HSV-2 only: Who else, and how often do you have outbreaks?

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Thought it would be good to have a discussion thread just for those with IgG/swab-confirmed HSV-2 (so not presumed cases).

For personal "research" purposes, lol, I'm also very interested to know:

1. How long you've had it.

2. How often do you have outbreaks.

3. Did you have a history of cold sores (even if only as a child) before you acquired HSV-2.

Other personal experiences regarding HSV-2 welcome. Cheers!

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    Hello, may I ask a question. I had a break out 10 days ago, typical GH symptoms: sores, pain urinating, towards the end of my break out some nerve sensation on my legs. I went to see my OB on day 3 and she thinks that they look like GH and got some samplefrom the sores for testing. I have been married for 8 years and never had a moment of unfaithfulness to my husband. However I knew he was hiring prositute last year, that explains how I got it. He has no symptoms so he didn't know. Anyway what shocks me was the test result came back yesterday and surprisingly all negative! I had the IGm and IGg. The result reads HSV 1&2 IGG type specific <0.90. IGm screen just says negative. Could the test result be wrong? I was sure I had herpes because of the symptoms, now I am just all confused. If anyone knows anything, please suggest! Appreciate your help!

    • Posted

      The IgM test is unreliable, so disregard and avoid in future, whilst the IgG test is only good after sericonversion, which can take a couple or more months following infection. If this is a brand new infection for you, you'd expect your IgG test to be negative. Your swab test result is what you need to pay attention to.

  • Posted

    Hi, Has anyone experienced internal lesions only? I've had symptoms of burning and terrible groin pain since August 10th. I have not had any external blisters though. Misdiagnosed back and forth with bladder and yeast infections has been frustrating. I finally insisted on the blood test. I tested positive for HSV 2 with Igg level of 12.9. Also my Gyno saw a small cut/lesion on the inside of my vagina. I'm waiting on results. I had unprotected sex and fell ill 5 days after in the beginning of August. I thought that is when I got it but such a high Igg level makes me believe it could have been an older exposure. I've started Valtrex and pray for relief soon! Has anyone experienced anything similar? 

    • Posted

      I suppose it's possible to have only internal lesions. Did not happen to me, however, as I developed 3-4 lesions externally. When were you tested for IgG? If at 3 months, it's not impossible to have such a high index value. I tested by a different kit at 4 months and was practically off the charts! Definitely negative at the time of initial infection, though, as I tested then, too. So, it could be from your encounter in early August, but an outbreak shouldn't last for three months straight. Have you been free of pain any time in between?

    • Posted

      I tested 5 weeks after encounter. It seems like I have only been pain free here and there a few days in between. Even my gyno said it was strange to have it so sporadic and for so long.  She's not sure why my immune system hasn't kicked in to fight it off. Other then sinus issues I'm very healthy. I have quit drinking and am eating better which I hope helps. I've yet to quit caffeine but have cut down. Baby steps right!? Thanks for your help. 

    • Posted

      If you tested that high at only 5 weeks, then that would seem to indicate an older infection. Perhaps what's been bothering you since early August is something else, not herpes. You said your gyno is testing the internal cut she observed, so that's good. Did she do any other vaginal swab tests, not just for herpes?

    • Posted

      Yes she tested for BV and yeast. Both negative.  She swabbed for HSV when there were no lesions and of course came back negative. If this isn't herpes I'm totally stumped. I'm anxious for new swab test to come back as she saw the cut last Tuesday. I'm still having burning where it is inside of me even after day 4 of Valtrex. Do you think that's normal? I have been on my period so maybe it's preventing it from healing. 

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply! Yes that make sense. I made my husband get tested and still waiting for the result. Meanwhile I wonder if you heard anyone has vaginal cramps related to herpes? It was my first outbreak and the lesion were gone In 7 days. although the whole area still recovery, I feel much better expect two things: nerve tingling on my lower body and mild vaginal(uterus maybe?)cramps. The cramps are very very mild, it's like a shooting pain, comes on for one second then disappear, and comes back. The cramps started after my lesions were gone, and have been on and off for 4 days now. I am just wondering if this is a common post herpes symptom or I might have other issues that I am not have been tested yet. Please share your thoughts, many thanks!

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    I've had it for 4 years and bairley get any outbreaks, I didn't have any history as far as cold sores.

  • Posted

    Exposure vs. infected .... is there really a difference?

    Had an std testing back in June and was told that I was "exposed" to HSV 2 and negative type 1.

    Igg testing was performed and my range came back as 2.32 which I was told is a low positive

    Within these months of reading on HSV... I read the word exposed and infected. Is there such a difference between the two ?

    • Posted

      No, there is no difference, I'm afraid, and clinics should really stop saying "exposed". If you carry the antibodies, you have been infected and are a carrier, otherwise you wouldn't have developed any antibodies. However, if you are a low positive and have never had symptoms, you may wish to seek further confirmation via the University of Washington western blot test. There's a chance it could be false, although usually in cases of pre-existing HSV1, which you don't appear to have. Still worth considering if you've never had an outbreak. Pricey, though.

  • Posted

    1. March last year

    2. Had them nearly every month with every 3rd or 4th month of up to Sept this year. Now I take pills daily to help with the out breaks.

    3. No

    Thanks for sharing everone and I know this sucks but I'm glad I'm not alone in this.

  • Posted

    I've had it for about 7 months now, blood test confirmed. I've only had one outbreak which was my initial, I hope to never again because it was more pain than I've ever experienced. On top of my outbreak I had a yeast infection so it was a double whammy. No history of cold sores. The guy who gave it to me didn't know so having to tell him was an awful experience.

  • Posted

    Hi everyone.

    1. 2 weeks (very recently diagnosed)

    2. Just my first ob which was the most painful horrific experience of my whole life, and lasted an extremely long 13 days which about 10 I couldn't even get out of bed unless it was to use the restroom. 😩

    3. Never had a cold sore. I believe I have hsv2 because it was a genital ob but the lab my dr sent the sample to r idiots and didnt test for 1 or 2 specifically they just said the herpes virus is present. Unbelievable. Now there saying I have to go back and get retested lol

    4. Antivirals I don't have that much experience other than my first which was during this initial one and it was acyclovir it took about 3-4 days to work. My dr prescribed me 800mg 5 times a day.

    So now I have a question everyone's input would be much appreciated. My boyfriend obviously is the one who gave it to me but he has never had an ob or any symptoms for that matter. Is it possible he could have hsv1 and gave me oral which is how I got it genitally? Or would he have to have hsv2 and give it to me thru regular sex? We have no clue where this came from and he has yet to be tested (were going after the weekend) my dr told me VB whoever I had sex with within the last few weeks before my ob is the one who gave it to me. But now I'm concerned I've been doing a lot of reading since diagnosed and I heard you can have I for a long time w no break out. So what if I'm the only one who has it, I don't want to give it to him. Uggghhh this is hard to accept considering I've always been very careful and had a minimal amount of partners. My bf also smokes weed and says him and his friend were smoking one day and his friend brought to his attention there other friend they were smoking with had something on his lip that looked like heroes is it possible t ha ts how he contracted it and gave it to me by performing oral on me? This is very confusing. 🤔

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    Hello, are you still available? I know it's been months since anyone has posted.

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