HSV symptoms and 2 negative IGG tests over 8 months. Need advice!

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A little over 8 months ago I had mostly protected sex twice with a guy over a wknd. The first 10 minutes or so was unprotected both times, as well as unprotected oral sex. Within a few days I noticed a slight burning sensation vaginally and within a week I had flu like symptoms. The burning got worse and for a week felt like it was on fire.. My mouth and face had the same feeling for a few days. I noticed a small cut/ ulcer on my lip. Went to the dr. and she insisted it was not herpes. She tested for basic stds and advised it was a bacterial infection.. ureaplasma. Gave me medicine and the burning temporarily went away for maybe a week or two. During the first few months post exposure I've experienced the constant burning, extreme lower backaches on and off, knee pain and burning eyes. My left eye felt like there was something constantly in it and sometimes blurry vision. That lasted about a month. At 4 mos. I went and did the IGG test knowing it would be positive for hsv 2. It wasn't: hsv 1: .2, hsv 2: .17. For the past few months I've just had the constant light burning sensation vaginally. About 2 months ago I broke out in itchy hives around my waist band and bra line, as well as the inner upper thighs.. Close to the vagina. The hives disappeared within hours of appearing so I assumed it was from tight clothing although I've never experienced that before. About a month or so ago, I noticed a pimple which a white head on the top of my vagina, which I popped and white pus came out. It disappeared after being popped. Shortly after, I've had 2-3 itchy burny bumps on my inner right thigh. They appeared a week within each other, not all at the same time. Only one became a pimple in which I popped and again, white pus. A few days ago I noticed a stinging feeling on my labia and noticed a tiny bump. Yesterday I squeezed it, and again, white not watery pus came out. 2 days ago, which would be a little after 8 months post exposure I had another IGG test done. Knew it'd be positive this time as I've read it can take up to 6 months for some ppl to develop antibodies. Negative again. HSV 1: .26 and hsv 2: .11. I feel almost certain I have hsv but why am I still getting negative results?? I've read that in some ppl it can take over a year and others never build the antibodies. Why is that? And if it's not hsv wth could it be??

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48 Replies

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    Hi Hope6428! Your symptoms sound a lot like mine.  I've been suspecting HSV-2 infection also, but I have tested negative for HSV-2 Igg at 4, 7, and 11 weeks post exposure.  I've had severe fatigue, brain fog, lower back(tailbone) pain/buzzing feeling, but no classic outbreaks.  I've also had a few pimple looking things on my legs and butt at different spots that itched a lot.  I had the doctor swab the pimple looking things, but it came back negative and the doctor said that there wasn't really enough to swab.  Besides those symptoms I've had sever headaches and a couple other things that looked more like lesions on my feet, inside my mouth, and one on my hand.  Which led me to thinking to could have been hand foot mouth disease (HFMD), but I'm not sure if that can be tested for.  Those HFMD symptoms could be from an unrelated co-infection though.

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    Hope6428, I forgot to ask, did you figure out what was causing your symptoms? 
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    I know this is a late reply, but I have had a very similar experience to you. I had my first primary outbreak over two years ago. When I realised the symptoms were not just thrush I took an online test (swab of vagina) and it came back positive for hsv2. Since then I have pursued treatment through my GP, but like you I believe I have out breaks all over my body - oral lesions constantly, skin crawling and rashes around eyes, midriff. , thighs, legs - chickenpox like spots on buttocks, legs- you name it I've had an outbreak somewhere. Unfortunately, this is so atypical of hsv2 and would go against the grain of calling it a sexually transmitted disease (shock horror) that the medical profession don't believe I have it. This is not helped by the fact that I have been referred to immunology at a large hospital and have had two igg tests a year and 18 months after first outbreak and they came back negative. Why would I be upset if there is no evidence of me having herpes? Surely that is something to celebrate? However I believe my son (aged10) has it and possibly my daughter. With no tested evidence and with the stigma attached to herpes and the tunnel vision of the medical profession to not see hsv2 is an infectious skin condition, which is easily transmitted via sexual contact, sure, I've decided ignorance is better. Also I really might not have it and my symptoms could be a heck of a lot of cheek biting, foliculitis, blepharitis, eczema, vb, bad headache's etc. The clever thing about hsv2 is that it's presentation looks like so many other innocuous skin issues and then it clears up. I'm going to stop worrying about it and keep my fingers crossed for my children. I have spent 6 months trying to get a diagnosis. Remember most people who have hsv2 don't know they have it! IT IS THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM!

