats using the bioidentical? It was because of your good reports of it i read up on it then when i saw my gp asked about it only to be told its not available here. Just have to stick with what i have and keep my fingers crossed!!
    • Posted

      Yes its bio identical, where are you? You say a GP so presuming not in the states.

      The one I use is available on the NHS (they would rather palm you off with horse urine though).

      It's oestrogel and Utrogestan.

      I think with mine quite a big improvement first two weeks, then a blip return of peri symptoms at 6 to 8 weeks then another noticeable improvement after that.

      I'm not on this site any more because of symptoms. Just hoping I can help others going through it all. I just can't believe all the horrible stuff I had and no one ever so much as suggested it could be to do with menopause, the doctors try and treat this symptom and that one and send you to specialists etc. They must be aware that women of a certain age suffering these symptoms are likely suffering a lack of hormones? We have all these specialists and yet most meno ones are private.

    • Posted

      Hi im in Northern Ireland, my doc said she had read a bit about it but was oblivious otherwise and not available here. My doc knew i was peri last year, periods were more frequent, lasting longer, heavier then lighter, stopped for 3 months then came back. I went to her last sept told her mood was low though not like depression (which i do take anti d's for), tearful, telling her im crying at times but i dont know what for. Considering what she already knew u would think she would have realised peri/menopause symptoms. Oh no increased my anti depressant dosage so i then went thru hell for 6 wks trying to give it time for a good effect whilst suffering a bad depression, suicidial thoughts etc all brought on by the increase in meds!! Then went thru it all again reducing back down to the original dose, terrible time. Point being how did it not cross her mind that it was meno?, i asked for my bloods to be done again back then and she said no ur levels wont have changed, when in fact they had, bloods done thru another doc a month later!! Beggers belief it really does!! Glad ur symptoms are all under control for you now.
  • Posted

    Hi Angela I am taking patches they are

    French it will be 2 weeks on Tuesday but if

    Anything I feel worse.

    Sorry. I was wondering exactly the same


    Desperate to feel better 😊

    • Posted

      I can only suggest trying for a while longer.

      I had great results initially but at 6 to 8 weeks in almost gave up because I had a return of some symptoms.

      My doctor had said that maximum relief comes at around 3 months, but also said side effects can show up quite quickly.

  • Posted

    Hi I have been on a patch for nearly two

    Weeks and yesterday got a sort of period is this normal ? And will it stop ? Also I feel

    Generally worse on the patch can I just stop it ? Or will there be side effects after such a short time ?

    I am 50 and haven't had a period for about 4 years does that make me post menopausal? Its all so confusing ! And would I have

    Been peri around 43 ? I had a baby at 41.

    Thank you and good luck x 😊

    • Posted

      Hi smartie,

      Yeah you are post.

      I'm not using the patch. Bio identical gel HRT, almost gave up because symptoms worsened at 6 to 8 weeks.

      I feel better now. I think they all take up to 3 months before you feel the good effects.

      I was lucky that within first two weeks I felt great which kept me at it. These settled down and now it's all good.

    • Posted

      Hi Zigangie,

      Thank you for taking the time to reply, and confirming that I am post menopause. 

      Glad you are feeling great and its given me some I will wait a month and see what happens.

      Kind regards 

      Smartie. cheesygrin


    • Posted

      If it doesn't work for you, consider asking to try a different type.

      I have read and researched a lot before deciding to try it and a few women find that where one seems to make no difference or makes them feel worse another type suits them fine.

      I decided to ask for bio identical because it's the closest to what you would make naturally.

      I also chose to use an estrogen gel as it is an easy one to adjust the dosage of either using more or less until you find what suits you the best.

    • Posted

      Hi smartie

      I am also into my second wk on my patch, still no change with hot flushes, nite sweats or mood swings!! I am just hoping that in the next couple of weeks these will start to ease??!!!

      As Zigangie said you are post, my doctor said i would get what they call a 'withdrawal' bleed in week 4 which would last a few days then stop. I would assume that is what you are having and that it will stop. I honestly dont know a lot about the patch apart from what my doctor said about the bleed.

      I think if you just stopped now there probably would be side effects though possibly minimal? It would probably be best to get advice/guidance from your doctor.

      I am going to give it another couple of weeks and am hoping i will start to see some changes? If you can might be good to hang in there for another while h'fully you will see improvements?

      I hope it all starts to improve for you, if you like let me know how its going.

      Take care, x

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