HRT severe side effects
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My mother had HRT back in the 80's when things didn't have as much control as now and she ended up having uterine and breast cancer over this treatment.
I know this is a tough question, but I am considering it and was wondering if there are any women here that had signs of this happening, or polyps showing up, that might make this really dangerous for me to try.
Has any of you had to stop HRT because of its side effects? And if so, was it recommended by the doctor? Please tell me anything you know about this!
Thank you,
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jamie37119 anapyo
My mother did HRT, she also ended up with osteoporosis and then went on to have endometrial cancer. But we are also questioning if there is Lynch Syndrome in our family. She would have polyps in her bowel. I honestly think if you can do it without, if you have concerns, try everything else first. But if you need it, I would discuss it with your GP, all your concerns. I personally will never touch it because I have no doubt the HRT contributed to my mothers passing.
sandra87208 anapyo
my mother was on hrt in the 80s also and got breast cancer so i cannot take it. im going through this with no help i wont say its easy its not but you have to push on every day and hope you feel better x
tam34579 anapyo
Hello I can't relate to that as I have not taken HRT as of yet. I am praying I am not in a situation where I would be forced to take HRT due to unbearable symptoms. I have heard that if you have a history of breast cancer/ or cancer in your family drs would rather you not do the HRT. But I guess it depends on the doctor. I also was told from two sisters, that their mother had a severe stroke while taking HRT There are many things that hormone therapy can up your chances of getting. It's something we as women have to each decide. It's sad we have to worry about such risk but we do. Some of us more than others due to risk factors such as you mentioned. But I have heard some women just have problems with HRT causing other things. Even for some women who didnt have a family history of cancer . A dr told me hormones are what cause growths when I had a mass in my pelvic area. So I was thinking if my own hormones caused it to grow , what would HRT or birth control do to me later in. In my opinion hormones are not easy to balance and kind of trial and error until they find what works for each patient and from what I read it varies. Good luck in whatever you decide. I am in peri just missed my first 2 cycles in a row . Month after that I only spotted some . Prior to that I have had such bad symptoms I swore I would start hormones if it was going to be like that. But right now I'm getting some relief from the irritability night sweats every night and terrible bloating. Now I'm just dealing with inability to sleep and I think it could be affecting my health. So I'm waiting to see what is next and hoping i can endure this without HRT and not lose my mind. I have ms and do not work right now , if I had to I dont think i could since my symptoms have worsened the past year. My mother didn't go through all of this so she really can't relate and she didnt take any hormones. I may be forced to if things dont settle down, although I would never feel comfortable doing so. Bless you all in going through this time in your life. I'm so thankful for the helpful people here , I have found so much informative information. I hope a little bit of what I said helped you . Even though I couldn't relate personally . I was told by a doctor that our hormones can contribute to growths..
jude84900 anapyo
Hi anapyo,
Have you done any research of your own on bio identical hormones? Not sure where you live or your access to alternative doctors but it is a very good place to start. Someone that knows what their doing with hormone replacement. As I read your thread and the responses that followed I see many women just have not looked into the differences between those old bad hormones they treated women with back in the 80s and what is available now and should be used. Synthetic hrt is the problem. They have proven to cause women these problems of cancers, strokes, heart attacks, and other issues. They have known it for many years but sadly many doctors still prescribe these to women. There is a lot of good information via books and videos on bio identical hormones that if taken the time to read would answer many questions and help with the fears women have with taking hormone replacement. The biggest thing you have to do is find the right doctor first and foremost that knows what they are doing. I cringe when I read some of these threads where doctors are prescribing hormones to women, sending them home and the women still know very little about what their taking. Heck some of the doctors don't know! Some women are prescribed estrogen only even though they still have their uterus which is wrong. Women taking estrogen need to take progesterone to protect the uterus lining from build up. There is a right way for hormone replacement. A good doctor will start by running lots of lab work and based on your results will start you off with what your body needs. Not a one size fits all. A good doctor will have the time to listen to you, what are your symptoms. One thing I agree with these other posters on is this. Women that took hrt back in the 80s suffered big problems with hormones. That is a fact. Sad part is these same hrt are still being prescribed, just at a reduced strength. It is what is in these hormones that our bodies reject and don't like. Why? Because they are synthetic, they are made with pregnant horse urine, ( extract the high estrogen from the urine )then patented into a drug for women to take. Still approved for us women to take. Our body does not have horse estrogen in it and does not know what to do with it except to cause big problems. Bio identical hormones cannot be patented because they are "natural". No patent, no money for the drug companies. Very plain. Bio identical hormones have been around for many many years. Our body knows just what to do with them. Again, please read up on this. Educate yourself. Read the books from the doctors that studied and brought about bio identical hormones. It will ease your mind. I've been post menopausal for almost 4 years. Started with bio identical compounded creams and recently changed to pellet therapy. I do have my uterus and also take progesterone. I felt those things you described. Loss of sleep, changing skin, hair, nails, mentally and physically I was seeing the signs of deterioration ramping up. I feel great! I do not feel I am in this awful menopause world. None on us will live forever and that is not the purpose for being on hormones. I do think we will age better, happier and healthier as we go into our senior years being on them though. Its a personal choice. I too was scared and skeptical when I first started this journey. After much reading of books I felt this was the right decision for me. I switched to a holistic doctor. ( this doc was a MD turned holistic and I got a treasure trove of more information) Best decision I could have made at this point in my life. I am almost 59, will stay on treatment from here on out. My husband is on testosterone pellets also. Men go through their own issues with depleting hormones too. Good luck.
mary27278 jude84900
I often wonder why is it that some women needs hormones and some don't . I have two sisters who are post menopause age 60 and the oldest is 65 today. Their symptoms were nothing compared to what im dealing with. As a matter of fact, the 65 year old said she had none at all and just recently started to get a hot flash every now and then. You would not even guess that she's 65 years old. I'm 52 and have had some many symptoms that its unbelievable, seem to be aging rapidly since going through this. The thing is Ive tried bhrt and every supplement that you can name. Ive seen several biodentical specialist and they just dont know what to do with me. I just dont seem to tolerate progesterone in no form. The last doctor that Im seeing has figure it out that the problem is due to adrenal issues. He says no one should be on hormones whether biodentical or hrt because the body was designed to replace those hormones from the adrenals when the ovaries stop working. If adrenals arent functioning properly then you will have tons of symptoms and adrenal won't be able to step in and produce these hormones. In my case fixing my adrenals are my issues. I really do believe my issues may be coming from my adrenals instead of the hormones itself. From my research, talking to other women and adrenals specialists, I found out that women that have adrenals issues can be very sensitive to hormones, supplements, or any type of disruption in the endocrine system. This definately has been my journey. This may be something that others may want to look into when nothing is working or helping.. building up the adrenals.
AJacynM mary27278
Wow, this is amazing to read as i am almost exactly the same regarding symptoms and progesterone intolerance... can i ask how the specialist said was best to build up the adrenals?
I'll seriously try anything I feel so bad... 😦
mary27278 AJacynM
AJacynM, you can start by doing a 4 part cortisol test and it will tell you how well your adrenals are working. I suggest the test first because before starting any type of adrenal supplements because it could be over or under active and some supplement are specifically designed to treat either. In my case, mine was overactive at first and if i would take a supplement that had any type of stimulant in it would only worsen my symptoms. A good way is to feed the adrenals , you can google foods that adrenals like, and i usually do adrenal cocktails.
AJacynM mary27278
Thank you, I'll look into the test you mention and also what you have advised. xx
thank you so much everyone! I can't tell you how helpful this has been ❤
Ana x