HSP - alternative therapies? and how long to it leaves permanently?
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Hi all. I came online for answers re HSP, but this seems as close as you get to anything! My 13 year old son came home from school in December 2012 with a rash that looked like the meningitis rash on his legs. I took him straight to A&E where they treated him for meningitis as soon as they saw him. A few hours later a doctor came around and said that she believed it wasnt meningitis (thank God), but that it was HSP. (She had had it herself as a child and recognised his symptoms as soon as she looked at him, which led to fantastic care as she knew what to look for). She kept him in hospital for 3 days and the rash died down, and the pain in his knees also subsided. He was sent home with a box of urine sticks which he had to use everytime he went to the loo, with a message to bring him back if his protein was high. It was invariably +++ protein every time. He was in and out of hospital regularly getting bloods checked etc, poor fella said he felt like a pin cushion. Short note version, they were keeping an eye on his creatinine level which should have been below 50, his rose to 220 and then they eventually carried out a kidney biopsy to make sure there was no permanent damage.
The rash still comes back regularly, and always seems to come on if he's feeling at all unwell. Today, for example he has a sore chest, and the rash is back again. It seems his immune system is the problem here. The first time he caught this he was just starting an antibiotic for a throat infection. The second time the rash came back he had a sore throat again. I came online to see if there are any alternative therapies I can try, he's sooo fed up with all this, and in the middle of GCSEs and could do without all this. We're up with the Head of Renal in the Children's Hospital next week again so I'll ask her when I see her. He's never been prescribed a single thing for this since taking it, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. The doctors are obviously concerned with keeping his kidneys healthy, and rightfully so, but I'd like to try and tackle it from this side to stop it happening. Also, if you or your child has got out the other side of this, I'd love to know. Something positive would be great. Thanks, Mary
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Heart goes out to you, my 13 year old was diagnosed at the beginning of December. Thank goodness the Kidney blood tests have been ok though we still leak blood and protein. She is so miserable with the constant pains wheather its joint or abdominal or chest or wherever else it occurs at any given moment; its heart breaking to watch the fatigue and how it impacts her life. We are up at RVH childrens tomorrow for our first consultation with the consultant. Im scared incase we're missing something, or that it just wont go away, its horrible not to be able to take their pain away. We just seem to be running to the Gp every week , theyve been great but can only assess her to make sure nothing sinister is happening. It is so frustrating!!
Ruthiepegs laura96716
My 15 year old was diagnosed in the middle of May, and you're so right when you say tht it's heart breaking to watch the fatigue and how it impacts their lives. I feel we're getting excellent treatment here in germany with a lovely Specialist, but she gets so very tired. At least now we've got the summer school holidays, so I'm hoping that by the time the kids go back to school, she'll be able to join her classmates, as she spent the last two months out of school It's hard to stay positive for her. I've also got a very, very troublesome 13 year old son to add insult to injury, he's not helping either. Anyway, I don't want to moan but it's quite difficult to stay positive isn't it? Anyway, glad I found this thread and know that we're not all alone with this.
Take care, xx
The team up in RVH are lovely - it's usually Dr O'Connor we see and she's an excellent doctor. My lad seems to have taken a fresh return of the HSP this week, and the last one never quite left. His urine is showing 3+ of blood and protein but I've not taken him to hospital as we're in RVH on Thursday and they'll do all the bloods etc then. I'd said this started in December 2012, but it was actually 2011 and the rash comes and goes a lot with him, although thankfully the pain in the joints has never been too bad since the first time. He does get tired and cold a lot. It seems to be every time he gets a sore throat that it happens with him. Fingers crossed your daughter's will clear up a bit quicker and more permanently. They'll probably just check every few months to make sure nothing sinister is happening in the background. As you say it's sooo frustrating cause there's absolutely nothing to be done but watch. Take care. Mary xx
Glad we went early, already queued for parking when we arrived. Doctor was happy that nothing else was going on, she's run all the tests you'd expect. We're lucky in that the kidney tests have been ok to date but I'm to dip stick the urine daily. She was quite hard on us about the fatigue and we should be pushing through it more. Easy said but very hard when your looking at a kid in pain and exhausted. I didn't expect a magic pill today and I know the doctor was right about the fatigue and pains but kinda felt that she didn't think we had been trying to get her to school etc. typical though she was seeing her after the rest she had with half term. I hope all goes well tomorrow with the renal consultant.
