Hrt vs. Natural remedies

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Can anybody answer this question?

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    Hi Carmen I use super strength sage which has stopped my night sweats and hot flushes and passionflower for mild anxiety and stress. I also take rosehip for aching joints and COQ10 for brain function. And a womens multivitamin with biotin for hair and nails. I'm rattling but feeling ok at the moment!

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      ps. A pity about Cassie4J's discussion disappearing?

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      Yes i was very interested. I read what i could through my email.
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    Really depends, some women do great on hrt, I did well on low dose bcp's. Natural remedies don't work very well unless you take St. John's wort which is what I took after coming off bcps. Except that if you have a medical history of issues you can't take St. John's wort. All other remedies don't effectively work well. With this said, avoid caffeine, sugar and meat. You should feel a little better if you stop digesting them.

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      I have high blood pressure so i was told not to take the st. John's wort.

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      Yes, meat. My symptoms would worsen the next day after eating meat the day before.
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      Cow meat, eat it only if it's organic. Same with chicken eat only organic chicken. You avoid symptoms if you eat organic.

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      Hi Carmen,

      Also, to add to Sochima's good information.  Grass fed organic beef and butter from grass fed cows is also thought to be better for you...

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      Yes, by all means make sure it's grass fed. Thank you, Lynda for mentioning this.

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    I haven't had any luck with herbs, but I have had great succes with unflavoured beef gelatin for aches and pains.  You will have to google it to find out how to use it.

    For the mood swings, mental instability, brain fog, anxiety, panic,overthinking and all that I have had amazing success using Bach Flower remedies.  As simple as they are, they work!  And I am also back to sleeeping the night again!  YEAH!

    I have not tried HRT or any hormone balancing meds from conventional medicine, and quite frankly I am hoping to completely avoid them.  But I am not done this perimenopause/menopause transition so I have no idea what the future holds for me

    But I have to stress that the flower rememdies, as simple as they are, have changed my life!

    • Posted

      Thanks!  I've used the flower remedies in the past, but didn't think about using them for sleep problems!  Will give them a try!

    • Posted

      The walnut is great for menopause they say...I am taking a few different ones...larch for confidance, walnut for menopausal change, wild rose for joy, wild oat for direction and purpose (this one has really helped me, my daughter, and my son inlaw) aspen for fear of unspecifics, mimilus for anxiety in social situations or things I worry about, and mustard to get rid of the doom and gloom days.

      You can mix up to six of them.

      Rescue remedy is a good all around to start with, I carry the spray in my purse all the time and I also give it to the grandchildren if they have night time fears at bedtime.  

      It is safe for every one

    • Posted

      Thanks so much!  I used to use rescue remedy lots!  And will take notes of this post!  I had been using passionflower and valerian for years, but they've stopped being effective for me.  Just started to use lemon balm for calming with passion flower for sleep.  But the lemon balm leaves me a bit jittery and  forgetful.

      I don't want to start using sleeping pills or anti-anxiety meds. I won't use HRT, but can't use bioidenticals, either.  Had a hysterectomy, ovaries and tubes removed this year because of endometrial cancer.  But, I'm doing okay.  Just need to manage my inability to sleep!  smile

      Unfortunately, only bach can say their products are safe for everyone, which is why I steer clear of most products!  

      Thanks, again!  xx 

    • Posted

      I am taking natural vitamins. I am interested in what you posted, but I am not sure what you are taking. Will you explain please?
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      They are essentially tinctures from flower essenses.  If you google bach flower remedies you will find lots of information.  There are 38 remedies, they work on the emotional part of you and in healing the emotional, the physical benefits as well.  

      I truly cannot say  how they work, in thier simplicity, but they definitely do.  I know someone who has started using them for bipolar and seeing better results than any med he has been on.

      There is a book you can find on amazon called "The Bach Flower Remedies" that explains how our emotions affect our physical, by affecting our thymus gland and others.  It is a very interesting read.

      The flower remedies work by healing the emotions, I found myself thinkng much differently within a few days.

      I think that with menopause, some of us start feeling things we have long buried.  That sets of a whole range of symptoms in our emotional realm that leave us terribly confused.

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