HRTs or psychic meds

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Why is it that i take HRTs or psychic meds that my body can not handle it. 

It raise my heart rate to where i feel like I am going to pass out, it raises my blood pressure to where i have headaches palpitations, and it causes my a lot of stomach discomfort 

Then people say oh its just your anxieties its not these meds are hurting my body and making me more sick. 

The othrer night not last night i took my estradiol 1mg and provera 2.5mg and yesterday my blood pressure was up and my heart started racing just walking a short distance from the bus stop to my appartment and i felt weak like I was going to pass out or fall out on the street then my stomach acted up with my hemmrhoids 

I don't know what to do any more to get rid of my symptoms of not sleeping i am taking a one a day multivitamin for menopause 

My body can not take these meds any more then i just don't feel like eating any more because of my stomach problems i just don't know what to do any more 

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Perhaps you should go back to your GP? 
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      I am taking a One A Day vitamin for menopause but what can i use for sleep suffering badly and i did not like the fact that my heart was racing and my blood pressure was elevated even psychic meds do this 

      Need sleep

  • Posted

    If Provera is the same as Depo-Provera, I thought it was banned years ago due to a rise in breast cancer rates. I heard there was a connection, and after reading about depoprovera, it said that it's given to male sex offenders as a chemical castration--no wonder there's all those side effects! If I were you, I'd research more natural alternatives . . . just saying.
    • Posted

      What alternative are there I take a vitamin for menopause what alternatives are there because natural HRTs can do this too when i was on the natural progesterone my heart was racing, my motions were slow and so was my speech, my heart raced and I had a headache this was durring the summer i felt dizzy like I was going to pass out. 

      Strokes and heart problems run in the family plus i have diabetes, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, sleep apnea and the HRTs can double my risk for strokes and heart problems which i do not need 

      What other alternative are there to help me sleep can not take psychic meds either due the blood pressure problems, stomach issues, and heart rate issues

    • Posted

      Hi elizabeth, didn't mean to cause you more anxiety; sorry you're dealing with all these health issues. I just think that doctors are too quick to give you more pills, when some of the health problems can be improved with a better diet, and don't forget that prayer can help much with our anxiety. Hope you find some answers for your concerns.
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    I agree, you should call your doc and go back in. Also, talk to your pharmacist and ask are those side effects from that medications.
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      Just called the doctor and told him what happened the nurse is going to have my doctor call me
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    Natural valerian is good for relaxation and sleep.  It may be better to come off your other medications if they are making you worse.
  • Posted

    Hi Elizabeth,

    There area lot of different types of HRT. I tried tibolone and the side effect was awful breathing difficulties. It really put me off so I tried for a while with natural things, I was still suffering feeling so hot all the time and non existent sex drive.

    I did a lot of research and came upon professor John Studd. He recommends oestradiol and Utrogestan so I asked my doctor if I could try these. My experience is they are a lot different from the synthetic tibolone.

    I'm beginning to feel a bit more myself now.

    I did try a lot of vitamins and herbal things. I think the best natural thing was a lady magnate which cut down on the hot flushes although I still felt generally hot all the time.

    Hope this helps and good luck.

  • Posted


     I know we are all different but from my extensive research & own experience I would not personally take synthetic pharmecuticals again I had most of your symptoms & more surly it doesnt make sense to me to give they same drug to a group of women who most definetly will have different hormone levels if you take to much of one of the hormones your body doesnt need you then for sure would get side effects the same way one shoe does not fit all woman.

    The best way to go is do accurate saliva test & then go natural using identical hormones to that of your own once they know which are the hormones inbalanced. :-)

    Good luckxx

  • Posted

    Hi elizabeth, as the other ladies said I would speak again to your dr. I live in the U.S too, and I have so many problems since Peri started and I am also diabetic type two. Here is what I have been doing and I am not saying its a cure all, its not I still experience bad days. I do NOT take any hormones symthetic at all, I refuse to, I am using the following Vitamin D, E, magnesium, calcium, and I take a diabetic multivitamin steered for diabetics, I have been using canibis oil for the pain and swelling issues iwth my joints, I do use aspirin and behadryl for help with sleeping. I also use Maca (just recently) and Black Cohosh. I use a combination herbal tea for relaxing. I would urge you to consider speaking with a really good naturalist in conjunction with your regular dr. While menopausal symptoms really, really suck, it is a natural part of life and there are natural combinations that help. Lastly, I found sugar aggravates everything. 

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