HRT Testosterone????

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Hi, I have been given testosterone to use with my current HRT, oestrogen and progesterone.  I am reluctant to start it and wondered if you would share your experiences please?

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello there

    I have been using tostran testosterone since March, and it makes a big difference. Testosterone helps with confidence, anxiety, mood, libido and energy so try not to worry about trying it. You should have been told to only use a small amount, but it does help. I'm in the UK and unfortunately cannot get the higher strength as I've used previously but tostran keeps things ticking over and you should notice a change. Good luck! xx

    • Posted

      Thanks for your comments Sassy. When is the best time of day to take the Testosterone?
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      Hi Evil, I have been prescribed 1 x 2mg dose, every other day.
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      Hi girks

      I take half a pump (5mg) each day. Its an amount the size of a pea. I take my utrogestan capsule (progesterone) sandrena gel (estrogen) and the pump of testosterone at nighttime xx

  • Posted

    I've been on a low dose birth control for the last couple of years and it helped.  But this last month I felt in the best when I was on the week of period when I didn't take the pill.  Otherwise I just seem kind of angry most of the time.  I have no libido hardly at all, maybe just a little one day a month.  I don't know what to do.  The dr. has said they can't check hormone levels while I'm on the pill, but also afraid to get off because I don't know how I will feel without it. Ugh.  Any advice. 

  • Posted

    I’ve been doing a low dose to help with energy .. I’ve not felt any relief as found out I have mono but I’m still continuing it. As long as you keep the dose low you shouldn’t get any adverse side effects 
    • Posted

      It’s referred To as mononucleosis..  glandular fever ... brought on by the Epstein Barr Virus . It’s a debilitating illness with no cure ... takes months to get better and feels like you have a bad flu everyday . 

      It can reactivate due to stress many athletes get it and Hormones dropping can bring it on too. 

      For me it coincided with my periods stopping in December very strenuous workouts .... and stress. 

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