    • Posted

      You said you did an online swab test - like through a private company? Many (MANY) of those are fraudulent and just take your money and give you a random result without testing. Did you consider that the results could have been fake? 

      Have you looked into shingles/chicken pox? That would make more sense if your kids got it from you. 

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    Hi there. Did you ever find out?

    You can go the site honeycomb.click to share your story hand get more info.

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    My IgG is 0.56 and Omg is 0.78 after 9 months of safe intercourse I am still worried that it may herpes. Red spots appears on my penis for 12 to 14 hrs once in a week. Please reply..Please.
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    Hope, did you ever find out what your antibody status is now a year later? Did you ever get a new PCR test done?
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    Doesn’t sound like herpes. Try researching Candida, which is yeast. When i went on a Candida cleanse and changed my diet for life meaning cutting out wheat sugar vinegars high starch vegetables processed foods etc etc my vaginal discharge became clearer and my skin became softer and brighter and my vagina wasn’t irritated all the time. I am having my first hsv outbreak and let me tell you if you try popping these things white doesn’t come out like a pimple.... it becomes red and bleeds clear and has a huge hole because it stems from the nerve and if u pick it becomes black in color, never ever ever pick! Just change your diet and be thankful you don’t have herpes

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      Did you ever get tested for HSV1&2? Candida is not medically recognized as a real illness at this point.

  • Posted

    Hey Hope. I’ve had HSV 2 for the last 6 years. My ex gave it to me, whether she knew about it or not is uncertain after being in a 2 year relationship. I got my first symptom about a year after we broke up. Got the typical herpes symptoms, tingling down my leg/buttocks, skin sensitivity and more aggressive outbreaks when I spend a lot of time in the sun. Thankfully my first outbreak wasn’t bad. I went to the doctor 3 weeks later and got bloods done to test for HSV 2, came back negative. I roughly get an outbreak a month, however the blisters all occur on my lower back (sacrial herpes). Long story short is that I have had several bloods taken and urine samples (HSV 2 can be detected in urine) and all came back negative for HSV 2. I have the symptoms Of HSV 2 and even the blisters to prove it yet the bloods say I don’t have it?! Hopefully this can put some people’s mind to ease. There is a terrible stigma around it considering so many people have it. Honestly I think it’s best to know and precautions can be implemted accordingly.  Hope this helps
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      Did you ever get PCR test done on the blisters so you know you have HSV2?
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      Hi Jason. The reason how I know that it is HSV 2 is I went for a post 6 month HSV 2 test after I got my first symptoms and the doctor visually inspected the blister and said it was herpes plus blood confirmed it it. Not too sure what test was done. However I’ve been going for annual STD checks and the HSV 2 is part of the tests. They all come back negative including the HSV 2. So my questions is why did my bloods come back positive the first time but when I got back year after year they ALWAYS come back negative. I have had both IgM and AB tests done for HSV 2.
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      Question?: you keep saying you know its hsv 2 but tests are neg. How do you know its not hsv1? Hsv 1 is only 80 to 90% accurate for negative . Hsv2 is 98% . So id say its more likely false negative for hsv1 genital. Western Blot is 99% accurate for both 1 and 2. Not easily done outside of USA . must be sent to Univ. of Washington virology. .please explain why not hsv1 ? thanks

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      i have had both HSV 1 & 2 tests done, both came back negative. reason why i think its HSV 2 is beacuse of the location, yes i know you can get HSV 1 genital but my blisters are get are located at the bottom of my back, almost near the belt line. this is a VERY uncommon place for blisters to form which makes me think that its HSV 2.

  • Posted

    Wow, that is very similar to me except my symptoms have been much worse. Blurry vision, very bad headaches, tingling hands and feet, tinnitus, constipation, burning penis to rectum, sores on tongue, what appears to be recurring balantitis, dizziness, etc.

