HRT vs Natural Solutions?
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I am perimeno, aged 52 and also suffering LS on my vulva. Anyway, the main question here is regards HRT. I was given Progesterone (oral tablets) and estrogen to be used vaginally. I was reluctant to take them since I was not given a blood test or anything.
Plus, I am a bit suspicious of medications due to a medical phobia.
At first the idea of using estrogen vaginally appealed to me since it would reguvenate the vaginal tissue? That was a question.
Are any of you using natural supplements with success? If so I would so appreciate if you could share your experience and how they helped (symtom wise).
My main issues are moods, depression, crying, bloating, vaginal dryness, Lichen schlerosus, bad sleeping etc., Thanks very much!
Oh and one final question, can I use the estrogen internally and leave out the Progeserone? (Seems that it is less harmful and less absorbed as it works on the area locally).
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annieschaefer callianne_65675
My moods are much more level, I am losing unwanted weight gain, the breast are no longer going through extended periods of soreness and swelling, overall this has greatly improved the quality of life for me.
I know most go based on symptoms alone, bloodwork is not 100% except I actually wasn't surprised when mine came back as it did. It helped me decide along with the doctor which path I was going to try. I have some other issues that are being addressed and finally I have a decent doctor that I feel comfortable with. So far I feel the choices have been very good ones and I know that my needs may change, therefore it's good to have a physician that you have some trust in to help you make good decisions to make this journey less bumpy.
Only your doctor can really answer your question for you about using estrogen internally without the progesterone. Some women use it without progesterone, but honestly many women in Peri have elevated estrogens (also known as estrogen dominance) and need the progesterone to oppose it. It takes the crazys away, at least it did for me!
Wishing you the best.
Annie xx
jayneejay callianne_65675
i can only answer based on my experience and reasons for using Ovestin Vaginal Ovules.. ( Estriol) and Ovestin Estriol Cream via Gyno.
i use as post meno aged 51 ... For vaginal dryness and discomfort, thinning skin around vaginal entrance etc, also to hydrate urethra discomfort inside and hydrate a very very mild prolapse ( uterus)
i cannot take oral HRT and had a ten year natural peri, but the vaginal discomfort was getting too much..
i have been using estriol ( ovestin ) since sept and i wouldnt be without it.
i was abit anxious at first but used and so glad i did .
it only treats vaginal area .. It doesnt help other symptoms...
i have annual well women checks and in August will see and know if this ovestin has harmed or improved things, it certainly feels like it helped no end ..
my Gyno always does pap smears, Colposcopy ( looks at cells in and out vaginal area close up for any changes ) a transvaginal scan showing me my uterine wall and ovaries etc, and a 3D breast scan..
All i can say as a post menopause women having previous dryness ( and told so also by Gyno) that i wouldnt be without it,
i use the ovestin ( here they are known as ovestinon ovules) vaginally and the ovestin vag cream on outer area to plump now delicate skin..
good luck callianne
jay x
alison_94436 jayneejay
jayneejay alison_94436
no not NHS
i live in southern spain i pay for a full well woman check annually
and 3D scan part of it
jay x
alison_94436 jayneejay
shaznay96184 callianne_65675
I've replied to you on another discussion thread.
The Eostrogen Cream (I believe), to apply vaginally: if I go to my GP to get anything, I'm getting that!! Who wants a dried up ol' Do-Dah to have to deal with, as well as anything else?!!
Do you ever feel that being a Med Phob makes you your own worse enemy? I do, and I can be such a bloody hypocrite too. Still, I've got to 54 without the aid of much more than a good few courses of Tranexamic Acid in my late 40s for heavy bleeding, a few Antibiotics, and relied in best part on Paracetamol and Cold Remedies. And I ain't doing too badly from it either!
LS - I shall look that up. Think I've read about it before and it sounds not nice. If so, my heart goes out to you Kiddo!
Now don't quote me on this, but I thought (and I would really appreciate someone putting me right, and answering your question at the same time here!) tht the Oestrogen Cream thats applied vaginally is very different to oral Hormones?
I'm coming back to this discussion, so that I can get answers to my own question by proxy - from yours!!
Hope its all good for us Medical Phobs!!!
callianne_65675 shaznay96184
susan21149 callianne_65675
With me having a lot of anxieties and blood pressure problems at times, and heart rate problems and a thyroid problem and diabetes Progesterone and Estrogen would not be the right fit for me. Two weeks ago on a Tuesday night I took a 50mg progesterone pill at bed time the next day I felt weak, my talking seemed slowed, I felt like I was going to fall, I felt anxiety riden all day and had a bad headache then I tried the Progesterone pill on Wednesday night I was jumpy all night feeling like I couldn't breath than I woke up at 2 in the morning my heart racing and feeling really weak, then after 4 in the morning I took my thyroid pill while I was lying down in bed I became really dizzy. I have not taken it since and feel better than when I took it and it was only a small dose. I called the FDA and reported my symptoms and they did tell me that Progesterone and Estrogen can cause these with high heart rate, high blood pressure, so just be careful and be causious of you symptoms. Like you said you are wooried about meds because of a medical phobia just be careful if you decide to do HRTs
callianne_65675 susan21149
jayneejay callianne_65675
and also in men too who drink soya milk..
Can cause Moobs in men ( man boobs)
look up dangers of soya
jay x
Heres a few reasons why .. Plenty more if you google dangers of Soy
Info i kept ..
Soy and estrogen
This is a big problem. Soy contains plant estrogens in the form of isoflavones which effectively raise your estrogen levels and therefore lowers your testosterone levels. Those hormones are in competition so more of one means less of the other.
Messing up your estrogen levels has devastating effects for men and women as well as children and newborns.
Improper balance of testosterone to estrogen in men can lead to a lower libido, fat accumulation around the waist and loss of energy, stamina and virility and even man boobs (gynecomastia).
Having abnormally high levels of estrogen doesn’t mean you’ll be more of a woman. It could disrupt your periods, fertility and put you at risk for breast cancer.