HSV-2 only: Who else, and how often do you have outbreaks?

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Thought it would be good to have a discussion thread just for those with IgG/swab-confirmed HSV-2 (so not presumed cases).

For personal "research" purposes, lol, I'm also very interested to know:

1. How long you've had it.

2. How often do you have outbreaks.

3. Did you have a history of cold sores (even if only as a child) before you acquired HSV-2.

Other personal experiences regarding HSV-2 welcome. Cheers!

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    Hello FelisCatus and everyone here, just wanted to thank Felis for starting this thread and all of you guys for your wonderful sharing. I am 33 female, single, and just got my HSV2 diagnosed earlier on 4 days ago on Monday. It's been the hardest week ever in my life.. I sleep thinking about how my life would change especially sexual aspect of it, and when I wake up, the first thing is to remember how the virus lives in me and how I could infect someone else especially my loved one. I feel so so bad and I would tear to myself at the slightest thought of my condition .. Walking on the road, on the train, while working.. I could tear anytime. I felt like I was going into a depression so bad, putting a false happy front for all (I'm usually a very cheerful girl) but inside me, I know I'm going through the worst week ever in my life. I researched every single day all the facts and medical websites about HSV2 and read extensively. I wanted to know as much as possible so I had control and understanding over my situation. The more I knew, it felt better but at the same time I felt so bad too cos of how random and how easily I could spread to my BF. The thought of my sex life never ever going to be the same again crushed me totally.

    But until tonight when I suddenly decided to search for people alike with HSV2, instead of all the usual factual sites.. This forum and all of your sharing, esp Felis you are so inspirational and this forum uplifted me so much! Just almost instantly. I felt so comforted finally feeling I am not so alone and all of your positive sharings and perspectives gave me strength too. I finally feel like I can breathe again tonight and probably sleep with a smile after one v heavy week.

    smile and its not like I didn't try to think positively, but when alone it's really hard.. But when u read about how others also think the same way then it really lends so much strength and help. Thank you so much u all!

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      I would like to share my story too in case it helps anyone out there too. I have a long distance relationship with my BF and we are just about 6 months together. We met up for the first time a few months ago and had sex almost everyday for one week. At that time he experienced a burning feeling when peeing but he brushed it off (and didn't tell me too), and few months now, the burning feeling came back and also had white discharge. He shared it with me and we quickly discussed for him to see a doctor and get tested. He was diagnosed with gonorrhea,

      and then I said I would quickly get tested too in my home country. I was so worried I caused him the condition and I also wanted to get clearance to make sure I am fine too, because we are going to meet up again next week, and we both wanted to recover in time for our meeting. We chatted and always laughed about how devastating it would be if we couldn't have sex when we met.

      I did the comprehensive std screen for the first time in my life. I had perhaps twice kind of infections like chlamydia / yeast infection when I was younger, but never did such a comprehensive one with 10 different STI and STDs included. Waiting for the test results freaked me out totally because I was thinking of the worst possibilities since I have never done such a test before and had 3 BFs before this current BF. I shared how nervous I was with my BF and he was always very encouraging and loving. He said no matter what the result was, he would be there for me and would love me the same.

      The test result came back positive for HSv2. I felt so calm and fine with doc as she told me the result, it's condition and how common it was. But when I stepped out and broke the news to my BF, i teared up and cried immediately as I felt so sad for him. I felt like I was not good enough for him anymore and I felt our sex life could never be normal again. But he was still extremely encouraging on the other end, and he laughed it off, and says it's not a big deal, as long as it doesn't have lasting harmful effects to our health, it's not a big concern and even if he gets it from me he doesn't mind. I love him so much, and the more understanding he is, the sadder I feel. Though he has accepted me as I am so instantly, I was the one who couldn't accept myself, and I could not endure any thought of myself passing the virus to him. I keep thinking of different scenarios of how this would affect him later on, esp if we were not going to be together in the end since we live in different countries, I never want him to be facing this all alone. All these thoughts of thinking and rethinking how it would affect him if he got it, and how I could not have proper sex with him when we meet next week, really saddened me and sort of drove me into an internal depression. Can you imagine how both of us has been waiting for months to meet up, thinking all naughty thoughts of how we would spend our time together, and suddenly, I can't let him have oral sex on me anymore? Dental dams, what are all these things I am reading about! I just can't imagine anyone would still be in the mood for sex using dental dams or oral sex with a condom. I feel a kind of humiliation that now with this condition, we are to be reduced in our sex lives and the saddest part of it all is really to snatch the experience of sexual enjoyment away from your partner. He loves giving oral sex but now I won't let him cos I love him and don't want to put him at risk? I'm still sorting this part out as I have not told him how I truly feel, as I don't want to be such a burden over chat. I will share with him when we meet face to face next week and I'm sure I will be all in tears. I only told him so far, let's put away our previous expectations of my meet up and lets only expect that he would see me, that's for sure. But anything else, let's see first. He's been so sweet and he replied he only expects me, nothing more or less. I hope to update with how it would turn out next week. I really don't know.