I came across your thread and as someone who has had HSP I would like to tell my story and offer reassurance. When 9 years ago when I was 11 I contracted this disease, I was otherwise fit and healthy but one day I became unwell with flu like symptoms then very aggressive non-stop vomiting and horrendous stomach pain. I was admitted to hospital where overnight the rash developed. Just like your son It was suspected I had meningitis until one doctor realised what it actually was as she'd seen it before but no-one really knew anything about it. I was hospitalised with this disease for months as it never went away or cleared up it was just constant with always high levels of protein and blood in the urine but luckily I had no kidney damage. I remember feeling so run down and frustrated, not being able to go to school and feeling like a freak with the awful rash and feeling like It would never go away. I was put on antibiotics which despite them saying medication doesn't help it did. Eventually about a year later I saw a new doctor who had seen some cases of this before, I was sent for a kidney ultrasound and it was discovered that the HSP was being caused by a certain strep virus that was living in my tonsils. They removed my tonsils and shortly after my rash and everything went away and I haven't had it since. I'm now twenty and living a full and normal life. I just would like to re-iterate that even though this disease is so horrendous and does seem like it will never end, there is one. I don't know if my situation could help that of your son's but the fact it always occurs for him after a throat infection rang true with my own.
All the best to you both,
Zoe. xx
centuryoktober zoe86949
my son just been diagnosed with hsp 2weeks ago. by any chance do you still rememeber the doctor name that help you clear the virus? and the addresa and phone no if possible?
Good luck with everybody with HSP, hope you all recover soon!
teresa71586 jingyao17
Hi! I am a mom to a now 11 year old girl who was diagnosed with HSP 7 months ago. She spent 3 months in the hospital and finally was able to get rid of it using high doses of steroids. 2 weeks ago it came back when she started to get a cold. I'm trying to find any alternative medicines or Chinese medicines that will help. Did you have any luck with your Chinese medicine?
kacy89887 teresa71586
When it came back this time, was it as aggressive? And 3 months in the hospital?? Wow... why was that necessary? My daughter has had this for 7 weeks now so I'm wondering what all has happened with your child. Prayers for you!!
Hanach jingyao17
Did chinese herbs helped to your son?
My son is 11y old
4month ago he was diagnosed withHSP.. He still got +protein in the urine and ++++ blood..
Yesterday went to chinese herbal shop and he was prescribed with some herbal powder to protect his kidneys..
Hi Dee - It sounds like the doctors are on the case with your little boy. I kept my son at home at lot at the beginning too, but eventually realised I was probably doing more harm than good - if I kept him in the heat all day then he was catching the cold much easier when he eventually went out. He was happier in himself too when he was back at school as usual, and even did PE during his last attack, rash and all. My own advice would be dont let the HSP interfere with your life, try to live with it, just in case its something that you find isnt going away for a while. Fingers crossed though as your son is younger he'll outgrow it a lot quicker. Take care x
Laura - as I said above, I was the same - molly coddled him a bit too much and then finally realised I wasnt doing anyone any favours. The doctor is right - a bit of tough love because if this goes on for you as long as it has in our house you really do have to find a way to live with it. My lad only misses days now where he's really sore and the paracetamol doesnt work (just in case they didnt mention it - no nurofen due to the kidney issues). It keeps the teenagers happier too I think cause they get distracted for the pain and rash when they're with their mates. Hope the symptoms are disappearing. x
brigitte39011 mary55774
My son is 20 years old and he was just diagnosed with HSP, He has all the symtomes with severe abdominal pains,rash, etc.
Last year my son fell of a sixth floor balcony (50 feet) landing on concrete. He mirculously survived but he was in coma for two weeks. While he was treated in the ICU for a month he was pumped with lots of strong medications amongst those were strong antibiotic treatments which I'm suspecting ruined his bacteria balance.
I think antibiotics are killing all the good bacterias in the intestins and therefor making the children treated with antibiotics reseptive of imune disorders like this one. I would suggest you take your son to a reputal nutritionist who can help you understand what he should/should'nt eat in order to bring the healthy bacteria level back up.
I just made an appointment for my son today with a very reptual nutritionist, I have my hopes up this will help. I wish you and your son all the best, I would love to hear about your success.
kelly22284 mary55774
My daughter Rebecca who is 12 has had HSP for 10 weeks now and her urine levels are increasing each week it seems. She is currently sitting at 2 plus protein even though this was 3 plus at the hospital this afternoon and 3 plus for blood. The rash is still coming in continual waves. I was just wondering how your son is now and if things can get better in time. Really need to hear there can be light at the end of this very long dark tunnel.
mary55774 kelly22284