    This was all from my penis being very briefly, yet firmly, grasped (urethra was touched) by a hand that was in their own genitals just before.

    My doctor said it was very unlikely  for anything to transfer and it was all in my mind (which i find insulting as I know my own body).

    My only guesses as to what this could have be due to the nature of contact is herpes as the symptoms line up or possibly Syphilis or a bacterial infection.

    Full STD panels (including hsv IGM/IGG)  all came up clean several times up to 8 weeks.

    Several Doctors (including infectious disease specialist)  have told me it cannot be herpes but then they don’t know what it could be. 

    I would gladly take a case of chlamydia, ghonerrea over this insanity. The not “officially” knowing then then knowing. O my heart it is herpes is almost too much.

    I was tested for ureaplasma and mycoplasma but only at 2-3 post exposure so it may have been too soon.

    But I also had flu like symptoms for the first ~3 weeks or so.

    • Posted

      I'm in a similar situation. I've tested up to 13 weeks and it's negative for hsv2 but positive for hsv1. I have tingling all over and recently feeling a crawling sensation in the groin area, but pains, back leg muscle pain, lower back pain, occasional vaginal pain, no burning during urination but sensitive clitorus. I've never had bumps blisters or sores.

      I've been to 6 different doctors and all said I don't have hsv2 and it's all in my head. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.

    • Posted

      Hey Shan, this could be tricky as either you have HSV 2 which the tests have come back negative for (same situation that I’m in) or you have HSV 1 which is effecting your groin and back of legs. Remember that HSV 1 isn’t restricted to the upper body. It can easily affect the Lower part of your body as well. 

      This however does sound like the latter as you have tested positive for HSV 1. Also HSV 1 doesn’t USUALLY produce blister if it affects the lower half of the body, which once again you mentioned. I think you can also be very grateful that you haven’t had an outbreak of blisters as these can be incredible painful. best thing to do going forward to talk to your doctor about going on acyclovir as this is the treatment used for symptoms of both HSV 1 & 2. Hope this helps

    • Posted

      Thank you for responding. I am very grateful for not having an outbreak but I feel it's jus a matter of time before I do. The crawling sensation is jus crazy. Today I notice the back of my leg is sensitive to touch. I'm really depressed thinking I'll have this forever.........

    • Posted

      The back of my legs and lower back usually start tingeling when I get an outbreak. As mentioned earlier try and get acyclovir as this helps lessen the symptoms and pain of an outbreak.  In 2015 a study found that 2/3 of the worlds population has HSV 1. Don’t feel ashamed of it, many people have it. How long have you had this tingeling feeling for?
    • Posted

      Hi Shan. That does seem a bit strange though. My tingeling usually come about 1-2 days before the outbreak/blisters start to appear and then they disappear. Herpes effect your nerves and hence the tingeling sensation you get. Do you not have something like a pinched nerve??
    • Posted

      Hey Shan, I am no doctor but from what you are telling me it could possibly be. Remember only 20% of HSV patients actually have symptoms. Out of this 20% not all of them develop blisters, some could get the tingeling whilst others could get th sensitive skin.  

      What I’m trying to get to is that HSV patients often go their whole life with the virus and not show any symptoms. Your body on the other hand might deal with an Outbreak that may not fit th stereotypical herpes “profile”. So yes there could be a chance that you MIGHT have atypical herpes. 

    • Posted

       I’ve had all the same symptoms that you have and tested negative IgG at 13 weeks doctors trying to tell me  it’s in my head and anxiety but I don’t see how it could be, let us know what you find out, thanks 
    • Posted

      ive had all the burning tingling crawling numbness itchy stinging everyday for 13 months.. IGG tests done at 10 weeks 15 weeks and 30 weeks . First and third tests were IGG 1 and 2 combo non type as that test is free in Ontario. middle test at 15 weeks was Immunublot IGG type specific. Terri Warren says IGG for HSV1 misses 10 to 20 % of positives .so 20 percent false negative and it may always be that way for certain people. Western Blot 1 and 2 is over 99 percent accurate. .But yes tingling burning itchy crawling every day for 370 days in a row. Dr will not prescribe meds as tests are neg.

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