      Life seems so sad and truly hsv2 is more of a physiological than a physical illness for me. I couldn't find strength to engage in proper conversations with friends or family as I find my mind drifting away to my own world of problems and negative possibilities. Until I came here! Suddenly I feel such a release somehow and I sincerely hope more sharing can help more people out there.

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      I digressed too much in my earlier posts, so here's the more factual based ones.

      I was diagnosed only 4 days ago and was shocked because I never saw any sores on my genitals ever. But after reading all the medical websites and trying to recall all my past years, I probably understand now and put together a few scenarios when I could have probably started having it. Still don't know whom I got it from though since my past BFs were really long ago, perhaps about 6-8 years ago I probably had a breakout my first time.

      1. I remember a period of time I felt v itchy at my vagina area (top surface area). I didnt suspect anything except that I thought I shaved and hence the hair growth process was causing the itch. I think I survived one week of it because I didn't see any doc or applied any medicine and life got back to normal.

      2. There was another time (another year) I was just sitting on the sofa one night, suddenly I felt itchy bites around my tummy area. I checked and looked and there were a line of bites around my tummy, and also a few bites nearby and another few bites towards my back. There were v itchy and I thought for the longest time they were bed bugs or some bugs which was in the sofa. I was prone to bug bites hence I thought it was it. I did online research and they also said usually bed bugs bite in one line, and they love around tummy area - so I was sure. But now upon looking back, I really don't think so now, that would mostly likely be a prodome of an outbreak. But that was a very painful experience because the bites didn't go for 2 weeks and I remembered seeing different skin specialists to help. Put ointments but nothing healed, and got worse. The pain got so bad i couldn't even touch the bite areas at all. Sometimes any slight movement of my body would cause great pain. And sometimes there would be a very sharp nerve Attack from those areas. It was a nightmare. But one day I recovered. It must have been somewhat like one month. I recovered, there are still some faint scars left on my tummy, getting lighter by the year.. But only past two days I think to myself those weren't bug bites at all. If we could have identified earlier, and took anti viral meds for faster recovery then we wouldn't have to suffer that much. But all is great now smile

      3. Other two occasions I had were just a little single pimple or a little skin lesion that recovered quickly in 2-3 days. Nothing big.

      4. I experienced another prodome at the most recent skin lesion, which was last month. I was walking towards train and suddenly I felt an extreme itchiness on both of my inner thighs, and a tingling Hot sensation. It was itching so so badly but I couldn't be scratching my inner thighs in public, so it was really hard for me. I got home and saw 5cm bug bites red lines on both of my thighs. I immediately concluded as bug bites out of nowhere again, and was really frustrated as I felt mini tiny bumps beneath the skin as I rolled my fingers over the "bites". They recovered in 4 days (I applied bites medicine and it helped to ease the itchiness).

      Now after reading up after I got my diagnosis. All these things became so much clearer to me. It seems I had gotten hsv2 for so Long probably nearly 10 years now, life was very normal and happy for me up to the point I got diagnosed. It really is our mind that decides what kind of life we get. A diagnosis shouldn't change who we are and how we had enjoyed our life so far. Wishing everyone all the best and Chin Up all!

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      Hey, thanks for sharing your story! You are very lucky if you have never had any obvious symptoms. It's hard to say if what you thought might have been symptoms in the past were actually herpes symptoms or not. How were you tested positive for HSV-2 (IgG?) and did your bf get tested for it as well? If by IgG, what was your index value? A high positive means you have had it for a few months to a while, but a low positive could mean it's still new or false, especially if you have pre-existing HSV-1 (anywhere, with or without symptoms).
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      For the comprehensive 10 sti and std tests, doc drew my blood, urine, and also had discharge scrapped from my vagina (cos at the same time I also did Pap smear test anyways). Hsv diagnosis was from igG blood test for antibodies and it came out >3.50.

      My BF had white discharge from the Gono infection, and doc took that discharge as well as urine tests to check. Doc say he was negative for hsv and I'm so glad it didn't get to him. It has been nearly 5 months since we last had sex so I should think he is safe. I hope so.

      Do you know from your reading or research if guys have it any easier during outbreaks? I'm just imagining the worst if it happens to him 🙈😣...

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      Guys mostly get it mild and many don't even know they have it, yet pass it on to women who get it both more easily and much worse. Like most other STDs. It sucks being a woman! Of course, some guys get it bad, too, but the majority do not. Your bf should test for IgG as well, as it doesn't sound like he did, only urine and penile discharge testing, which typically does not include HSV. Not sure what they did to say he's negative. Unfortunately, it does sound like you have it, though, but again, lucky you're symptom-free! Did you test pos/neg for gonorrhea?
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      Thank you so much FelisCatus for your sharing! It gives me a lot of relief to know majority of guys have it mild.. But yea I agree many may not know and that's how this hsv gets passed around to us unfortunately. I wish to think my previous BFs wouldn't have intentionally hid it from me if they had known really.

      Anyways yes I came out negative for Gono and Chlamydia, syphyllis, candida, yeast and HIV ... So it was only hsv.

