HSP newbie
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Hey everyone, new to this thing called HSP. Started with spots on my legs, then within a few days it spread like wildfire, mainly on my Christmas party night when I was drinking all day! It’s all over my legs, buttocks, tummy , arms and severe on my left hand... I went to the emergency room on Christmas Eve night and the drs eyes were so big when I showed him my legs and arms... did urine test, has a small amount of protein and blood (just got off period) but now reading all the blogs it must be this crap. Eventually had blood done which came back normal, blood pressure high and a small amount of swelling, which is normal with me. Another dr came in and said she thinks it’s HSP, which looking at all the picts, seems to be the issue. I’m an American in England, which sucks bc they don’t want to start me on any kind of steroid like the states. I called my local GP and I can’t get a follow up until Jan 9th... so from dec 24th till Jan 9th, I’m basically a sitting duck not knowing wtf to do, eat, drink, or help clear up my body. I’ve had a stupid cold for a month now so I’m guessing that’s what triggered this? Not sure though... the sr at the hospital( 6 hours there) suggested I apply Vaseline to my skin, really dude?!?!? Anything over the counter to help with this??
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sweetamf melissa85033
Sorry to hear you've had this condition melissa. I've been diagnosed over a year ago and they only found out through the blood tests. What you can try is anti-histamines or anti-allergy medications which you can get OTC. I find personally that adequate rest and anti-inflammatory foods help too. They aren't very keen on putting people on steroids in the UK as it's a drug with quite severe side effects. My rash left me marks that I dutifully applied scar oil on. They went away Hope this helps.
melissa85033 sweetamf
sweetamf melissa85033
Yep, I had the rash mostly on my legs. Got worse with alcohol. It later spread to my thighs and butt, and above my elbows. They found higher than normal IgA (some kind of immune cells) in my blood, which finally led to the diagnosis. I had blood and protein in my urine too. No pain for the rash though, so I'm not too sure about your painful hand. Perhaps try icing it? Sorry to hear the meds didn't help (they don't for me either but apparently it works for some people so I suggested that). Could you call your doctor back home for advice? The NHS can be terribly slow and uncaring at times.
melissa85033 sweetamf
melissa85033 sweetamf
KateFerenc melissa85033
I read all the forums and spoke several specialist from my country (Hungary) when my son been diagnagnosed with HSP. In Hungary they follow up for 2 years try to avoid any steroid because it helps with the rash but can effect the kidney. I spoke with a professor who is a head of the a Children Hospital and he sais my son must be in bed for at least 2 weeks. He cannot walk or play outside the bed. He can go the toilet and that is it. This is the only way how your body can recover. I never feel NHS is not good or careless but in our situation our doctor was pathetic. He sign out us from a hospital and told me I can send my son to school, this illness is not serious. If you read this forum you know this is it. Try to keep yourself in bed. Call off from work they have to approved your HSP discharge letter. Also test your urine. I hope you will get well soon.