HRT success stories ???
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Been on BHRT for almost 3 weeks although has taken away the crippling fatigue it’s done nothing for my dizziness and that scared anxious out of body feeling
Would love to hear GOOD success stories with HRT as about to change . I’m delirious regarding all this ... uneducated up to now did not realize it was going to be so bad . It’s limiting my life !!!!
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karen96096 lori93950
Hi lori I'm on hrt conti patches 50mg. I suffered really bad with dizziness and hot flushes but since been on this nearly 3 years I very rarely get these symptoms anymore xx
lori93950 karen96096
I’m having the worst time ... thank you for giving positive feedback . I’ll never forget today ... had to drag myself to pharmacy thought I was going to pass out waiting,fatigue dizziness panic .
Don’t care about the price as it’s very expensive if it works ... desperate !!!
Sassyr12a lori93950
Hi Lori
I have a good news story. I'm 43 and have had primary ovarian failure since I was 16. Over the years this has gone completely untreated and I've mostly convinced myself that I'm a nut job, terribly anxious, tired and in pain. Then my endocrine system fell on its butt and I had a thyroid disease that gave me colitis and I had 6 surgeries and ended up with an illeostomy.... Stay with me, the good bit will come!! I carried on for another few years until my thyroid started playing up again and I felt so ill I had to stop work.... And decided finally it was time to start bhrt. So for 3 months I've been rubbing creams and necking capsules and about 3 weeks in I thought it would never come good. But slowly I started to be less anxious, my aches and pains became bearable and I started to feel a bit more like me again. My hormone levels are now for the first time the same as a pre menopausal woman, and I do believe I've gone up a cup size (at least on the left side
. So what if I sometimes shout at my hubby when I was a little over enthusiastic with the testogel, who cares if I gave to pluck my moustache, so what if my inner thighs hairier than a wombat from the creams... I know it's the start of being a better me, and a more serious relationship with immac hair removal. Stick at it, you're doing good. Sara xx
lori93950 Sassyr12a
Just picked up my HRT prescription as the BHRT hasn’t done anything yet ? So if you could tell me ... it worked after 3 weeks for you? Were you just having hot flashes or like some women a complete shut down of your body ... unable to leave house etc. ?
Much appreciated glad you are doing better .
Sassyr12a lori93950
Hi Lori
It wasn't quite the same for me because I'd never had periods, so no irregularity, hot flushes etc but all the other fab stuff like dizziness, fatigue, insomnia and crippling anxiety. I got so used to being that way though that I treated it like a mental health issue, never for one minute thinking that my hormones were causing it, because I'd gone all my life without that functioning so I just pushed on. This year though, it's as you said I was so anxious I didn't want to go out, even going shopping was an ordeal, and when I went to the doctor my thyroid was then underactive, my hormone levels were through the floor and I was anaemic - so lots of fun stuff going on. So I decided I had to take some time off work to just concentrate on getting myself as well as I could. The bhrt didn't help straight away, and at the 3/4 week mark I went to the doctor to tell them I felt no different, but was advised that it can take up to 3 months for it to build up. Now that sounds like way too long ( and it is) but from the point you are at now until that 3 month mark it really did start to pick up. Sleeping better, energy levels, aches and pains and the anxiety is 80% better. So it will come I promise, just stick with it as best you can and just be really patient with yourself (this coming from someone with absolutely no patience!), Sara xx
lori93950 Sassyr12a
That’s exactly how I’ve been for 10 years ! I had an accident a bad one I got run over by a car and I thought all the new panic anxiety not having control of my mind was due to PTSD but now I’m also seeing it was probably hormones!
Yes you just get used to it as this is your life now.... that’s what I thought too . So I also lived with it learned to kind of manage it .
The driving was the worst and developed all kinds of phobias .
I don’t think I can wait 3 months I’ve spent the whole day in bed .... why can’t we just take a pill ??? Like men do with viagra .
It’s so debilitating . Today wish I was a MAN!!
Sassyr12a lori93950
I know, it's amazing how you learn to deal with everything like its in your head, but I wouldn't be surprised if your trauma didn't effect your nervous system and then have an impact on your hormones. I could've got away with pretty much all of my chronic conditions if I'd realised what I was up against! Thing is love, you're in it now. Something has to be fixed or you can stop but you'll have to come round to it again... It's unavoidable. So you may as well push on and just count every day as another step towards feeling better. I basically shove myself out of the door so I walk every morning (whether I want to or not), I try to cycle 3 times a week, and I do Headspace (the mindfulness app) and the time soon passes and it will get a bit easier. I literally have to force myself to do things like socialise because I'm anxious anyway so I may as well do it with friends. Keep going Lori, you can do it xx
mrs_susan74280 Sassyr12a
Sassyr12a mrs_susan74280
Hi Susan, sorry for the delay. It's bioidentical hrt which is basically a plant based alternative which mimics the structure of natural hormones . xx