      FelisCatus are u able to share what you know / what it means when they say hsv2 is linked to HIV? It means we are more prone to get HIV if we do come into contact with a person suffering from HIV? Would like to make this more clear so we know how to protect ourselves even better since more we are more exposed. Thanks so much.

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      Wow, you're lucky you didn't get gono! Regarding HIV, you are correct: gHSV-2 (but not gHSV-1) increases the risk of sexually acquiring HIV, *if* exposed to HIV. It has *nothing* to do with having lesions/broken skin, the risk applies to both men and women, and the HSV meds do nothing to reduce this particular risk. It is to do with how the body reacts to gHSV-2. To control outbreaks and guard against future ones, gHSV-2 folk produce CD4 cells to patrol the genital area, near the skin. However, HIV targets CD4 cells, and with these concentrated near the surface in gHSV-2 folk, it puts us at increased risk (2-4 times, with new/recent infections at the high end). Sex frequently results in microscopic tears in the skin, so the only way to protect yourself is to know your partner's HIV status and/or use condoms.
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      Ok that's terrifying... I presumed the risk for contracting HIV was mid breakout while you had lesions. Forgive my ignorance but am I right in saying HIV is ONLY passed via body fluids, so there would need to be body fluids passed onto the "boxer short area" where the HSV sheds from or is active as such for transmission to happen? So you basically don't let anyone ejaculate on you in that area either? (Sorry for the crudeness!)

      To ask something personal - I mean we are all talking about our private parts so personal enough already! 😂 If you were to find a partner would you ask them to have a full sti test to see their status before sleeping with them? I balk at the thought of doing that, not only would I have to tell them my horrid situation but also then insult them by asking them to do that! In Ireland people generally sleep with each other after a few dates, I personally wait a little longer but people don't wait for months or anything... So within weeks of meeting someone you've to tell them all about this and then ask them if they've possibly got HIV - what a conversation to have!

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      Yes, it is rather terrifying and I was disappointed when I read the studies explaining the increased risk, as I also initially thought it was due to having herpes lesions and thus broken skin. On the plus side (if there is one!), HIV is not nearly as common as herpes in the non-drug using, heterosexual community. Guess we need to just pick our future partners more carefully!

      Yes, HIV is via blood and sexual fluids, so condoms should protect. Regular boxer shorts area skin without lesions and which is not otherwise compromised should be okay, but mucosal skin with or without lesions is not, even without herpes (during sex, such skin is more likely to incur microscopic tears). Condoms are the way to go in that case, whether you ask about one's HIV status or not (which is a fair enough question to ask, imo, if nothing else).

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      P.S. I should clarify. Having herpes lesions (Type 1 or 2) does increase the risk due to broken skin, but for those with Type 2 the increased risk is still there without lesions, which sucks.
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      Thanks so much FelisCatus. This info is so good to know. So educational and informative in such a comprehensive way. What do u do for a profession actually, are u a doctor? U seem to digest all these medical info and studies Super well! Claps!

      Anyways after what u said I think it's Super important to ensure the partner really knows for sure they have checked and gotten clearance for HIV. Cos we really wouldn't know if he has an ulcer in mouth or if we have in mouth and then we could get it via just kissing cos its passing of bodily fluids? So eventhough its not at genital area, but we could pick it up that way? 😳 Sorry for ignorance, but does it count that way? Sorry I sound so paranoid, don't want to over scare ourselves, but I just needed clarification too. I think we need to protect ourselves much better. I think prior to my diagnosis of hsv2, I just have not been exposed to enough education on stds totally, no one ever told me there were so many other kinds of risks that could be so prevalent, apart from HIV which sounds not so common.... Thanks Felis and all. 🙏🏼❤️

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      Yea Louise totally! I had 3 bfs before, and really.. I don't think anyone would even usually check with new partner whether they are std free before sleeping with them 😖😩... I always thought as long as I know you aren't the promiscuous sort, decent person in general, and that we are going into a serious relationship, I wouldn't even start to think whether the person has any std... 🙈. But now after diagnosis of hsv2.. I just realized how important it is to actually really know... 😰 so I guess in future, I'll always make sure there's enough heart to heart communication already and then break the news of hsv2 to the person. If the person cares and wants to carry on a serious relationship, then I'm don't see why he/she would mind to take a std clearance test just for peace of mind for both of ourselves. I guess with hsv2 it just means no more casual sex (not like I'm saying we all had casual sex), but more like we can only have sex with serious and responsible partners. 🙏🏼❤️ Which is sweet when we eventually do have it I guess 😊😁
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      Thanks! smile I am from the publishing field, but I guess it's more the fact that I'm a keen researcher and sponge when a particular subject matter interests me for whatever reason, good or (in this case) bad, lol. Saliva is not likely to transmit HIV on its own unless it contains blood.
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      Awww that's nice, being in publishing certainly adds to the credibility actually haha. And it's really wonderful u are such a great helpful soul to the rest of us out here who needs support, help and advice. Thank you so much again ❤️👯

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